Danish authorities criticised for defying own report on Syrian asylum claims

Immigration authorities in Denmark sometimes rule in contradiction of their own report on security in Syria when assessing the asylum claims of refugees, critics say.

Danish authorities criticised for defying own report on Syrian asylum claims
People demonstrate against deportation of Syrians by Denmark in 2021. Photo: Liselotte Sabroe/Ritzau Scanpix

Syrian refugees whose residency in Denmark is revoked because it is deemed safe for them to return to the Damascus area are still at risk of persecution and attacks if they travel home, according to critics of Danish Immigration Service rulings on asylum cases.

Decisions made by the Danish Immigration Service (Udlændingestyrelsen) appear in some cases to be at odds with the immigration authorities’ own report on the security situation in the Middle Eastern country, according to a report by public service broadcaster DR.

The Danish Immigration Service in May released a report detailing the risks that former refugees returning to Syria face — “authorities who continue to arrest, detain, interrogate, torture, extort and kill Syrian refugees,” DR writes.

An EU report published in September and reviewed by the Immigration Service likewise concludes that repatriated Syrians are subjected to interrogation, arrests, rape and torture.

Denmark’s government maintains that the situation in Syria and especially around Damascus has improved enough for refugees to be sent home in some cases.

The Danish Refugee Council, a nonprofit advocacy and humanitarian group, argues that immigration authorities are not sufficiently taking the reports into account in deciding whether to renew Syrian refugees’ residence permits. 

The Immigration Service told DR that its report is used as background information when cases are processed.

The Refugee Appeals Board (Flygtningenævnet) — the part of the Danish Immigration Service that serves as its appeal body — told DR it routinely refers to the report in its decisions.

The Refugee Appeals Board has reversed Immigration Service’s decision to remove Syrian refugees in 49 out of 70 cases that have surfaced between May and September, DR writes. 

READ ALSO: Denmark reverses residence decisions for hundreds of Syrian refugees

“This means that 21 cases at the Refugee Appeals Board will not be overturned despite the report of the Danish Immigration Service and the report from the EU,” Eva Singer, head of asylum at the Danish Refugee Council, told DR.

“This corresponds to 30 percent of the cases, and these are refugees who may also be at risk if they are sent back to Syria. We cannot see how they differ from the others. As such, the practice at the Refugee Appeals Board is not clear,” she said.

The Refugee Appeals Board told DR that approval of some appeals and rejection of others “is not an expression of unclear practice”.

“In all cases, the Refugee Appeals Board conducts a concrete and individual assessment,” to assess whether the applicant “risks persecution or abuse,” it said.

“General conditions” in Damascus and the surrounding region are not considered in isolation to be cause for granting or extending asylum, it said.

Denmark and Hungary are the only EU countries which currently deem it safe to return Syrian refugees.

Since Denmark doesn’t have a repatriation agreement with Syria, refugees whose status is revoked are frequently moved indefinitely to detention facilities termed ‘deportation centres’, where conditions have been strongly criticised.

READ MORE: Danish agency sent letters about deportation to refugee children 

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Denmark to accept 200 UN ‘quota’ refugees in 2024

Denmark has agreed to accept quota of 200 UN refugees from countries including Rwanda, Eritrea and Afghanistan, the Ministry of Immigration and Integration said on Friday.

Denmark to accept 200 UN 'quota' refugees in 2024

Denmark will accept quota refuges from the UN in 2024, continuing a policy of the governing Social Democrats since the party took office in 2019, and retained as part of the current coalition government.

The decision to accept quota refugees is the responsibility of Immigration Minister Kaare Dybvad Bek, who decides on the number and distribution of the refugees from the UN who are permitted to stay in Denmark.

In a statement, the Ministry of Immigration and Integration said it would “focus on women and children” as has been the case “in previous years”.

The refugees to be redistributed from UN refugee camps are currently located in Rwanda and in UN camps in countries bordering Afghanistan and Eritrea, the ministry said.

“We want to limit the number of spontaneous asylum seekers who come to Denmark via cynical human traffickers,” Bek said in the statement.

“That’s why the government fully supports the UN’s quota system, whereby refugees come to Denmark under regulated conditions,” he said.

“We have always said that the number is very important. I believe that, by keeping the number at 200 quota refugees, we ensure the integration process can keep up,” he said.

Quota refugees are distributed by the UN’s refugee agency, UNHCR from refugee camps in areas close to conflict zones.

Denmark refused to take in any refugees under the UN quota system between 2016 and 2019, with the government at the time saying the country needed to focus on integrating refugees recently arrived in the country.

Denmark has taken in 200 quota refugees from the UN each year since 2020.

According to the website of the UNHCR, some 117 million people are displaced worldwide. Nearly 160,000 were resettled in 2023, either with or without UNHCR assistance. 69 percent of refugees are hosted in neighbouring countries.

Low- and middle-income countries host 75 percent of the world’s refugees while the least Developed Countries provided asylum to 21 per cent of the total in 2023, according to UNHCR.