London was most popular destination from Copenhagen Airport last month

New figures from Copenhagen Airport show that 1.6 million passengers travelled through the airport in January, double the number from January 2022. The most popular destination was London.

London was most popular destination from Copenhagen Airport last month
Copenhagen Airport in February 2021. Passenger numbers are up with London again a popular destination. Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen/Ritzau Scanpix

The sharp increase in travellers between this January and last reflects the impact of Covid-19 restrictions, still in place a year ago, on travel.

“Winter months are not as busy as summer months, but it’s good to see the travel bug return,” Copenhagen Airport commercial director Peter Krogsgaard said in a statement.

“I’m pleased that we have almost twice as many passengers compared to last year, when various restrictions still affected flight traffic,” he said.

The number remains markedly lower than 2019, when just under two million passengers used CPH airport in January.

European destinations were generally the most popular for travellers from Copenhagen last month.

Along with London, Nordic capitals Stockholm and Oslo were also frequently-visited.

International routes have also started the year positively, Copenhagen Airport said. It is hoped that five new routes to be launched this year will continue to boost long haul flights.

“It’s important for us that we get more long distance routes out of Copenhagen Airport. That helps cement our position as a traffic hub in northern Europe,” Krogsgaard said.

“We expect passenger numbers to continue to rise in 2023. Travel appetite is certainly back, that is clear,” he said.

Scandinavian airline SAS has already opened a new route to New York and increased the frequency of its Shanghai service, while Air India will begin direct flights from Copenhagen to New Delhi in March.

Ethiopian Airlines is also set to open its route to Addis Ababa. That service will be the first direct flight between Copenhagen and sub-Saharan Africa for 20 years.

READ ALSO: New flight adds to travel options between Denmark and northern England

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Denmark’s DSB ticket app updated to allow multiple check-ins

The DSB app, which can be used to pay for rail and bus journeys across Denmark, has been updated so that users can use it to pay for accompanying passengers.

Denmark’s DSB ticket app updated to allow multiple check-ins

Denmark’s national rail operator DSB has announced an update of its app to enable users to buy multiple tickets on the same journey.

DSB’s app, launched in April this year, allows you to pay for your journey and to check in on buses, local trains or metros. Over two and a half million journeys have since been paid for using the app, the company said in a statement on Wednesday.

To use the DSB app, you can use the “check in” function in the app and then “check out” when your journey is complete. Your fare will then be paid using the payment card you link to the app.

This will now also apply when you add additional passengers before checking, using the new function.

If you forget to check out at the end of your trip, the DSB app does this automatically after 15 minutes, preventing you from paying an incorrect fare.


“There has been great demand from customers to be able to travel together using the Check-in function. Now you only need one phone to take care of tickets for everyone on trains, buses, metro, and light rail,” DSB’s customer manager Charlotte Kjærulff said in the statement.

As much as 77 percent of online ticket purchases with DSB are now completed on the DSB app, according to the company.

“We are continuously developing our app with the aim of putting everything the customer needs for their journey in one place.We want it to be easy for customers to find the right ticket for their journey,” Kjærulff said.

Many transport users in Denmark still use a physical Rejsekort when checking in and out of public transportation. The Rejsekort is also being replaced by an app, which was fully rolled out earlier this month. The Rejsekort app is currently awaiting the results of a probe by the national data protection agency.

Both the DSB and Rejsekort apps are likely to increase convenience for many public transport passengers who have previously been reliant on having credit on the physical card and remembering to bring it with them.