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Why is it taking so long to book a driving test in Italy?

People trying to sit their driving tests in many parts of Italy are reporting long delays when booking their theory or practical exam. The Local looks at why this is happening.

Police officers stopping cars in Italy
People across Italy are reporting major delays when booking their driving tests. Photo by Miguel MEDINA / AFP

Getting an Italian driving licence (or patente di guida) isn’t exactly a piece of cake, especially for foreign residents, who, besides familiarising themselves with the national Highway Code, must also achieve a high level of Italian language proficiency before taking the test.

But the process has become more of a challenge over the past few months for candidates experiencing long waiting times – up to five months in some cases – when booking their theory or practical tests.

READ ALSO: Who needs to exchange their driving licence for an Italian one?

As many local licensing offices (Uffici di Motorizzazione Civile, which are roughly equivalent to the UK’s DVLA or the US DMV) fail to explain these delays, candidates are left wondering what the problem is. 

The short answer is that Italy’s licensing department is facing critical understaffing problems, which, by the look of things, aren’t going away anytime soon. 

“The problem is national,” Emilio Patella, national secretary of Italy’s main driving schools’ union UNASCA, tells The Local.

“The size of the [licensing department’s] current workforce is half of what it was ten years ago, or half of what it should be on a regular basis.”

READ ALSO: Do you have to take Italy’s driving test in Italian?

Cars line up to cross the Italian-Swiss border

People taking their practical driving tests in Como face a waiting time of 140 days on average. Photo by Miguel MEDINA / AFP

This means that, presently, there simply aren’t enough employees around to meet the market’s demand – a situation which is the result of “over 20 years where few to no hirings were made”, according to Patella.

Not all local offices are currently registering gigantic delays, with waiting times varying from area to area based on demand and the number of staff available.

Regions in the north-west and north-east of the country – especially Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia-Romagna – are bearing the brunt of the national crisis.

Como has the worst-affected office in the country, Patella says, with the average waiting time for candidates looking to take their practical test standing at 140 days (or well north of four months).

Other cities experiencing long delays include Brescia, Bergamo, Milan, Turin, Vicenza, Verona, Piacenza, Parma, and Reggio Emilia.

Katherine Sahota, a British national living in Brescia, has been trying to book her theory test since September, but says there have been “little to no appointments available” in the area.

While being denied the opportunity to book a test is sufficiently frustrating in and of its own, the issue is particularly pressing for Britons in Italy at the moment.

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The 12-month grace period allowing British nationals to drive across Italy on UK licences is due to expire on December 31st and, with negotiations over a reciprocal agreement between Italy and the UK showing no sign of progress, many British nationals have chosen to get an Italian driving licence.

But the delays affecting many licensing offices across Italy are already undermining their efforts and mean it’s unlikely some residents will be able to get their licence before the deadline.

Sahota might just be one of them. 

“It is a helpless situation not being able to plan anything,” she tells The Local.

“I don’t think they understand how this affects the lives of people who need to drive for work, for families, for their own freedom of movement.”

Sahota’s situation, and that of many others across the country, isn’t being helped by the inherent nature of the Italian licensing system, which is built on a series of tight, consecutive deadlines. 

Red Vespa motorcycle and vintage Fiat

The Italian licensing system is based on a series of tight deadlines, which make candidates susceptible to even the shortest delays. Photo by Vincenzo PINTO / AFP

After submitting a request to take the test, candidates have six months to pass the theory exam, within a maximum of only two attempts. They then have 12 months and a total of three attempts to pass the practical exam. 

Also, those who have to resit either exam can only do so at least a month after the failed attempt.

As a result of this, even a waiting time as ‘short’ as two months might keep a candidate from being able to retake an exam within the set timeframe. If this happens, the candidate has no choice but to re-enrol and pay all the enrolment fees again.

Several reports of residents not being able to retake an exam through no fault of their own have emerged over the past few weeks. 

Stefano Galletti, president of Bologna’s UNASCA office, said last week that candidates in the city “can barely take an exam” in the given time span, with longer-than-usual waiting times often keeping people from retaking in case of failure.

READ ALSO: Some of the best learner sites for taking your Italian driving test

While hiring more examiners looks like the solution to the problem, but increasing the Italian licensing department’s workforce might not be as straightforward as many would think. 

According to Patella, the Italian government will have to either implement a special hiring policy known as ‘piano straordinario’ – an option which, he says, hasn’t been considered so far – or delegate tasks to employees of other national agencies in order to fill the current gaps. 

But, even if one of the above measures were to be put into effect, Patella believes that “we would only manage to get back to a normal state of things in around three years” – that’s also because “being an examiner is not a very sought-after job and few people are still willing to do it”.

In the meantime, residents facing delays can get in touch with the Italian licensing department’s support centre to report their issue or ask for guidance. 

It’s also worth noting that residents are allowed to sit their driving tests in a province other than the one where they reside. 

However, if the province where they choose to take the test doesn’t border that in which they are resident, the licensing office can ask candidates to give a valid reason for the choice and to provide additional documentation.

For further information, contact your local licensing office (Uffici di Motorizzazione Civile). Find details of your nearest office here

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Can you only take Italy’s practical driving test if you drive a manual car?

Some of Italy’s international residents need to take an Italian driving test due to the absence of licence exchange agreements – but do you have to be able to drive a manual car to pass the road exam or is there an option for automatic vehicles?

Can you only take Italy's practical driving test if you drive a manual car?

Driving in Italy is often a necessity as many parts of the country, especially rural areas, lack adequate public transport services.

While EU nationals living in Italy can drive on their EU licence until it expires (after that, they have to convert it to an Italian one via a simple exchange procedure), non-EU nationals have one year from registering as a resident to obtain an Italian driving licence.

Italy has bilateral agreements with a number of non-EU countries (find a full list here), meaning that their nationals can swap their licence for an Italian one without having to take an Italian driving test.  

But if you’re originally from a non-EU country that doesn’t have a bilateral agreement with Italy (for instance, the US and Canada), you’ll need to take a driving test to get an Italian driving licence. 

While the theory quiz is generally regarded as the most daunting part of Italy’s driving test – not least because it requires a significant amount of technical knowledge and cannot be taken in English – the road exam can also pose a series of challenges. 

READ ALSO: The key vocabulary you’ll need for taking your driving test in Italy

Driving a manual car (macchina con cambio manuale), where you have to change gears yourself, after you’ve driven automatic transmission vehicles (macchine con cambio automatico) all your life can be one of them.

But can you only take Italy’s practical driving test if you drive a car with a manual gearbox?

According to Italian licensing laws, candidates are under no obligation to drive a manual vehicle to pass the road exam for Italy’s Patente B, which is the licence for cars and motorbikes up to 125cc.

Circular 28819-2019 states that the exam must be “carried out in a four-wheeled, B category vehicle capable of reaching a speed of at least 100 km/h” but this doesn’t “necessarily have to be equipped with a manual gearbox”.

That said, while it is possible to take the road exam in an automatic vehicle, this comes with a serious drawback.

Candidates that choose to drive automatic during the road test will have number ‘78’ written on the back of their Italian licence (this is in reference to the EU’s licence code 78). 

This will prevent them from driving any manual vehicle, meaning they’ll only be able to drive an automatic car.

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By contrast, candidates that choose to take the exam in a manual car will be able to use their Italian licence to drive both manual and automatic vehicles.

Holders of a driving licence bearing code ‘78’ can remove the restriction by retaking the road exam in a manual car (meaning they won’t have to resit the theory quiz).

For more information on taking the Italian driving test, see the Automobile Club d’Italia (ACI) website or speak to your local Motorizzazione Civile office