Spain’s lawmakers pass bill honouring Franco-era victims

Almost five decades after the death of Francisco Franco, Spanish lawmakers passed a flagship law Wednesday seeking to honour the victims of the 1936-1939 civil war and the ensuing dictatorship.

Spain's lawmakers pass bill honouring Franco-era victims
View of the skull of a woman as archeologists and villagers searched a cemetery in the southwestern Spanish town of Gerena in 2012, looking for a mass grave thought to contain the remains of 17 women who were shot by General Francisco Franco's forces in 1937. AFP PHOTO / CRISTINA QUICLER (Photo by CRISTINA QUICLER / AFP)

Honouring those who died or suffered violence or repression during war and decades of dictatorship that followed has been a top priority for the left-wing government of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez since he came to power in 2018.

The senate approved the law — which aims to pay homage to those who died, were subjected to violence or persecution during the Franco years — with 128 votes in favour, 113 against and 18 abstentions.

Known as the “law of democratic memory”, the legislation seeks to advance the search and exhumation of victims buried in mass graves and upending decades-old political convictions.

“Today we are taking another step towards justice, reparation and dignity for all victims,” tweeted Sánchez after the vote.

But it threatens to fuel tensions in a nation where public opinion is still divided over the legacy of the dictatorship that ended with Franco’s death in 1975.

The right-wing opposition Popular Party (PP) has vowed to overturn the law if elected in the next election, which is due by the end of 2023.

“History cannot be built on the basis of forgetting and silencing the vanquished” of the civil war, reads the preamble to the law.

Franco assumed power after the civil war in which his Nationalists defeated Republicans, leaving the country in ruins and mourning hundreds of thousands of dead.

While his regime honoured its own dead, it left its opponents buried in unmarked graves across the country.

A worker belonging to Spain’s Association for the Recovery of Historic Memory (ARMH) exhumes the remains of victims executed by Franco’s security forces during Spain’s civil war, in Porreres (Mallorca) in 2016. (Photo by JAIME REINA / AFP)

Finding mass graves

The bill, which was approved by the lower house of parliament in July, will for the first time make unearthing mass graves a “state responsibility”.

It also calls for a national DNA bank to be established to help identify remains and for the creation of a map of all mass graves in the country.

“The state must exhume the remains of the victims of the Franco dictatorship,” Sánchez told parliament in July.

“There are still 114,000 people who were forcibly disappeared in Spain, mostly Republicans,” he said, referring to people whose fate was deliberately hidden.

Only Cambodia, he said, had more “disappeared” people than Spain, its population suffering atrocities under 1975-1979 Khmer Rouge regime.

Up until now, it has been associations who have led the search for those who went missing during the Franco era, as portrayed in Spanish director Pedro Almodovar’s most recent film “Parallel Mothers”.

The new legislation seeks to build on a 2007 “historical memory” law, which experts and activists say fell short of excavating the hundreds of still untouched mass graves scattered across Spain.

Sánchez’s predecessor, Mariano Rajoy of the PP, famously bragged that he had not spent a euro of public money in furthering the provisions within the law.

Annulling Franco-era convictions

The new law will also annul the criminal convictions of opponents of the Franco regime and appoint a prosecutor to probe human rights abuses during the war and the ensuing dictatorship.

Previous attempts to bring Franco-era officials to justice in Spain have been blocked by an amnesty agreement signed by political leaders after his death.

The deal was seen as essential to avoid a spiral of score-settling as officials sought to unite the country and steer it towards democracy.

And the law will also mean that for the first time, “stolen babies” will be recognised as victims of Francoism.

Those babies were newborns who were taken away from “unsuitable” mothers — Republican or left-wing opponents of the regime, then unwed mothers or poor families.

But not everyone was pleased with the outcome of the vote, with the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory (ARMH) saying the new legislation did not go far enough.

The law “perpetuates impunity for the Francoists” because it leaves the amnesty agreement in force, “it will not put anyone on trial” nor will it “compensate the families of the disappeared”, it said in a statement.

The PP has accused the government of needlessly opening the wounds of the past with the law.

This is Sánchez’s second major effort to tackle the Franco legacy.

In 2019, he had Franco’s remains removed from a vast grandiose mausoleum near Madrid and transferred to a discreet family plot, despite opposition from the late dictator’s relatives and right-wing parties.

