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Where are Spain’s warmest places in winter?

Looking for a winter sun escape or hate the cold at this time of year? Here are the warmest places in Spain in winter so that you can see in the New Year dining outside or strolling along the beach in the sun.

Where are Spain's warmest places in winter?
Fuerteventura is one of the warmest places in Spain in winter. Photo: Thomas Kulessa / Pixabay

We may have had one of the hottest summers since records began in Spain and across other countries in Europe, but many people still don’t want to face the cold. Whether you’re looking for places to escape to this winter, want to avoid your heating bill or you simply want need more sun, here are 10 of the warmest places in Spain in winter.


The Canary Islands are known for their excellent weather year round and are popular winter sun destinations because of this. But the climate varies from island to island and one of the warmest in winter is Fuerteventura. This is because it’s the nearest island to the African continent. In December, the average high temperature on the island is 19C and the average low temperature is 14C, while in January and February the average high temperatures are 18C and 19C respectively with lows of 12C.


Sticking within the Canary Islands, Lanzarote is another great winter pick and is definitely warmer than some of its neighbours at this time of year such as Tenerife and La Palma. Average daily temperatures can be even higher here than in Fuerteventura. December sees highs of 21C, while January and February experience average highs of 20C. This means that Christmas or New Year’s on the beach is definitely possible. The lowest temperatures at this time of year rarely dip below 13C.  

READ ALSO: Europeans are moving to Spain’s Canary Islands to avoid winter heating bills


The southern province and city of Málaga are so warm in winter that you may not even need a coat during the middle of the day. Just slightly below the temperatures of the Canary Islands, winter temperatures in Málaga hover around a high of 17C, but it does get slightly colder here with a low of 8C or 9C when the sun goes down. As it stays mostly sunny and clear too, eating lunch outdoors at beachside chiringuitos (beach bars) is a popular pastime, even in winter.


Alicante is the Spanish region most favoured by foreign home buyers and there’s a good reason. Not only does it have affordable properties and a spectacular coastline, but great winter weather too. Average winter highs here are around 17C or 18C, while the lows are around 7C. This means in the middle of the day it’s definitely possible to still dine outside or practice water sports, even though you may need a wetsuit.


Almuñécar is located on Spain’s Costa Tropical, just below Granada and is known for having its own microclimate and growing tropical fruits such as mangoes and avocados. Daytime winter temperatures here are around 17C, but you’ll find that it rarely goes below 13C. This is one of the few places in Europe where you can go skiing in the morning and relax on the beach in the afternoon. Head up to Sierra Nevada for skiing and then come back down Almuñécar for lunch on the sunny beach in the afternoon.


Located on the Costa de la Luz on the southwestern coast of Spain, Cádiz rarely gets too cold. Winter here is perfect for walking along the beach in the sunshine or visiting the inland picturesque Pueblos Blancos or White Villages. Average winter highs are around 17C, while the lowest it gets is around 10C.


In winter in Murcia, you’ll begin the day with your coat, but come lunchtime and you’ll feel fine in a light jumper or even a t-shirt. Like in Almuñécar average daytime temperatures are around 17C or 18C in winter, but the lowest temperatures are around 5C or 6C.


Situated on the African continent, it’s not surprising that the enclave of Melilla is one of the warmest in Spain during winter. With direct ferry links to Málaga, taking around seven hours, it could make for a great short trip over the winter break to visit its old walled city and try some of its tasty fusion cuisine. Average winter high temperatures in Melilla are around 18C with lows of 10C or 11C.


Spain’s other enclave on the African continent is Ceuta, bordering Morocco. Its temperatures are similar to Melilla in winter with highs of around 17C or 18C. Spend winter days here exploring the vast Mediterranean Marine Park, visiting its historic museums, old city walls and Arabic baths.

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The ‘strange’ things Spanish parents do raising their children

Spain is a fantastic country to bring up kids thanks to the weather, the safety and Spaniards' overall love of children, but that doesn't mean there aren't aspects of Spanish child-rearing that surprise foreigners.

The 'strange' things Spanish parents do raising their children

One of the most obvious cultural clashes experienced when you move to a new country is just how differently parents go about bringing up their children.

We become so used to the traditions we ourselves were brought up in that other people’s parenting techniques can appear exotic, baffling and sometimes just downright bizarre.

So despite the fact that Spain is a very family-oriented country where babies and children are adored by relatives and even strangers, there are still culture shocks relating to Spanish parenting that foreigners who move here don’t quite understand.

