Fact check: How much help has Germany given Ukraine?

Germany’s support for Ukraine ranks second in the world in absolute numbers - but do these numbers paint an accurate picture?

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz walks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv on Thursday.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz walks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Kay Nietfeld

Combining financial assistance, humanitarian aid, and weapon deliveries put together, the German government has sent €5.45 billion directly to Ukraine this year. 

It’s also channeled a further €7.15 billion to help fund EU initiatives for Ukraine, making for a combined total of €12.6 billion in German support. According to the Ukraine Support Tracker by the Institute for World Economy (IfW) in Kiel, that’s the second-highest out of any country since they started measuring in late January.

The USA comes in first at €47.8 billion, with France and the UK in third and fourth with around €7 billion each. When taken together, EU institutions and member states have provided €51.8 billion in assistance to Ukraine.

But study authors say that while the EU will roll out another €18 billion support package for Ukraine in 2023, the speed of German weapons deliveries could be greatly improved.

“With massive Russian air raids on civilian infrastructure, Ukraine urgently needs emergency power generators, transformers, and capacity to deal with the cold and long power outages. So far though, Germany has delivered only one out the five IRIS-T air defense systems it’s promised,” says study lead Christoph Trebesch with IfW.

So Germany’s one of Ukraine’s biggest supporters?

In terms of absolute numbers, it certainly is – but a closer look at the figures tells a slightly different story.

When measured against the weight of its economy – the fourth largest in the world – Germany’s contribution lags well behind other countries. Here, the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, alongside Poland and Slovakia, make up Ukraine’s top five supporters relative to the size of their economies. On this measure, Germany doesn’t even make the top 15 countries.

“Germany has shown it can easily mobilise its own spending, whether that’s €100 billion for the ‘Zeitenwende’ of defense spending or the €200 billion in energy relief,” says Minna Alander, a specialist in German foreign policy who recently joined the Finnish Institute of International Affairs after more than ten years working in Berlin. “That’s a crushing comparison when you consider the money it’s given to Ukraine.”

READ ALSO: Zeitenwende: How war in Ukraine has sparked a historic shift in Germany

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Germany plans extra €400 million military aid to Ukraine

Germany is planning almost €400 million in extra military aid for Ukraine this year despite a row over budgetary constraints, according to a finance ministry document seen by AFP Thursday.

Germany plans extra €400 million military aid to Ukraine

Berlin has been the second-largest contributor of military aid to Ukraine after Washington and had already earmarked around 7.5 billion euros for Kyiv in 2024.

However, Chancellor Olaf Scholz has been facing domestic pressure over the issue, with parties opposed to Berlin’s support for Kyiv making major gains at key regional elections in early September.

The additional funds are needed to “fulfil the German government’s support commitments to the Ukrainian armed forces”, the letter to the parliamentary budget committee said.

Advances by Russian forces in Ukraine have led to “heavy material losses” on the battlefield and there is a “serious risk… that Ukraine will succumb in its defence struggle without a significant increase in support”, it said.

The letter asks for the funds to be made available to provide drones and air defence equipment, among other things, “without delay” so that they can “have an impact on the battlefield in Ukraine during the remainder of 2024”.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky made a fresh appeal earlier this month for more weapons to counter the threat from advancing Russian forces in the east of the country and Moscow’s devastating missile strikes.

Berlin plans to cut back its budget for Ukraine aid next year to around €4.4 billion as it looks to make savings demanded by liberal Finance Minister Christian Lindner, according to draft budget documents.

However, the government has insisted it is “fully committed” to supporting Ukraine “for as long as necessary”.

READ ALSO: Opinion – Germany’s timid strategy risks both Ukraine’s defeat and more war in Europe