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What changes in France in December 2022

From the Christmas holidays to fuel grants, winter festivals, Olympic tickets and possible strikes - plus much more. Here's what changes in France in December 2022.

What changes in France in December 2022
The place des Jacobins illuminated during the Festival of Lights (Fete des Lumieres), in Lyon central eastern France, on December 7, 2021. (Photo by PHILIPPE DESMAZES / AFP)

Fuel rebate ends

The government discount on petrol and diesel, which dropped from €0.30 per litre to €0.10 per litre in November, will end completely on December 31st. The discount offered by energy-giant TotalEnergies will also be discontinued at the end of December.

French government says it plans to replace its fuel subsidy with more targeted measures, intended to help workers who rely on their vehicles to commute, although there is no detail on this yet.

Olympic ticket sales

On December 1st the draw opens to apply for tickets for the Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics – full details HERE.

Saint Nicolas Day

In Germany the festival of St Nicolas (December 6th) is a big deal and for historic reasons certain parts of France celebrate it too.

It’s not a public holiday but it is a day of celebration with small presents for children, parades in some towns and special gingerbread for everyone.

READ MORE: Saint Nicolas: What is the festival celebrated in parts of France on December 6th?


In France, December 25th is a holiday. Unfortunately, this year, it falls on a Sunday, so there’s no extra day off for workers.

December 24th and 26th are not public holidays in most of France (the region of Alsace-Lorraine gets December 26th off for historic reasons) although quite a lot of businesses do let their employees take days off during these days. Many businesses will be closed. 

January 1st is also a holiday, but again this falls on a Sunday this year.   

School holidays begin

Schoolchildren across France will have time off from Saturday, December 17th to Tuesday, January 3rd for the Christmas break.

There is often heavy traffic on the roads the evening before the start of the school holidays and over that weekend, so keep this in mind when making your travel plans.

Winter festivals

The first is the Festival des Lanternes in Montauban (near Toulouse) which will run from December 1st to February 5th. 2022 marks the fifth edition of the festival, people come from all over the country to admire traditional scenes of Chinese life amid thousands of colourful, Chinese lanterns.

The second is the Cabanes en Fête d’Andernos – an Oyster and Wine festival in Arcachon (near Bordeaux) on December 3rd. Festival-goers will be able to enjoy walking along the coastline, passing by several decorated stands where vendors sell local oysters, white wine and local art.

READ MORE: 11 of the best winter festivals in France

And the third is the most famous – the Lyon Fête des Lumières, which will run from December 8th to 11th. This is one of France’s most beautiful festivals. Enjoy a four-day festival of lights that transform the eastern city of Lyon into a glowing wonderland.

Possible strikes

Unions representing cabin crew at Air France and Easyjet have threatened industrial action in response to what they see as management’s failure to extend their Collective Agreement – which expired at the end of October.

According to unions, the strike will go forward if a temporary contractual solution is not negotiated with management to replace the Collective Agreement. The proposed strike would run from December 22nd to January 2nd.

Christmas bonus 

The Prime de Nöel, an end-of-year bonus, also known as the Christmas bonus, is paid out each year around ten days before Christmas (usually December 15th). It is reserved for low-income households and those who qualify for the government’s top-up benefit, RSA.

Energy cheques paid out

The chèque energie will be paid automatically “by the end of 2022” to eligible households. The grants are usually distributed automatically to people on low income, based on previous year’s tax declarations, but foreigners and recent arrivals can slip through the net, especially pensioners.

If you believe you might qualify, you can apply online at

Grant for wood burners

From December 22nd, people who use wood-burning stoves to heat their homes will also be able to apply for financial aid, as the cost of pellets for wood-burners has soared in recent months.

Tax deadlines 

If you made a mistake in your déclaration des revenues, the deadline to amend your filing generally falls in mid-December. This year you will have until December 14th to make the change.

For those who are subject to a TLV or THLV tax as the owner of a vacant property, the deadline is December 15th for non-electronic payments. 

READ MORE: The complete French tax calendar for 2022

Paris lights out

On December 1st a rule forbidding light-up advertising boards overnight in Paris comes into effect. A national law came into force at the start of November banning illuminated advertising between the hours of 1am and 6am, with the exception of public transport. However the city of Paris has gone further and banned it between 11.45pm and 6am, with no transport exception. 

Electrical repair grants

From December 15th, consumers in France will be able to claim flat-rate discounts on repairs for a range of electrical items if they go to registered repair professionals. The scheme is intended to encourage people to repair items, rather than replace them, and help the environment. Full details here.

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On the Agenda: What’s happening in France this week

France is still holding out for an actual government but, while we wait, there’s a decisive early step in the possible impeachment of President Emmanuel Macron, plus an airline strike and heritage days.

On the Agenda: What’s happening in France this week


Airline strike – Budget airline easyJet’s announcement that it is to close one of its main hubs in south-west France has, perhaps unsurprisingly, prompted French unions to call for an ‘unlimited’ strike, with the strike notice running from Monday.

READ ALSO French easyJet staff call strike over hub closure in south-west France

A government? – Newly appointed prime minister Michel Barnier is still attempting to assemble the ministers to form his government. Last week he said that a government would be announced “next week” although exactly when is still unclear.


Impeachment process – The Bureau de l’Assemblée nationale decides on Tuesday whether an impeachment procedure against Emmanuel Macron initiated by La France Insoumise is admissable. In the event of a favourable vote, the text will be forwarded for examination to the 73 deputies of the Commission des lois, who will decide on the adoption or rejection of the text. If it then passes that stage, it will be debated in parliament – although it is thought highly unlikely that the motion will attract the support of enough MPs.

READ ALSO Can French President Emmanuel Macron really be impeached?


Carpooling – A word of warning if you’re driving in part of south-east France. The Isère prefecture has confirmed that the radars on the carpool lane on the A48, between Grenoble and Lyon, go into service on Thursday, September 19th. Any driver alone in their car in carpool lanes – which are marked with a diamond – from this date faces a fine of €135.

READ ALSO The French road sign that can net you a €135 fine if you ignore it


Lab walkout – Something to be aware of if you need a blood test. Medical analysis laboratories in France will strike from Friday, September 20th, until Monday, September 23rd, inclusive in protest against cuts in fees for procedures planned by the French health insurance system.


Journées du patrimoine – On Saturday, September 21st, and Sunday, September 22nd, more than 25,000 fascinating sites – many of which are not normally available to the public – will put on events across France for the Journées du patrimoine (heritage days).

READ ALSO 12 places to visit on France’s 2024 Heritage Days

Sunday 22

Equinox – The autumnal equinox marks the moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator from north to south. The exact (French) time it happens in 2024, is 2.43pm on Sunday. The equinox marks the end of astronomical summer in the Northern Hemisphere.