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‘So stressful’: How Italy-UK driving licence fiasco threatens couple’s Tuscan dream

One couple from Manchester found the home of their Tuscan retirement dreams, but the stalemate over a UK-Italy driving licence agreement is throwing their future into question.

Iain and Lynn Gosling harvesting olives from their Tuscan farmland.
Iain and Lynn Gosling harvesting olives from their Tuscan farmland. Source: Iain Gosling

Iain and Lynn Gosling lived and worked all their lives in and around Manchester – at a bank, where they met, then in various schools – but had always dreamed of retiring in Tuscany.

In 2018, with the Brexit clock ticking, they decided to take the plunge, and after a lengthy Place in the Sun-style hunt, they finally found their ideal home.

The podere (farmhouse) they chose just outside the town of Pomerance, in the province of Pisa, checked all their boxes: it had an olive grove, was close enough to the beach, had a friendly local community, and the town was particularly invested in green energy, sourcing most of its power from renewables.

Most importantly, it was just over an hour’s drive from Pisa airport, meaning they could regularly go back and visit family in the UK.

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“We’d holidayed in Tuscany for 20 years, and the views and everything were even better than where we’d been holidaying. So we kind of thought we struck gold really,” says Lynn.

“When we saw it, we just knew, and when we went into the town it was such a good, welcoming feeling.”

Iain and Lynn's podere in Pomerance.

Iain and Lynn’s podere in Pomerance. Source: Iain Gosling.

The couple began building a new life, learning Italian and befriending local residents. They were careful to take the necessary steps to secure their future in Italy before the Brexit deadline, registering with the town hall and later obtaining carta di soggiorno residency cards.

But – like many other British nationals in Italy – the pair didn’t anticipate that almost two years on from Brexit, negotiations for a reciprocal driving licence agreement between the two countries would have stalled. It’s an ongoing state of limbo that threatens to make their retirement dream unworkable.

While with hindsight the pair would have exchanged their driving licences before the Brexit deadline, they believed a deal would soon be reached – especially as the UK allows EU licence-holders to drive with almost no restrictions.

“If we cannot drive in the short term, I’m sure we can find a way round it somehow,” says Iain. “Longer term? No, not really.”

READ ALSO: Do you have to take Italy’s driving test in Italian?

A 12-month grace period granted in 2021 is due to expire in January unless an agreement is reached, forcing UK drivers to choose between taking an Italian driving exam that could well turn out to be unnecessary, or gambling on a last-minute deal that risks leaving them without a valid licence if it doesn’t materialise.

For Iain and Lynn, who live a four-minute drive from the town on hilly country roads without access to public transport or pavements, it doesn’t feel like much of a choice.

“I’d be absolutely lost without driving,” says Lynn, who judges that without a car the couple would have to make daily hour-long round walks into town to buy basic necessities.

They decided that Iain would take the exam so that at least one of them would still be able to drive in the absence of a deal, and booked his theory test for November to give him time to prepare.

As a minimum of 32 days must pass between passing the theory test and sitting the practical exam, he’ll only just secure his Italian licence in time in the event that there’s no agreement – if he manages to pass both on the first go.

READ ALSO: Some of the best learner sites for taking your Italian driving test

Iain and Lynn outside their Tuscan farmhouse.

Iain and Lynn outside their Tuscan farmhouse. Source: Iain Gosling.

“So – no pressure on the theory test,” says Iain, who plans to fly back early from Christmas holidays in the UK to sit his practical exam if he succeeds in passing the former.

The couple know they could have begun the process earlier. But the test requires answering the same theory questions as a native Italian speaker and a taking mandatory six hours of practical lessons, and it isn’t cheap – Iain and Lynn estimate the total cost to be just under €1,000.

What’s more, those who pass an Italian driving test are classed as new drivers (neopatentati) for three years, which comes with a range of restrictions on speed limits and vehicle engine size, and a zero tolerance policy on alcohol.

READ ALSO: Driving licences: Are the UK and Italy any closer to reaching an agreement?

All this has made taking the test a last resort for people who believed the UK and Italian governments would have reached an agreement by this point – or have at least issued clear guidance as to what action UK licence-holders should take.

The UK’s ambassador to Italy stresses that negotiations continue – though has encouraged British residents to book an Italian driving test.

A spokesperson for the British Embassy in Rome told The Local in October: “Since August we have continued and intensified further our work with our Italian colleagues and have made progress towards our shared objective.”

Lynn says: “Over the last six months it was very optimistic, everything we were hearing. It’s just in the past two months that we’ve thought, well, wait a minute.”

If Iain doesn’t manage to pass the test before the deadline and no deal is reached, “we are stuck,” he says.

“This situation is so stressful.”

READ ALSO: How UK drivers in Italy face new problems after passing Italian driving test

The couple fear that without the ability to drive, their current lifestyle would be unsustainable.

“You wake up thinking about it, and you go to bed thinking about it,” says Lynn. “Anxiety, that’s how it makes you feel.”

“Someone will turn around and say, well why didn’t you take your driving tests 12 months ago so you’re not in this situation?” says Iain. “But if all the signs were encouraging from the ambassador, we thought well OK, we can keep our benefits here and we don’t want to lose them.”