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Right to disconnect: Is it legal for Spanish bosses to contact workers out-of-hours?

The increasingly online world means that we can work remotely and call colleagues from across the globe, but it can also make us constantly contactable. So can bosses in Spain contact you out of hours?

Right to disconnect: Is it legal for Spanish bosses to contact workers out-of-hours?

In the increasingly online world of teletrabajo and remote working in 2024, technology means that we can work with colleagues on the other side of the world and hold online meetings across the continents.

However, there are also some downsides. Things like burnout, screen fatigue and generally just being constantly contactable are new workplace issues that many countries are trying to come to terms with.

In Spain el derecho a la desconexión digital (the right to digital disconnection) is an idea that’s been gaining ground among trade unions and the more left-wing members of Spain’s coalition government.

This comes amid wider efforts to improve workplace rights such as reducing the working week to 37.5 hours. 

READ ALSO: Spain set to slash work week to 37.5 hours

At a recent press conference, the Secretary of State for Employment, Joaquín Pérez Rey, stressed the importance of digital disconnection. “There’s no point in reducing the working day if your boss can call you at midnight or send you an email at 5 a.m,’ he said. 

For the reduction of the working week to be effective, he added, it must respect set working hours and ensure that employees are not bothered outside their working hours.

Is it illegal for Spanish bosses to contact workers out-of-hours?

Generally speaking, yes. Or it is in theory, at least. Though there’s not a specific digital disconnection law yet, the right to digital disconnection is already regulated in Spain via various pieces of pre-existing law on workplace rights and data protection.

Article 20 of the Workers’ Statute and Article 88 of Organic Law 3/2018 on Data Protection and Guarantees of Digital Rights both establish legal guarantees that workers can disconnect outside the legally or habitually established working time, protecting their rest time, leave, holidays and personal privacy.

In theory, companies are obliged to create an internal policy defining how this right will be exercised and to train staff on the reasonable use of technology (more on that below).

This is key: companies should come up with a policy or set of rules regarding digital disconnection and out of hours contact. They may also be defined in your sectoral collective bargaining agreement, depending on your type of work.

If there aren’t defined standards, bosses may be able to skirt around the rules.

Whether or not the pushier bosses and high-stress industries respect these rules anyway, however, even if they did exist, is another matter altogether. That’s why, despite the existing regulation, trade unions have reported numerous breaches of labour regulations based on digital issues and called for the legislation to go further. 

READ ALSO: What are my rights if I work extra hours in Spain?

The UGT, one of Spain’s major unions, wants stricter fines and punishments for companies that don’t respect their employees’ right to digital disconnection, as well as it to be included in the Law on the Prevention of Occupational Risks, something that would bring the online workplace into line with pre-existing legislation.

Spain’s Ministry of Labour has proposed increasing penalties, with fines ranging from €1,000 to €10,000 depending on the seriousness of the offence. 

It’s also proposed modifying pre-existing rules to create offences related to disrupting the enjoyment of minimum daily and weekly rest periods, annual leave, maximum working hours, breaks during the working day, as well as the regulation of night work and shift work.

The law

So, what does the law actually say? This new right is most specifically outlined Article 88 of the Organic Law on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights:

Article 88.1: Public workers and employees shall have the right to digital disconnection in order to guarantee, outside the legally or conventionally established working time, respect for their rest time, leave and holidays, as well as their personal and family privacy.

This includes the broad right to digital disconnection, but also the right to privacy and use of digital devices in the workplace; the right to privacy from the use of video surveillance and sound recording devices in the workplace; the right to privacy from the use of geolocation systems; and, finally, employees have the right not to answer calls or emails about work-related issues outside working hours.

Article 88.3 states that employers should create internal policies to ensure this happens: 

“The employer, after hearing the workers’ representatives, shall draw up an internal policy for workers, including those in managerial positions, defining the procedures for exercising the right to disconnection and training and awareness-raising measures for staff on the reasonable use of technological tools in order to avoid the risk of computer fatigue.”

So, legally speaking, it is illegal for Spanish bosses to contact workers out-of-hours if it breaks the legislation, sectoral collective bargaining agreements, or private arrangements made on a company level.

Whether or not most bosses respect this, however, is an entirely different matter. 

READ ALSO: Spain’s Valencia begins four-day work week trial