Nose for a story: Malmö mouse artists open newspaper office

Ever on the scent for the next big scoop (of fondue?), Malmö's mouse journalists have opened a bureau for the Folkbladet Lindenkronan newspaper.

Nose for a story: Malmö mouse artists open newspaper office
The Folkbladet Lindenkronan newspaper has an on site printing press. (Photo: Fun Anonymouse)

The seedy-looking bureau has its own printing press, and a poster outside of a front page, which among other stories, includes one informing readers on “how to avoid Christmas’s many traps” (illustrated with a mouse trap). 

“We’ve made an editorial office and printing press,” the street-art collective Anonymouse wrote on the Instagram account, posting an image of the office, which is viewable at mouse-level on Nikalaigatan near Malmö’s Triangeln station.  

“Freedom of the press is important, even in tiny democracies, and Lindenkronans newshawks have sharpened their pens, kept their ears to the ground and are lifting every pebble in search for a scoop.” 

They are also presumably digging up the dirt on city dignitaries and celebrities.  

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Anonymouse have won worldwide coverage for their intricate, witty street-art modelling, starting in 2016 when Noix de Vie, a mouse-sized café bistro opened its doors in Malmö, with the collective going on to build and release a bookshop, a funfair, a caravan, and a hipster barber, before launching its crowning glory, an interactive crime mystery.

READ ALSO: Step inside Sweden’s mini street art world for mice

The mystery, which participants could seek to solve if they emailed an address on mouse-sized posters, featured recorded mouse messages, four locations (three of whom featured new mouse establishments), two maps, and two newspaper front pages. 

It also marked the first appearance for the Folkbladet Lindenkronan, whose dogged reporters made the theft of the cheese owned by the suspiciously feline-looking mayor Felix C. Atus’s cheese front page news. 

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Abba tells Trump to stop using their music after he plays ‘Winner Takes It All’

The Swedish band Abba have asked US presidential candidate Donald Trump not to use their music after their hit 'The Winner Takes it All' was played at a rally in Minnesota.

Abba tells Trump to stop using their music after he plays 'Winner Takes It All'

“Together with the members of ABBA, we have discovered that videos have been released where ABBAs music/videos has been used at Trump events, and we have therefore requested that such use be immediately removed and taken down,” a spokesperson from Universal Music, Abba’s record company, told The Local.

“Universal Music Publishing AB and Polar Music International AB have not received any request, so no permission or license has been granted to Trump.”

A reporter for SvD was at a Trump rally in St Cloud, Minnesota, in July, and witnessed the 1980 hit being played to a crowd of 8,000 of Trump’s supporters. 

The spokesperson would not comment on whether the Abba members had any political objection to their music being used by Trump or the Republican Party, or on whether Universal had any grounds to request royalties or any right to ban a candidate from using their music at a rally.