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Avalanches in Austria: What you should know to stay safe in the mountains

Austria is an excellent destination for skiing, snowboarding and other winter sports, but the risk of deadly avalanches is real. Here's what you need to know to stay safe in the Alps.

Avalanches in Austria: What you should know to stay safe in the mountains
Avalanche warning boards are on display at a closed area in the small resort of Zinal, Alps on January 9, 2018, after the access road cut by heavy snowfall reopened. (Photo by Fabrice COFFRINI / AFP)

Much of Austria is mountainous given the fact the eastern Alps cover 60 percent of the country

Only 32 percent of the country is below 500 metres.

The Austrian Alps are primarily located in the west with Tyrol, Salzburg and Vorarlberg some of the provinces known for their winter tourism and skiing resorts. 

Even though Austria is a perfect destination for winter, the mountains also have their dangers, as recent deadly avalanches have shown. From 2016 to 2021, there were an average of 18 deaths each year due to avalanches, and more than 103 avalanche accidents were recorded annually, according to Statista.

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An increase in the numbers of skiers, especially as global warming makes for a shorter winter season, and the fact that it doesn’t snow as steadily as years before in certain areas -with snow coming in stronger storms instead – may make accidents such as avalanches more common or at least more unpredictable, experts say.

So how to stay safe while in the mountains?

Warning system

First, the European Union has an online tool to check the dangers of avalanches, the European Avalanche Warning Services. You can zoom in and click on the province where you are travelling to get more information, or just check using the links below:

There are no high mountains with a risk of avalanches in large parts of Upper Austria, Lower Austria, and the entire provinces of Burgenland and Vienna.

There are five danger levels in Austria: 1 – low (green), 2 – moderate (yellow), 3 – considerable (orange), 4 – high (red) and 5 – very high (red and black). These colours are also used to mark avalanche risk in loco, so if you see an avalanche sign in orange, for example, it indicates a considerable risk in that area. (You can read more about each level HERE)

Danger level 5 is rarely forecast, while danger level 3 is forecast for around 30 percent of the winter season. Approximately 50 percent of avalanche fatalities happen while the level is “considerable”.

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The maps show in detail the regions, altitudes, danger levels and particular avalanche problems (new snow, wind slab, persistent weak layer, wet snow, gliding snow). From level three, the authorities already advise a high level of caution and restraint – sometimes even asking people to avoid excursions or at least to stay on piste.

Avalanches can also be divided into sizes, considering the potential damage caused from size 1, which is unlikely to bury a person, to size 5, extremely large, which may devastate the landscape and has catastrophic, destructive potential. From size two, though, medium avalanches have the potential to bury, injure or kill a person and may be triggered by a skier.

Members of the ski patrol and bomb experts blast a 2.5 kg dynamite stick as part of avalanche maintenance, on January 10, 2018 in Val Thorens ski resort. (Photo by PHILIPPE DESMAZES / AFP)

Weather conditions

Even though the warning system considers weather conditions, skiers and other winter enthusiasts are advised to always check the weather conditions before heading for the slopes and mountains.

Be fit and prepared

Austria’s Alpine association has a series of recommendations regarding ski touring and avalanches.

Firstly, the association reminds people that ski touring is an endurance sport, so those looking to practise winter sports in Austria should stay healthy and fit. Additionally, people adventuring through the Austrian mountains (independent of the season) should carefully prepare for their trip, checking maps and online literature and hiring professionals depending on need. 

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“Pay special attention to the weather forecast and plan alternative routes and checkpoints”, the Verein said. It also recommended people check the avalanche situation report: “What is the danger level, where are the danger spots, what are the current avalanche problems?”. 

Bring the proper equipment

Additionally, skiers and anyone going to the slopes should have proper equipment adapted to the winter conditions and the specific tour destination. 

According to the Alpine association, standard emergency equipment includes an avalanche transmitter, shovel and probe, first aid kit, bivouac sack and mobile phone (don’t forget that the European emergency number is 112). 

