Activists who tried to glue themselves to a Munch painting in Oslo to be released

The three activists who were arrested on Friday when they tried to glue themselves to a Munch painting at the National Museum in Oslo are to be released, the newspaper Aftenposten reports.

Munch Scream
The three climate activists are charged with inflicting serious damage or complicity in inflicting serious damage. Photo by Perlinator / Pixabay

“The case will be investigated further by a different unit,” police attorney Aase Schartum-Hansen told the newspaper.

The three activists are charged with inflicting serious damage or complicity in inflicting serious damage.

READ MORE: Climate activists try to glue themselves to Norway’s ‘The Scream’

Two of the climate activists tried to glue themselves to Munch’s painting “The Scream”, while the third activist filmed the attempt.

One of the women has been questioned so far. However, Schartum-Hansen did not want to say what the woman said during the questioning.

According to the police, two of those arrested have taken part in protests in the past.

The environmental organization “Stop oil exploration!” (Norwegian: Stopp oljeletinga), an offshoot of the activist group Extinction Rebellion, was behind the protest.

The organisation told Tidens, a Norwegian culture magazine, that its intention was to “snap people out of their apathy” in order to “arrive at the conversation we want to have”. 

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Arrest made after shooting outside school in Oslo

One suspect was arrested by police in Oslo on Wednesday afternoon after shots were fired outside a school in the east of Norway's capital as pupils and teachers were inside.

Arrest made after shooting outside school in Oslo

The shooting occurred at the Linderud School in the Grorud area of east Oslo, which is both a primary (barneskole) and secondary school (ungdomsskole) with around 480 pupils and 100 staff.

Pupils and staff were on site at the time and were kept in the school whilst police carried out their investigations.

They were allowed to leave the building just after 5pm, public broadcaster NRK reported. 

Police said four people were involved in the shooting, three perpetrators and one victim.

One person had been arrested by police, and police had detained two people before later releasing them.

The police added they were still looking for any victim.

Police said it first received reports of shots fired at 3.43pm.

Witnesses told the newspaper VG that three people were seen running in one direction following the shooting, with a fourth possibly injured person running in a different direction.