Online campaign raises money for Freya walrus statue in Norway

An online campaign has raised over $20,000 to build a statue in Norway for Freya, a beloved walrus that was euthanised by officials at the weekend.

Pictured is a stock photo of a walrus.
An online campaign is raising funds to build a statue to honour Freya, a walrus euthanised by officials. Pictured is a stock photo of a walrus. Photo by Romy Vreeswijk on Unsplash

The walrus gained global attention after she was spotted basking in the Oslo fjord, attracting large crowds keen to spot the 600-kilogram
(1,300-pound) marine mammal.

She was put down on Sunday after officials said she was showing signs of stress and feared she was a threat to the public, who did not keep their distance as requested.

On Wednesday, an online campaign had so far raised 210,000 Norwegian krone ($21,600) to build a statue in the young walrus’s honour.

The campaign’s organiser said the statue should serve as a reminder for future generations to protect animals.

“The culling of Freya sends the extremely negative message that Norway, and in particular Oslo, is not able to make room for wild animals,” Erik Holm said on the fundraising website

“By erecting a statue of the symbol that Freya has become in such a short time, we will remind ourselves (and generations to come) that we cannot and should not kill or erase nature when it is in our path.”

Freya, estimated to be around five years old, had already been sighted in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden and chose to spend part of the summer in Norway.

She had made headlines since July 17 when she was first spotted in the waters of the Norwegian capital.

The walrus is a protected species that normally lives in the even more northerly latitudes of the Arctic.

Between long naps in the sun — a walrus can sleep up to 20 hours a day — Freya had been filmed chasing a duck, attacking a swan and dozing on boats struggling to support her bulk.

Despite repeated appeals, curious onlookers continued to approach the mammal, sometimes with children in tow, to take photographs.

Walruses do not normally behave aggressively towards humans, but they can feel threatened by intruders and attack.

Critics said the decision to put the animal down was rushed and did not take her well-being into account.

Officials said sedating Freya and moving her to a less populated area would be too complex an operation.

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Arrest made after shooting outside school in Oslo

One suspect was arrested by police in Oslo on Wednesday afternoon after shots were fired outside a school in the east of Norway's capital as pupils and teachers were inside.

Arrest made after shooting outside school in Oslo

The shooting occurred at the Linderud School in the Grorud area of east Oslo, which is both a primary (barneskole) and secondary school (ungdomsskole) with around 480 pupils and 100 staff.

Pupils and staff were on site at the time and were kept in the school whilst police carried out their investigations.

They were allowed to leave the building just after 5pm, public broadcaster NRK reported. 

Police said four people were involved in the shooting, three perpetrators and one victim.

One person had been arrested by police, and police had detained two people before later releasing them.

The police added they were still looking for any victim.

Police said it first received reports of shots fired at 3.43pm.

Witnesses told the newspaper VG that three people were seen running in one direction following the shooting, with a fourth possibly injured person running in a different direction.