Could Finland go it alone if Sweden is blocked from joining Nato?

Finland may have to consider joining Nato without Sweden if Turkey continues to drag its feet on their neighbour's application, the Finnish foreign minister said on Tuesday. But he added that a joint application remains the preferred option.

Could Finland go it alone if Sweden is blocked from joining Nato?
Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto, left, at a news conference with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billström, right, in December. Photo: AP Photo/Cliff Owen

“We have to assess the situation, whether something has happened that in the longer term would prevent Sweden from going ahead,” Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto told broadcaster Yle.

He added that it was “too early to take a position on that now” and that a joint application remained the “first option”.

Sweden’s Foreign Minister Tobias Billström told media on Tuesday that he was “in contact with Finland to find out what this really means”.

Haavisto later clarified his comments at a press conference, saying he did not want to “speculate” on Finland joining alone “as both countries seem to be making progress”, and emphasising their commitment to a joint application.

But “of course, somewhere in the back of our minds, we are thinking about different worlds where some countries would be permanently barred from membership”, he said.

The Danish-Swedish far-right extremist Rasmus Paludan set fire to a copy of the Muslim holy book on Saturday in front of Turkey’s embassy in the Swedish capital, angering Ankara and Muslim countries around the world.

“Sweden should not expect support from us for Nato,” Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Monday in his first official response to the act.

“It is clear that those who caused such a disgrace in front of our country’s embassy can no longer expect any benevolence from us regarding their application for Nato membership,” Erdoğan said.

Swedish leaders have roundly condemned the Koran burning but defended their country’s broad definition of free speech.

“I want to express my sympathy for all Muslims who are offended by what has happened in Stockholm today,” Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson tweeted on Saturday.

The incident came just weeks after a support group for armed Kurdish groups in Syria, the Rojava Committee, hung an effigy of Erdoğan by the ankles in front of Stockholm City Hall, sparking outrage in Ankara.

Haavisto said the anti-Turkey protests had “clearly put a brake on the progress” of the applications by Finland and Sweden to join the trans-Atlantic military alliance.

“My own assessment is that there will be a delay, which will certainly last until the Turkish elections in mid-May,” Haavisto said.

‘Plan B’ out in the open

Turkey has indicated in recent months that it has no major objections to Finland’s entry into Nato.

Finland had refused until now to speculate on the option of joining without Sweden, emphasising the benefits of joint membership with its close neighbour.

But “frustration has grown in various corners of Helsinki”, and “for the first time it was said out loud that there are other possibilities”, Matti Pesu, a researcher at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs, told AFP.

“There has been a change” in the Finnish position, he said. “These Plan Bs are being said out loud.”

Haavisto also accused the protesters of “playing with the security of Finland and Sweden”, with actions that “are clearly intended to provoke Turkey”.

“We are on a very dangerous path because the protests are clearly delaying Turkey’s willingness and ability to get this matter through parliament,” he said.

Pesu noted that while Turkey had so far given no indication it would treat the two applications “separately”, it will be “interesting to see how Turkey reacts” to Haavisto’s comments.

Sweden and Finland last year applied to become members of Nato after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, ending decades-long policies of military non-alignment.

Their Nato bids must be ratified by all members of the alliance, of which Turkey is a member.

Turkey signed a memorandum of understanding with the two Nordic countries at the end of June, paving the way for the membership process to begin.

But Ankara says its demands remain unfulfilled, in particular for the extradition of Turkish citizens that Turkey wants to prosecute for “terrorism”.

Article by AFP’s Elias Huuhtanen

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Sweden prepared to manage Nato land force in Finland

Sweden is willing to manage a future Nato land force in neighbouring Finland, which shares a border with Russia, the two newest members of the military alliance announced on Monday.

Sweden prepared to manage Nato land force in Finland

The two Nordic nations dropped decades of military non-alignment and applied for Nato membership in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Finland became a member in 2023 and Sweden this year.

Nato said in July that a so-called Forward Land Forces (FLF) presence should be developed in Finland, which shares a 1,340-kilometre (830-mile) border with Russia.

“This kind of military presence in a Nato country requires a framework nation which plays an important role in the implementation of the concept,” Finnish Defence Minister Antti Häkkänen told a press conference.

The countries said Finland had asked Sweden to manage the force.

“The Swedish government has the ambition to take the role as a framework nation for a forward land force in Finland,” Häkkänen’s Swedish counterpart Pål Jonson told reporters.

Jonson stressed the process was still in an “early stage” and details would be worked out inside Nato.

There would also be further consultations with the Swedish parliament, he said.

Häkkänen said details about the actual force would be clarified through planning with other Nato members, adding that the number of troops and their exact location had not yet been decided.

Nato says it currently has eight such forward presences, or “multinational battlegroups”, in Eastern Europe – in Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.