How Austria aims to increase safety on ski slopes

Experts in Austria are conducting a study to understand and help prevent ski accidents in the Alpine country. Here's what you need to know.

How Austria aims to increase safety on ski slopes
A group of skiers on a sunny day (Photo by Banff Sunshine Village on Unsplash)

In the last five years, there was an estimated 55,000 winter sports accidents in Tyrol, Austria, according to data collected by the St. Johann District Hospital. The Austrian province is one of the most popular destinations for winter tourism in Europe, but the peak winter season also means crowded hospitals as the number of accidents increases.

“If we can reduce the number of patients by 30 percent, the hospital will still be full, but at least everyone will be taken care of”, the head of the Department for Orthopedics and Traumatology at St. Johann Hospital in Tyrol, Alexander Brunner, told broadcaster ORF.

Just this weekend, eight people were killed in avalanches in the Austrian Alps, as reported. In Tyrol and the neighbouring region of Vorarlberg, authorities again warned that avalanche risks were high due to wind and snowfall.

In order to relieve the hospitals in the region, a team at St. Johann is currently conducting a story to determine the greatest risk factors for skiing accidents. They want to identify patterns and frequencies and then propose measures to prevent them.

READ ALSO: Avalanches in Austria: What you should know to stay safe in the mountains

The researchers are interviewing accident victims to ask about weather conditions, temperature, condition and fitness level, number of ski days already completed, age, quality of equipment, skiing ability or slope condition.

Skiing is becoming more dangerous

The number of accidents has increased in Austria in the last few years, and experts are still looking into the reasons. Many have mentioned that the end of the coronavirus restrictions led to more people seeking the Alps after years without practice – or drew new people to dangerous sports without the proper training. 

READ ALSO: How to keep safe and avoid problems when hiking in the Austrian Alps

Additionally,  advances in skiing and snowboarding equipment have made it possible for people to ski faster and even take on more challenging terrain, which can increase the risk of injury. However, the factor that has been talked about the most is the influence of climate change on winter sports. 

As warmer temperatures mean less snow in many mountain areas, this can lead to a higher concentration of skiers on the pistes, increasing the risk of collisions and accidents. More people on the resorts also encourage some skiers to look for off-piste areas, where the chances of accidents are also higher.

Moreover, a lack of snow can make conditions harder and icier, which is also more dangerous and could increase the risk of injury. With climate change, extreme weather and heavy snowstorms also make winter sports riskier.

READ ALSO: Why getting rescued in the Austrian Alps could cost you thousands

So far, the St. Johann’s team is focusing on gathering information at this stage. However, Brunner said that an example of a future measure would be to create an app that can tell the skier when the risk of injury increases and how it might be better to skip the ski day. 

Ski resorts and organisations have also taken steps to improve safety in the sport, with better slope maintenance, more signs and promoting education among those who practise the sport. In addition, there are several skiing and snowboarding schools and courses that teach safety and online tools to learn more about skiing and snowboarding safely.

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What are Austria’s guidelines for hiking near cows after walker killed?

The Austrian Alps are a perfect destination for hikers, but they are also home to the grazing cows. After several high profile incidents which saw walkers killed by cattle, here are the government's tips to stay safe.

What are Austria's guidelines for hiking near cows after walker killed?

People in Austria were left shocked in June by the news that a hiker had died when a herd of cows charged her – while her two daughters survived with injuries. 

The woman was hiking with her two daughters, aged 20 and 23, and two small dogs for her 40th birthday, in the Salzburg region when the cow herd charged.

The police opened an investigation into the circumstances of the tragic incident but believe the presence of the dogs might have triggered the charge by the cows. 

This type of event is rare but has happened before. In 2017, an Austrian who was hiking with a friend and their dogs was fatally gored in the Tyrol region.

In 2014, a German holidaymaker was trampled to death by cows also in Tyrol.

Following the outcry over the case, the government published a “code of conduct” for hikers. So, what do the guidelines say?

‘Be respectful’

“Please be respectful when on alpine pastures and meadows and show consideration for other recreational athletes”, the illustrated guide says. It adds ten basic “rules of behaviour” for dealing with grazing livestock, particularly cows:

  • Avoid contact with grazing livestock. Do not feed the animals, keep a safe distance
  • Keep calm; do not frighten grazing animals

Austria’s Ministry for Agriculture, Illustration by Andreas Ramptisch
  • Mother cows protect their calves and avoid encounters between mother cows and dog
  • Always keep dogs under control and on a short lead. If an attack by a grazing animal is foreseeable, Immediately take off the leash

Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Illustration by Andreas Ramptisch

  • Do not leave hiking trails on mountain pastures and meadows
  • If grazing cattle block the path, keep as far away as possible

Austria’s Ministry for Agriculture, Illustration by Andreas Ramptisch
  • When approaching grazing cattle: stay calm, do not turn your back, avoid the animals
  • Leave the grazing area quickly at the first sign of animal restlessness
  • Pay attention to fences. If there is a gate, use it, then close it well and cross the pasture quickly.
  • Treat the people who work here, nature, and animals with respect.

The Austrian Alpine Association also has a series of tips for hikers in general, including information on being fit and in good health, as well as planning, equipment, footwear, and more.

You can read more about how to keep safe and avoid problems when hiking in the Austrian Alps HERE.