German Foreign Minister looks to tackle Brexit ‘Achilles heel’ on London visit

Germany's Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said on Thursday the UK and the European Union needed to find a "responsible and pragmatic solution" to frictions over post-Brexit trade arrangements for Northern Ireland.

German Foreign Minister arriving in Dublin for a visit in December.
German Foreign Minister arriving in Dublin for a visit in December. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Christoph Soeder

“The implementation of the Northern Ireland Protocol is the Achilles heel in relations between the European Union and the United Kingdom,” Baerbock said in a statement ahead of her first official visit to London on Thursday.

The Northern Ireland Protocol is an adjunct to the EU-UK Brexit divorce deal. It seeks to respect the 1998 peace accord for Northern Ireland by ensuring there is an open land border between the UK territory and the Republic of Ireland.

As such, Northern Ireland remains in the EU’s single market, in order to avoid checks on goods travelling from and to EU member Ireland.

But checks have to happen somewhere – so the UK has agreed to a de facto trade border down the Irish Sea to prevent goods coming from England, Scotland and Wales from entering the EU free market uncontrolled via Northern Ireland.

That has infuriated pro-UK unionists in Northern Ireland, who say the arrangement drive a wedge between their community and the three other UK nations.

Siding with them, London has unveiled legislation to drastically overhaul the protocol unilaterally.

The EU continues to insist that the protocol be implemented in full, to prevent shoddy, unsafe or untaxed goods entering its single market via Northern Ireland.

“It is crucial that we find a responsible and pragmatic solution on the basis of the current agreement,” Baerbock said.

“We cannot turn back time but we can choose a good future together.”

The German minister said Thursday’s talks with her British counterpart, James Cleverly, would also cover the provision of further support for Ukraine, including weapons.

“The sooner (Russian President Vladimir) Putin understands that his brutal war of aggression is bound to fail, the sooner there is hope that the war will end,” she said.

Germany has come under pressure at home and abroad to do more to support the Ukrainian war effort.

Notably Berlin has so far refused to supply Ukraine with Leopard tanks, a key request from officials in Kyiv.

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UK Prime Minister Starmer promises Brexit ‘reset’ on Germany trip

UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer vowed on a visit to Berlin Wednesday that a planned new treaty with Germany was part of his nation's push to mend EU ties damaged by Brexit.

UK Prime Minister Starmer promises Brexit 'reset' on Germany trip

The move toward a reset, welcomed by German leader Olaf Scholz, will also include the British premier travelling to Paris for talks with President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday.

Starmer said the proposed accord, set to include a defence agreement and deeper links on science, technology as well as trade, was hoped to be agreed by year’s end.

The British premier called the planned treaty a “once in a generation chance” to aid a “wider reset” in UK-EU ties.

Scholz welcomed his UK counterpart’s desire for a “reset”, adding: “We want to accept this outstretched hand.”

Labour had said it would seek a security and defence treaty with Germany if it won the July 4 general election, which it did by a landslide – propelling Starmer to the premiership.

Britain’s Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Jill Gallard, British Ambassador to Germany, walk near the Brandenburger Gate in Berlin on August 27th. Photo by JUSTIN TALLIS / POOL / AFP

Starmer’s host Scholz has been under pressure to crack down on illegal migration after a suspected Islamist knife attack in the western city of Solingen on Friday.

The stabbing, which left three people dead and eight injured, was allegedly carried out by a 26-year-old Syrian man who evaded attempts by German authorities to deport him.

Starmer’s premiership has faced an early challenge after a deadly knife attack in Southport last month sparked anti-immigration riots, which officials say were stoked by far-right elements and false information.

Starmer said that he and Scholz had “agreed to develop a joint action plan to tackle illegal migration” and “smash the smuggler gangs who perpetrate this vile trade”.

Ukraine aid issue

The pair also discussed the war in Ukraine, with both countries under pressure over their aid for Kyiv to help it fight off Russia’s invasion.

Scholz insisted that both countries “stand firm at Ukraine’s side”, despite “recent attempts to sow doubt about this commitment”.

“Our resolve is as ever to stand shoulder to shoulder with Ukraine to provide the support that it needs for as long as it needs,” Starmer added.

Kyiv’s Western allies have reacted cautiously to Ukraine’s recent incursion into Kursk, worried that their weapons could be used on Russian soil, possibly sparking a strong reaction from Moscow.

Britain allows Kyiv to deploy a squadron of 14 British-made Challenger 2 tanks as it sees fit, but has put limits on the use of its long-range Storm Shadow cruise missiles.

Starmer said Wednesday that “no new decisions have been taken” in terms relating to tactical questions on the use of weapons.

Germany has repeatedly refused to send Kyiv its long-range Taurus missiles, over fears of escalating the conflict.

Germany has been the second-largest contributor of aid to Ukraine after the United States, but plans to halve the budget for that aid next year.

Where Germany spent around eight billion euros ($9 billion) on aid for Ukraine in 2024, the latest draft earmarks around four billion euros.

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED – Why German leaders are bashing planned Ukraine aid cuts

UK-Germany security pact

At a European Political Community (EPC) summit in England two weeks after his election win, Starmer told European leaders the UK would be a “friend and partner” to them.

Starmer has ruled out rejoining the European single market, customs union or freedom of movement — to avoid reopening what remains a thorny issue among British politicians and the public alike.

But he does want to negotiate a new security pact with the bloc and a veterinary agreement to ease border checks on agricultural foods, as well as an improved trading deal.