OPINION: Why Switzerland’s gradual legalisation of cannabis is a positive move

As the first pilot projects begin in Zurich and Basel allowing the sale of cannabis for recreational use, Clare O’Dea welcomes this most recent step towards full legalisation. Buying cannabis from a Swiss pharmacy is preferable to getting friendly with your local dealer, she writes.

OPINION: Why Switzerland's gradual legalisation of cannabis is a positive move
A participant competes against the clock during the Joint Roll Contest at CannaTrade 2021, International Cannabis Expo. Is Switzerland's gradual legalisation of cannabis a good thing?(Photo by STEFAN WERMUTH / AFP)

Switzerland has been moving tentatively in the direction of the legalisation of cannabis for several years. This has created a contradiction where personal recreational use is tolerated but the wider trade is still illegal. The anomaly is bound to end eventually and the pilot projects are part of that process.

READ ALSO: Swiss region to test legalising cannabis

Also part of the process is the relaxation of access to cannabis for medical purposes. Starting from August, Swiss doctors are permitted to prescribe cannabis to their patients. Previously, the system was much more restrictive with patients forced to overcome significant bureaucratic hurdles to be granted a licence to consume.

Medical cannabis is known to be beneficial to people suffering from chronic pain and muscle spasms. As a young adult, I considered procuring cannabis to help my father ease his multiple sclerosis symptoms. We talked about it but were ultimately put off by the taboo of illegality. I’m glad Swiss families don’t have this worry any more.

READ ALSO: What are Switzerland’s rules on cannabis consumption?

The new legislation sets an important precedent, establishing a legal basis for medical cannabis to be imported and exported, including plants, resins and oils, and making the approval process for cultivation in Switzerland more straightforward.

Great care has been taken to make the pilot studies seem as unthreatening as possible. The trials have been authorised by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) as a fact-finding mission to provide a scientific basis for future regulations.

The FOPH answers a hundred-and-one questions about the trials on its website. As if they were distributing dynamite and not a product that is consumed by hundreds of thousands of Swiss residents every week.

We are told that users in the trials will be able to legally purchase various cannabis-related products, including edibles, the quality of which will be highly regulated. The prices will be roughly in line with the black market.

As well as receiving product information, participants will be made aware of the risks of cannabis consumption by staff at the points of sale who will be trained accordingly.”

Wouldn’t you prefer if your teenagers accessed the drug in this way rather than behind the bike shed at school? The chances of cannabis becoming a gateway drug must be reduced if consumption is less furtive and the seller doesn’t also have harder delicacies in their other pocket.

The whole process is going to be slow with no results on the trials expected before 2024. Once the trials are completed, the (FOPH) will draw up a report for the Federal Council and things will be taken from there.

In a way, the trials are a stalling tactic to get people used to the idea. Any legal move to make this system the norm would be subject to a popular vote. Because the last two votes on cannabis legalisation ended in a ‘no’, the government wants to be able to say that it’s done its due diligence the next time.

According to the Zurich pilot, ‘Zuri Can’, cannabis is the most widely consumed illegal substance in Switzerland. Banning the drug has not stopped its use. If anything, it has exposed young people (the main users) to the risk of encountering much stronger and more harmful cannabis products.

On the illegal market, you don’t know what you’re buying. One thing you do know is that the cannabis available today is much stronger than what was consumed when the drug was popularised in the 1960s.

Back then, cannabis products contained less than 3 per cent of the psychoactive substance tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). These days, THC levels are commonly between 10 and 20 per cent.

It’s no wonder that excessive or long-term use of the drug can lead to “a greater incidence of critical life problems, associated with serious developmental disorders, social disintegration and addiction”, according to the FOPH.

Considering the history of Swiss policy on hard drugs, it is surprising that cannabis has been handled so tentatively to date.

When the open heroin scene became a national disgrace and humanitarian problem in the late 1980s and early 1990s, a new approach was adopted to manage the problem – with the approval of voters. Heroin addicts who’d tried rehab programmes and failed were allowed to get their fix on prescription.

