PROFILE: How Italy’s Draghi went from ‘Super Mario’ to fallen prime minister

Mario Draghi, credited with helping save the eurozone as head of the European Central Bank, presided over a remarkable period of unity as Italy's premier before falling foul of its notoriously unstable political system.

Italy's outgoing Prime Minister Mario Draghi holds a press conference at a European Union leaders summit in Brussels on June 24, 2022.
Italy's outgoing Prime Minister Mario Draghi holds a press conference at a European Union leaders summit in Brussels on June 24, 2022. Photo by JOHN THYS / AFP.

The star economist was never directly elected but won the backing of almost all political parties when he took office in February 2021 and raised Italy’s profile on the international stage as a respected leader in the European Union and G7.

He was tasked with handling the coronavirus pandemic and the aftermath of recession, as well as overseeing plans to use an unprecedented EU recovery fund worth billions of euros to boost growth in the country.

TIMELINE: What happens next in Italy’s government crisis?

Enjoying soaring personal popularity and the trust of Brussels and the financial markets, Draghi was seen as the best choice to revive a stagnant economy, plagued by structural inefficiencies and a punishing bureaucracy, by ushering in structural reforms long delayed by infighting and inertia.

But with elections scheduled for next year, the parties in his coalition grew increasingly restive and Draghi’s stern warnings to stop political games went unheeded.

Three parties in his coalition on Wednesday refused to participate in a confidence vote, pulling the plug on the government.

Draghi handed in his resignation to Italy’s President Sergio Mattarella Thursday morning.

Italy's outgoing Prime Minister Mario Draghi after addressing the Senate on July 20th in a last attempt to resolve the government crisis.
Italy’s outgoing Prime Minister Mario Draghi after addressing the Senate on July 20th in a last attempt to resolve the government crisis. Photo by Andreas SOLARO / AFP

Basketball and banking

Born in Rome on September 3, 1947 in a well-off family, Draghi lost both parents in his mid-teens, leaving him to care for two younger siblings.

As a young man he was never a rebel, even if he sympathised with the 1968 protest movement. “My hair was quite long, but not very long,” he told German magazine Die Zeit in 2015.

Draghi was educated in a Jesuit-run elite high school where he excelled in maths, Latin and basketball, and shared lessons with the likes of former Ferrari boss Luca Cordero di Montezemolo.

Draghi, who is married with two children, remains a practising Catholic.

In 1970, Draghi graduated in economics, with a thesis that argued the single currency “was a folly, something that should absolutely not be done” – a view that later evolved, as he became one of the euro’s strongest supporters.

He earned a PhD from the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States, and taught economics in several Italian universities.

After spending six years at the World Bank from 1984 to 1990, he led the treasury department at the Italian economy ministry for a decade, working under nine separate governments.

From that position, Draghi masterminded large-scale privatisations and contributed to deficit-cutting efforts that helped Italy qualify for the euro.

Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi speaks during a ministerial meeting at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) at the OECD headquarters in Paris on June 9, 2022.
Draghi speaks during a ministerial meeting at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) at the OECD headquarters in Paris on June 9, 2022. Photo by STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP.

No ‘lame compromises’

In 2002, Draghi joined the management of Goldman Sachs, before being tapped three years later to lead the Bank of Italy after a scandal involving its former head, Antonio Fazio.

He was named to head the European Central Bank (ECB) in November 2011 when a near-bankruptcy situation in Italy risked triggering the collapse of the entire eurozone.

A year later, Draghi changed history by pledging to do “whatever it takes to preserve the euro”, adding: “And believe me, it will be enough.”

He was credited with helping save the single currency. However, that rescue came only with help from hefty cash injections and historic low interest rates – earning him the ire of conservatives, especially in Germany.

People who saw “Super Mario” at work at the ECB say he was a skilful negotiator with sharp political antennas, and ready to play “bad cop” to sway decisions in his favour, a former aide told AFP.

Draghi is someone who does not accept “lame compromises” for the sake of maintaining consensus, the aide said.

After leaving the ECB in 2019, Draghi laid low and spent most of Italy’s coronavirus lockdown period in his country house in central Umbria.

He was called in to lead Italy by President Sergio Mattarella, after the previous government of Giuseppe Conte collapsed into in-fighting in January 2021.

He had been tipped to succeed Mattarella during presidential elections in parliament earlier this year, but in the end Mattarella was called back for a second term after lawmakers failed to agree on anyone else.

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Italy scraps abuse of office crime as opposition cries foul

Italy's magistrates and opposition parties denounced the repeal of the crime of abuse of office on Thursday, calling it a gift to the mafia and corrupt officials.

Italy scraps abuse of office crime as opposition cries foul

The decriminalisation measure was part of a package of justice reforms that passed the Chamber of Deputies by 199 votes to 102 on Wednesday.

The reform was spearheaded by Forza Italia, the party founded by former premier Silvio Berlusconi – whose long political career was marked by endless legal cases and accusations of cronyism and corruption.

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Promoters of the reform argued that the law deterred public officials from making decisions involving tenders out of fear of being accused of abuse of office.

They also pointed to the fact that 80 percent of legal proceedings involving the crime were dismissed, and innocent officials disgraced.

The Italian legal code will retain anti-corruption laws linked to public contracts, though more restrictively worded.

“Illicit behaviour will continue to be prosecuted – there are still instruments in the penal code,” said Mariastella Gelmini, a former minister under Berlusconi who is now in a small centrist party.

READ ALSO: Rome in push to decriminalise abuse of office despite corruption fears

Also voting for the reform was the far-right Brothers of Italy and League parties, headed by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini respectively.

Three centrist parties also voted for the reform.

The Democratic Party, the Five Star Movement and the Greens and Left Alliance voted against it, holding up posters in parliament on Wednesday reading “Impunity for white-collar workers, shame on you!”

The respected former anti-mafia prosecutor Federico Cafiero De Raho told the Corriere della Sera daily on Wednesday that citizens reporting public corruption “will no longer be protected by the law”.

“The citizen who must report the violation of the rules of a tender, or the bypassing of a hospital’s waiting lists or the illegal concession given to a neighbour to build where he couldn’t, will no longer have criminal protection,” he said.

He said that while serving as a prosecutor in Calabria – a poor southern region whose powerful ‘Ndrangheta mafia is notorious for infiltrating public institutions and rigging tenders – “the mayors told us that thanks to the abuse of office [crime], they could say no to the ‘Ndrangheta’.”

“They said they couldn’t break the rules or they would be convicted.”