The Verein said that an airbag system increases chances of survival and that all equipment should be tested before the trip – and people should be familiar with using them.

Small groups

“Small groups of up to six people increase safety”, the Verein said. It recommends that people stay together in the group and inform familiar people about their destination, route and return. The ideal group size for ski tours is approximately four people.

Finally, the Austrian Alpine association tells mountain visitors to respect nature and the environment.

If you are not highly familiar with snow conditions and avalanche factors, it is always safer to stay in marked paths. 

READ ALSO: How to keep safe and avoid problems when hiking in the Austrian Alps

(Photo by Krzysztof Kowalik on Unsplash)

What to do in case of an avalanche?

If you encounter an avalanche, there are a few things that can increase your chances of survival if you are not able to move away from the danger zone, according to the skiing school

If you have an avalanche backpack with an airbag, release it; try to stay on the avalanche surface at all costs. It helps to do swimming movements; when you notice that the avalanche is coming to a halt, get into a crouching position and hold your fists and forearms in front of your face at a distance to create a breathing cavity; and measure your efforts when trying to free yourself, you need to try and save your strength and stay calm.

The official government of Canada has some additional tips, including keeping your mouth closed and your teeth clenched, grabbing onto anything solid such as trees and rocks, to avoid being swept away, and trying to move yourself to the side of the avalanche.  

READ ALSO: Where are the best places to go skiing in Austria?

The most important tip is to be prepared and understand the risks. Austria has several skiing and safety courses that teach and train people to assess dangers and behave safely.

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What are Austria’s guidelines for hiking near cows after walker killed?

The Austrian Alps are a perfect destination for hikers, but they are also home to the grazing cows. After several high profile incidents which saw walkers killed by cattle, here are the government's tips to stay safe.

What are Austria's guidelines for hiking near cows after walker killed?

People in Austria were left shocked in June by the news that a hiker had died when a herd of cows charged her – while her two daughters survived with injuries. 

The woman was hiking with her two daughters, aged 20 and 23, and two small dogs for her 40th birthday, in the Salzburg region when the cow herd charged.

The police opened an investigation into the circumstances of the tragic incident but believe the presence of the dogs might have triggered the charge by the cows. 

This type of event is rare but has happened before. In 2017, an Austrian who was hiking with a friend and their dogs was fatally gored in the Tyrol region.

In 2014, a German holidaymaker was trampled to death by cows also in Tyrol.

Following the outcry over the case, the government published a “code of conduct” for hikers. So, what do the guidelines say?

‘Be respectful’

“Please be respectful when on alpine pastures and meadows and show consideration for other recreational athletes”, the illustrated guide says. It adds ten basic “rules of behaviour” for dealing with grazing livestock, particularly cows:

  • Avoid contact with grazing livestock. Do not feed the animals, keep a safe distance
  • Keep calm; do not frighten grazing animals

Austria’s Ministry for Agriculture, Illustration by Andreas Ramptisch
  • Mother cows protect their calves and avoid encounters between mother cows and dog
  • Always keep dogs under control and on a short lead. If an attack by a grazing animal is foreseeable, Immediately take off the leash

Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Illustration by Andreas Ramptisch

  • Do not leave hiking trails on mountain pastures and meadows
  • If grazing cattle block the path, keep as far away as possible

Austria’s Ministry for Agriculture, Illustration by Andreas Ramptisch
  • When approaching grazing cattle: stay calm, do not turn your back, avoid the animals
  • Leave the grazing area quickly at the first sign of animal restlessness
  • Pay attention to fences. If there is a gate, use it, then close it well and cross the pasture quickly.
  • Treat the people who work here, nature, and animals with respect.

The Austrian Alpine Association also has a series of tips for hikers in general, including information on being fit and in good health, as well as planning, equipment, footwear, and more.

You can read more about how to keep safe and avoid problems when hiking in the Austrian Alps HERE.