Readers reveal: What are the worst foods in France?

France is widely acknowledged as having great cuisine - but from despised offal to gut-churning molluscs, dubious meats to disappointing pastries, there are a few French specialities that foreigners just can't stomach. We asked our readers for their least favourite French foods.

Readers reveal: What are the worst foods in France?
Which French delicacy can you really not stomach? Photo by GEORGES GOBET / AFP

Let’s be clear from the start that most French food is fantastic. The country has a proud tradition of gastronomy and exceptional fresh, local produce is on sale at most local markets, making cooking a joy.

We love to celebrate French cuisine in our food and drink section HERE.


But there are some classic French dishes that are just a step too far for many foreigners.

We asked our readers to tell us which French dishes they simply cannot stomach, and why.

Hundreds of people nominated their most disliked food in our 2022 poll, and we then put the shortlist to a public vote.

The item voted worst French food of all was – andouillette.

Of those who nominated andouillette as their least favourite, the most common reason was the taste, followed by the smell, while some others said they just couldn’t get past the idea.

So what is andouillette? It’s basically a type of sausage, and you’ll often see it for sale at food stalls at Christmas markets or sports grounds.

But it’s the method of preparation that puts many people off – the pork used to make the sausage comes from the large intestine of the pig – the bowel in other words – and this gives andouillette what is politely described as its “strong, distinctive odour”. Basically it smells of shit.

Andouillette fans say if you get past the smell, the sausage itself is delicious. Others disagree, while some question why on earth you would want to eat something that smells like that. 

It’s good for a pithy political quote though, former French prime minister Edouard Herriot said: “La politique, c’est comme l’andouillette, ça doit sentir un peu la merde, mais pas trop” – Politics is like andouillette, it should smell a little of shit, but not too much.

Second worst was tête de veau – calf’s head, which is pretty much as it sounds, the slow-cooked head of a cute little baby cow. This is sometimes served whole but other times boned and rolled. Plenty of readers were not keen on the taste while others say the idea is just too gross.

In third position was foie gras – made from the livers of artificially fattened geese. While many readers simply don’t like the taste, others declined to eat it on moral grounds – the production of it involves force-feeding the geese in a process that many believe is extremely cruel. Foie gras is banned in many countries on animal welfare grounds.

And in fourth place came the French classic dish of snails. Perhaps not as common in France as foreigners believe, snails are still served in many French bistros. Despite their generous coating of garlic butter, many readers could not bring themselves to eat them. 

READ ALSO Do the French really eat frogs, snails and horses?

We also asked readers what they believed the most over-rated French dish was, and here the nominations were more varied, with some people opting for a dish they simply believe is not all it’s cracked up to be, while others suggested a dish that should be good, but is often poorly prepared. 

While many people nominated foie gras as simply the worst food, others nominated it as over-rated – the fatty liver (somehow it sounds better in French) is expensive (most due to its labour-intensive production) and is therefore often served as a ‘treat’ on special occasions in France, particularly at Christmas and New Year.

In second place was the ‘royal tart’ Galette des rois. This is the cake traditionally eaten on the Christian festival of epiphany (January 6th) and it has a lot of fun rituals – crown-wearing, sitting under the table, finding the lucky bean – that makes it popular with French families.

But the cake itself? It’s perhaps best described as simple, a flaky pastry case filled with frangipane or in some areas puréed apple. It’s not that it’s unpleasant but in a country rightly famed for it’s pâtisserie, there are better options out there. 

The traditional January 6th cake Galette de rois. Photo: Kenzo Tribouillard / AFP)

Steak-frites is a French bistro classic and done well it’s simple food at its best – a good cut of meat, simply cooked, freshly made French fries and usually either green beans or salad on the side.

But because it is so ubiquitous it’s often done badly in places that don’t really care for their meat – the most common complaints from readers were tough steak, limp frites or a chef who simply hadn’t listened to the cooking instructions.

Boeuf bourguignon is one of the simplest French dishes – beef, veg, stock and wine all thrown together in a pot and cooked slowly. 

Basically it’s a beef stew and since a lot of other European countries have their own version of this dish, many felt that boeuf bourguignon was simply over-hyped for what is a tasty but basic dish.

There were also several nominations for ‘vegetarian food’, as many people pointed out that it can be tough to be a veggie in France, especially outside of the big cities. 

‘Call the restaurant’ – your tips for being vegetarian or vegan in France

Member comments

  1. It would be interesting to see the results of this poll by country of origin of the responder. I suspect the results would show clear signs of cultural influence.

  2. Being a big farmer I can vouch for the inaccuracy of your statement
    “Smells like Shit”
    Rather a ripe gamey smell

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Italy to overtake France as world’s largest wine producer

Italy is due to regain its spot as the world's largest wine producer in 2024 as France's vineyards are hit by unfavourable weather, according to figures from each country's agricultural authorities.

Italy to overtake France as world's largest wine producer

After a disastrous 2023 harvest, Italy’s production will recover eight percent to between 41 million and 42 million hectolitres, the country’s main agricultural association Coldiretti said on Wednesday.

The French agriculture ministry had estimated earlier this month that French production will fall 18 percent to 39.3 million hectolitres.

Coldiretti noted that this year’s output in Italy still remains well under the average of recent years, as different parts of the country cope with either heavy rains or drought.

Since 2007, Italy has been the world’s top producer each year apart from 2011, 2014 and 2023, when it was pipped by France, according to the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV).

Coldiretti said Italy is “divided in two” with the north hit by “intense rain and hail in spring and early summer”, while large parts of the south and Sicily have faced drought.

Heat and lack of rain led to particularly early harvests in some parts of the country.

In France, the steepest fall is expected in the eastern Jura mountain range where frosts and mildew are expected to result in a 71 percent drop in output.

In terms of volume, the biggest drop will be in the western Charente region where production will fall 35 percent.

Output is expected to fall by 30 percent in the Loire Valley and by a quarter in the Burgundy-Beaujolais area, which was hit by severe hail.