While the embassy insists that negotiating the agreement is its top priority, Iain worries that the recent political upheaval in both the UK and Italy has pushed the issue on to the back burner.

“We have no choice but to have faith in our British representatives to deliver and soon too, because the previous regulation extension was far too late,” Iain says. “We need to know now so we can make definite plans and contingencies.”

Despite the stress, Iain and Lynn are determined to do all they can to find a way to remain in Pomerance, where they say they’ve been embraced by local residents and have become good friends with their Italian neighbours who occupy the other half of their semi-detached property.

“We don’t want to give this up,” says Iain. “We love it here and we want to stay.”

Member comments

  1. When I moved to Italy in 2020 the UK government guidance was we should exchange our UK driving licence for an Italian one before the end of the withdrawal period. Also as far as I knew as the UK licence has your address on it you’re supposed to keep the address up to date. As I followed the government advice I got an Italian licence with no hassle. What I don’t know is how easy it is to change back to a UK one if I decide to return there.

  2. I am an American living here in Italy and have now had my Patente B for 2 1/2 years. I want to be constructive here, though I have to admit, I am really running out of patience with those who are wringing their hands about this and kicking the can down the road. If you live here, then go to a driving school, take many, many practice tests online, sit for the exam and then the practical. This is a simple solution to a vexing problem. The theory exam is much harder (and somewhat tricky) than the practical exam. If you know how to drive, then the practical exam is easy. What’s more, I and my wife (who also has her Patente) found the school to be amazingly valuable. Italy has rules that are not like other countries and it is quite advantageous to learn them. I would recommend to anyone driving here, whether your license is already valid or not, to invest the time and modest amount of money in taking the classes.

  3. A couple of other things to note about getting your Italian license is the one year allowance and the post license restrictions. Technically, the rules say that “after one year of residency” it is necessary to take the driving tests (theory and practical), but it is vague as to what that means. How long “after”. What our driving school did was to give each of us (me and my wife) letters stating that we were enrolled and taking lessons. Sure enough, at about our 15th month here, I was stopped for a safety stop and was told that I was not supposed to be driving on my American license. I showed them the letters from the school and they let me drive on. It would appear that the authorities may have some leeway on this issue. Further, after you obtain your license, technically you are not supposed to drive a car over 75KW for a year. This is aimed primarily at “neopatente” – young new drivers, but essentially applies to all new license holders, even people like me who had been driving for 45 years. Advice from my school (since my car was rated at 85KW) was to keep my old American license (or a copy of it) with me to show that I was at least an experienced driver. Sure enough, I was again flagged down for a safety stop within that period. The constabulary looked at all my documents and did not so much as make a comment on the power of the car. Again, discretion prevailed. The last restriction is that, for three years, you must drive at slower speeds on autostrade and certain limited access highways. This is just not safely practical. If you drive at 100kmh on the autostrade, I think you run a high risk of simply being run down. However, so long as you do not exceed the normal posted speed limit (130kmh), then you are never likely to get hit with a violation anyway. So drive sensibly.

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NEW: Brits living in Italy under post-Brexit rules advised to pay healthcare fee

British nationals who moved to Italy before January 1st 2021 and don't have health coverage should pay Italy's 'voluntary' healthcare fees or take out private insurance, the UK government's website for British nationals overseas said in an update on Wednesday.

NEW: Brits living in Italy under post-Brexit rules advised to pay healthcare fee

British residents covered by the post-Brexit withdrawal agreement (WA) who are currently without access to healthcare are advised to pay the Italian government’s fees or get private insurance, the British government said in an update published on its Living in Italy website on Wednesday afternoon.

The recommendation is a sharp reversal from the UK government’s previous March 2024 update, which said that British residents covered by the WA should not be subject to fees for using the Italian national health service (servizio sanitario nazionale, or SSN).

“The Italian government has recently decided that British nationals who entered and have been living in Italy prior to January 1st 2021 and are beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement can register for free with the Italian national health system and are therefore not required to make voluntary contributions,” the update read at the time.

READ ALSO: Trouble proving residency rights leaves Brits in Italy paying €2k health charge

As of Wednesday afternoon, however, the site’s authors had removed this text, saying that the UK government’s representatives had been made aware of “inconsistencies amongst Italian authorities in interpreting and implementing” their own guidelines.

“British people with rights under the Withdrawal Agreement as elective residents (not in employment) who have not yet qualified for permanent residency have had significant problems accessing health services. This also affects renewing their healthcare cards,” the latest update reads.

“If this affects you and you have no healthcare cover, we recommend that you pay the voluntary contribution to register with the Italian National Health System, or get private health insurance.”

Many of The Local’s British readers have been battling local authorities’ varying interpretations of the rules for those who are covered by the WA.

READ ALSO: Why Brits in Italy say they’ve been ‘hung out to dry’ over €2K healthcare fee

Italy’s government significantly raised its ‘voluntary’ healthcare fee to a minimum annual charge of €2,000 from the start of 2024, though there has been a persistent lack of clarity over exactly who it applies to.

In the absence of clear national guidelines, local health authorities have reportedly applied differing interpretations of the rules for WA beneficiaries, with several British nationals reporting being wrongly charged the fee in January.