This policy continues today and is credited with saving many lives by reducing the incidence of overdoses and diseases. It has certainly helped more addicts to live relatively normal lives or even overcome their addiction than would otherwise have been the case.

There is currently a 100-franc fixed penalty fine for cannabis use unless it’s a small amount for your own consumption (less than 10 grams). You are also allowed to grow hemp privately as long as it’s a strain of the plant with less than one per cent THC content.

The increased circulation of medical cannabis that will inevitably follow last month’s change in the law will give us a picture of what the legal supply chain might look like in the future. It’s a great business opportunity for some.

Hopefully, by the time the guinea pigs of Basel, Zurich and the other cities that follow have smoked their last test joint, the public will be ready for cannabis to be dealt with in a more controlled, safe and open way.

Member comments

  1. The article seems to vary between discussing recreational use and medical use. Is the program in Zurich and Basel for recreational or medical use?

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Can foreigners be treated in Swiss hospitals?

With the recent news that an increasing number of Germans are seeking medical treatment in Swiss hospitals, you may be wondering whether, and under what conditions, foreign nationals have the right to access Switzerland’s healthcare system.

Can foreigners be treated in Swiss hospitals?

With a number of hospitals in Germany being closed, an increasing number of people from that country are seeking medical treatment in Swiss health facilities.

This phenomenon is especially visible in hospitals located in border cantons like Basel, Aargau and Schaffhausen, where thousands of patients from Germany are being treated for a variety of health problems.

The highest numbers are recorded in maternity wards; in some Swiss clinics, for instance, 40 percent of women giving birth come from Germany.

A question that may come up right now is: are foreign nationals  allowed to seek medical treatment in Switzerland and if so, under what conditions?

That depends on several factors:


If you are a foreigner who lives in Switzerland with a B, L, or C permit, you are obligated to purchase a Swiss health insurance policy which covers you for medical treatment and prescribed medication in your canton of residence.

You can get an exemption from taking on Swiss health insurance if:

  • You are retired and get a pension exclusively in an EU or EFTA state
  • You are a cross-border worker with healthcare policy in a EU or EFTA state
  • You are a foreign student and have comparable insurance from your country
  • You work for international organisations or are a diplomat


If you hail from the EU or EFTA states (Norway, Iceland, or Liechtenstein), your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) will cover you, free of charge, for medical emergencies — just as a Swiss tourist would be within the European Union / EFTA. This also applies to non-EU citizens who are resident in EU countries and are registered in the local healthcare system.

Keep in mind though that Switzerland has very specific rules about what constitutes a true medical emergency, as explained here: What are Switzerland’s guidelines for health emergencies?

The EHIC will also cover you if you need to seek treatment in Switzerland for medical conditions that require immediate attention but are not life-threatening — for instance, if you come down with an illness which requires a prescription for medications that can’t be postponed until your return to your country.

It will not cover the cost of repatriation back to your home country.

Visitors to Switzerland are advised to take out travel insurance that will cover the costs which EHIC will not.

What if you are a tourist from a third country who needs medical help while visiting Switzerland?

In this case, you will have to pay for the treatment you receive right away with your credit card, and then seek reimbursement either from your health insurance in your country or from your personal health or travel insurance.

Alternatively, you can purchase a ‘visitor’ plan from a number of Swiss insurance companies that will cover you for the duration of your stay. But here too you will have to pay for your treatment right away and then file a claim with the insurance carrier, including documents, such as the medical report and proof of payment. 

What about non-emergency treatment?

This brings us to the aforementioned German patients who come to be treated in Swiss hospitals.

In non-urgent situations, such as elective surgeries or giving birth for instance,  the EHIC is not sufficient.

To receive treatment in a Swiss hospital, foreign nationals must either have a Swiss health insurance or have supplementary coverage that would cover them for treatment abroad.

Without this supplementary coverage, European patients should ask health providers in their countries whether treatment in Switzerland would be covered.