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Spanish baby girls all have their ears pierced

When I was a girl I had the tortuous wait until I reached the grand old age of twelve before my parents allowed me to pierce my ears. In Spain baby girls are adorned with ear studs before they even leave the hospital.

Those parents who choose not to violate the velvety soft lobes of their new-born daughters will be forever having to correct people on the true gender of their baby. Dressing head to toe pink just won’t be enough.

READ MORE: Why do Spanish parents pierce their babies’ ears?

There is no set bedtime for a lot of Spanish children

While northern European parents may be preoccupied with establishing a routine of bath, book and bed by 7pm so that they can enjoy some adult time or even call in a babysitter and enjoy a rare night now, such habits are not prevalent in Spanish society.

Children stay awake late into the night, joining their parents in restaurants long past 10pm and tearing round terrazas with other youngsters on warm summer nights while their parents enjoy a drink or dinner with their friends. It is not unusual to find young children curled up in a chair fast asleep in a noisy bar or restaurant.

READ ALSO: Why I’ll never adopt Spanish bedtimes for my children 

Spanish kids often don’t get enough sleep. Photo: Vidal Balielo Jr./Pexels

Many Spanish children know how to swear like a trooper

Don’t be shocked to hear a Spanish child reel off a string of expletives or casually intersperse dialogue with “joder, mamá!”

While the equivalent might have earned an English child the threat of “washing your mouth out with soap and water” in Spain it is just a reflection of how prevalent swearing is in everyday language and is not a sign of being badly brought up. And the upside is adults don’t have to modify the way the speak in front of the kids.

READ ALSO: Oysters, not hostias! How to ‘swear’ politely in Spanish

Spanish children can get away with some swearing, but their parents may allow some cussing without a telling off. Photo: Mohamed Abdelghaffar/Pexels

Children actually wear ‘Sunday best’ and not just on Sundays

The Spanish take ‘Sunday Best’ to a whole new level, decking their children out for lunch in a restaurant or a walk in the park in corduroy knickerbockers, sailor suits and pinafores in outfits that wouldn’t have looked out of place in Edwardian times. Siblings are often decked out in matching ensembles.

The tendency to overdress means that in winter, children will be wrapped up as if for a day on the ski-slopes even if it is 10C outside and even in the height of summer it’s a rare sight to see a Spanish child running around barefoot in the sand or on the grass.

It doesn’t have to be a special occasion for some parents to dress their children in posh and pricy clothing. Photo: Cristina Quicler/AFP

Spanish children are allowed to play with fireworks

It seems to me that one of the greatest thrills of being a kid in Spain is setting off firecrackers in a town square to make unsuspecting guiris like me jump out of my skin. While in the UK, the dangerous job of setting up the fireworks for the annual Guy Fawkes night firework display fell to a man in protective clothing located far away behind a fence.

In Spain the laissez faire attitude to pyrotechnics means it’s not unusual to see a rocket whizzing through the crowds at a summer festival.

It’s not uncommon to see children let off firecrackers and play with pyrotechnics despite the dangers. (Photo by Guillermo Arias / AFP)

Long summer holidays and extended stays with the grandparents

With the school summer holidays stretching well beyond two months and the predominant situation of two working parents, Spanish children are frequently farmed off to the ‘pueblo’ to be looked after by the grandparents for at least a fortnight over the summer. Many spend several weeks at a summer camp at the start of the holidays before heading out of the cities and if they are lucky, to the seaside, to be spoilt by their grandparents. With great summer weather and free childcare and a chance for the older generation to spend quality time with the youngest it’s a win-win situation for the whole family.

READ ALSO: Why Spain’s ‘super-grandparents’ want to be paid to babysit

Many Spanish grandparents are ‘expected’ to take care of their grandkids on a regular basis. (Photo by DESIREE MARTIN / AFP)

Babies wear perfume

For some baffling reason Spain is obsessed with baby perfume. An American friend living in Madrid who had a baby shower ahead of the birth of her first baby was quite startled to receive not one, not two, but three different brands of bottled baby perfume with which to douse her new-born.  

Because what mother wouldn’t want to disguise that sweet freshly bathed new-born baby smell, right? 

Nenuco is the number one baby cologne brand in Spain; it’s been a tradition to use it on babies for years. Photo: Nenuco

This article was originally written by Fiona Govan in 2019.