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Reader question: Why do French strikes always seem to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays?

If a one-day strike is called in France there is a high chance that it will be on either a Tuesday or a Thursday - here's why.

Reader question: Why do French strikes always seem to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays?
A demonstrator, wearing a jacket of the French union General Confederation of Labour (CGT), waves a light flare during a rally in Lyon, south-eastern France (Photo by OLIVIER CHASSIGNOLE / AFP)

There are two types of strikes in France – unlimited or open-ended strikes that run for days or weeks at a time and single-day actions.

And if it’s a one-day strike, there is a high chance that it will be on either a Tuesday or a Thursday – as we have seen with the latest pension reform strikes which have been called for Thursday, January 19th and Tuesday, January 31st.

This is useful to know if you’re planning a trip and have some flexibility over your days of travel, but this doesn’t just happen by accident.

READ MORE: Calendar: The French pension strike dates to remember

Stéphane Sirot, a historian specialising in the sociology of strikes and trade unionism, explained to French newspaper Le Parisien that it’s all about maximising turnout.

Put simply, unions declare strikes on the days when the greatest number of people are working, in order to have the highest possible number of strikers in order to heap pressure on the employers and/or government. 

For this reason, weekends and public holidays are out because these days tend to have a reduced workforce. Workers who work on weekends, such as train drivers or waste collectors, often take Mondays or Fridays as rest days, so again there is a limited number of people who can strike.

There is another reason Mondays are out, said Sirot; “A sort of ‘battle plan meeting’ is generally held the day before a strike, in order to organise, for example, demonstration plans. However, the union leaders are not going to meet on a Sunday to refine the last points.”

READ MORE: Grève illimitée or générale: 12 bits of French strike vocab you need to know

And Fridays have a further problem: “If a renewable strike starts on a Friday and a day of action is put in place on the following Monday, people working in the public sector will have four days of pay taken away, because the administration considers that they are on strike for the whole period. In order not to deplete the finances of strikers, unions are careful not to organise mobilisations on a Friday.”

And Wednesdays? This is more of a historic reason relating to French schools giving children Wednesday afternoons off – which means that many parents also take the whole of Wednesday or the afternoon off. These days the Wednesday half-day is less common, but it still happens so unions usually avoid Wednesdays as well – leaving Tuesdays and Thursdays the optimum strike days.

You may also have noticed that demos are divided into two kinds – union-organised marches which take place during the week and those organised by political parties which happen at the weekend, usually on Saturdays.

“Union-organised demos usually go together with strikes – which is to say the stopping of the working time. In their eyes, demonstrating on weekends is not unionism,” added Sirot.

Of course, if the one-day strikes turn into une grève illimité (unlimited strike) or une grève reconductible (renewable strikes) they will encompass the whole week.

If you want to keep up with ongoing strike action in France, head to our strike section found HERE.

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Latest: French easyJet staff call for ‘unlimited’ strike action

The announcement by the budget airline easyJet that it is closing one of its main hubs in south-west France has been met with fury by French unions. They have called for an 'unlimited' strike starting on Monday September 16th.

Latest: French easyJet staff call for 'unlimited' strike action

The union UNAC, which represents staff at the UK-based budget airline, has filed a three-month strike notice, starting on Monday, September 16th.

EasyJet announced last week that it was closing its hub in Toulouse, south-west France.

The move will affect around 125 staff who are based there – but will not have any impact on flights going to or from Toulouse, the company said. EasyJet will continue to run the same routes from Toulouse, including daily flights to the UK.

However the announcement was met with fury by the UNAC union, which described the announcement as “brutal” and “without any prior discussions or consultation process”.

The union filed a strike notice for ‘unlimited’ action beginning on Monday, September 16th.

However, it later clarified that walk-outs would be periodic, on dates still to be announced during the three-month period until December 16th.

A union official told French TV channel BFM: “We are not simply calling for an indefinite strike, as we will be communicating key dates later. Negotiations start on September 16th, and will last around three months.”

Depending on how negotiations go, strike days may be announced at a later date, although it seems unlikely that easyJet will be pressured into rowing back on the hub closure.

The SNPNC union, which is the largest union representing easyJet workers, confirmed over the weekend that it would not be calling on its members to strike – which means that even if strikes do go ahead, their impact will be limited.

SNPNC head William Bourdon said: “Look, it’s likely that the base closure will go ahead. The UNAC call is for national action, but we have to be honest, I can’t see colleagues in Nice going on strike to support colleagues in Toulouse.”

He added that the SNPNC position on strike action may change if easyJet announced further closures.

We will update our strike section when we know more.

Bertrand Godinot, the easyJet director for France said in a press release that the decision to close the hub was based on “a combination of factors, including a slower post-Covid recovery as well as pressure due to inflation, which have impacted easyJet’s ability to invest more in France.”

Unions say that high airport charges at Toulouse are also to blame.

In total, easyJet employs 1,800 people in France, under French work contracts, and it is anticipated that most of the Toulouse staff will transfer to other bases.