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UPDATED: Which supermarket in Norway is the cheapest?

A cost-of-living crisis in Norway means everyone is feeling the squeeze, and people are cutting back. So, where can you get the cheapest groceries in Norway? 

Pictured is a supermarket.
This is what you need to know about selecting the best supermarket in Norway. Pictured is a supermarket. Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

Groceries in Norway are among the highest in Europe, according to figures from the EU’s data agency Eurostat

Out of the countries monitored by the stats agency, only Switzerland had a higher price level index. A price level index measures the price levels of a given nation relative to other countries. This means that compared to the rest of the other countries measured, food and non-alcoholic beverages in Norway are the second most expensive overall. 

High grocery prices in Norway have been made even worse by soaring costs elsewhere, be that rising rents, skyrocketing energy bills, interest rate hikes or high inflation in general. 

Therefore, getting the best deal is even more important than ever. So which store in Norway does the cheapest groceries? To answer that, we’ll need to explain a few things first. 

The supermarkets 

So in Norway, there are four large supermarket groups. These are Norgesgruppen (which runs Jakobs, Kiwi, Meny, Spar, Joker and Nærbutikken), Coop (Coop Extra, Coop Mega, Coop OBS, Coop Prix), Rema and Bunnpris. 

Out of those options, Rema, Kiwi and Coop Extra have long positioned themselves as the cheapest option available to consumers. 

Furthermore, stores like Meny and Jakobs try and position themselves as the more upmarket option for discerning customers. In addition, these two, along with Coop Mega, will have a larger and more varied product selection. 

Which is cheapest? 

Some sites and publications in Norway take the time to crunch the numbers and test which is the cheapest supermarket in practice. 

One of Norway’s biggest news publications, VG, does regular price comparisons for a typical shop between the stores. 

Its most recent index, published after supermarkets adjusted prices at the beginning of February, compared the chains battling it out for the title of Norway’s cheapest. 

 A shopping cart full of Norway’s most popular products was the cheapest at Kiwi, according to VG’s food price index.

Following the price adjustments at the beginning of February, several publications reported that Kiwi chose to freeze the prices on hundreds of items while competitors Coop Extra and Rema raised prices. 

Shortly afterwards, Rema and Coop moved to drop prices too, which shows in VG’s results as the same goods from Rema were just four kroner cheaper. Extra and delivery service Oda came in third and fourth, being just half a percent cheaper. 

This doesn’t tell the whole story 

While Rema, Kiwi and Coop Extra have traditionally been the go-to for more price-conscious consumers, there are a few more things you’ll need to know before deciding which is cheapest for you. 

First up, you need to consider how you would like to shop. In Norway, significant savings can be made when using websites which compile customer offers so you can make sure you are constantly shopping around for the products you buy the most. 

When using sites like Mattilbud, the cheapest supermarket might change week to week, or there might not be a cheapest supermarket overall, and you will need to shop around. 

READ ALSO: Six apps to help you save money on your food shopping in Norway

On the topic of shopping around, it is almost always cheaper to buy your fruit and vegetables from small international food stores. 

However, another option is sticking with just a single supermarket for most of your shopping and trying to save more in the long run by making the most of a loyalty program. 

Supermarket loyalty programs are one of the best ways to save a pretty penny on your shopping bill. There are also a few different ways they can be utilised to help you save money too.

Trumf, which covers Meny, Kiwi and Joker stores, offers cashback on purchases and discounts. 

These offer a great way of saving money passively. For example, with Trumf, you can either use the cash back you’ve accumulated to save on your next trip to the tills or have it deposited straight into your bank account.

To become a Trumf member, you must have a Norwegian phone number and bank account. You will then need to link a debit card to your account.

There are also days when you receive extra cashback or discounts on fresh fruit and vegetables. 

Rema customers can sign up to Æ, which offers 10 percent off all fresh fruit and vegetables and 10 percent off of your ten most frequently bought items, meaning you can save money on the things you buy the most.

The main drawback to the Coop loyalty scheme is the initial outlay. Unlike the other loyalty schemes, you will need to fork out to become a part owner of the supermarket chain. You do, however, get members-only offers and cashback, which is paid out once a year and can earn interest. 

So, you may want to choose the supermarket with the best loyalty scheme for your needs. Thankfully, if all this loyalty scheme talk is making your head spin, you can figure out the best one for you with this calculator from Smartepenger. You will need some Norwegian language skills (or google translate) to use it, though.  

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Why consumers in Norway will see their energy bills increase

Consumers in Norway are charged for being connected to the grid. Energy customers in Norway can expect to see this cost increase significantly in the coming years.

Why consumers in Norway will see their energy bills increase

The average household in Norway can expect grid fees to increase by between 20-30 percent, Norwegian newspaper VG reports.

Costs will be increased as energy firms will invest in improving energy infrastructure. 

“It is expensive to build networks, and there is likely to be a significant increase in the network fees in the future,” Kjetil Lund, a director at the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE), told VG.

The NVE has published a projection on grid fees between 2024 and 2030.

Norwegian newswire NTB has estimated that households could see an annual increase of 1,700 kroner in grid rent.

The increases will vary across the country and will depend on the provider. Those in Trøndelag are expected to see the most significant increases. There, grid fees will increase in price by around 30 percent.

Residents in eastern Norway can expect an increaser of 25 percent, while northern Norway will get a slightly lower increase just below the 25 percent mark. Those in southern Norway and the west will receive the smallest increases or just under 20 percent.

The increases don’t take into account additional costs like VAT.

“It will probably vary a little. Higher bills are no fun, but the reality is that it costs money to expand the network and upgrade what we already have. There is a need to build more networks to facilitate business, climate change and electrification. But it’s not free,” Lund said of the increased charges.

In the coming years, energy firms are set to invest 170 billion kroner in upgrading Norway’s energy infrastructure.

Elvia, Norway’s largest provider, has already announced two grid rent increases, a 14 percent increase in October and a second increase in the winter.

The current energy subsidy scheme implemented by the government where the state covers 90 per cent of the electricity price above 73 øre per kWh – or 91.25 øre including VAT will not apply to the increased grid fees.