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Inside France: Sexy films, protest blues and a British bromance

From a Frenchman's right to protest to rekindling the flame of the Franco-British relationship, via singing, birthdays and dodgy film titles, our weekly newsletter Inside France looks at what we have been talking about in France this week.

Inside France: Sexy films, protest blues and a British bromance
This week we're all about rekindling romances when it comes to international relations. Photo by ANNE-CHRISTINE POUJOULAT / AFP

Inside France is our weekly look at some of the news, talking points and gossip in France that you might not have heard about. It’s published each Saturday and members can receive it directly to their inbox, by going to their newsletter preferences or adding their email to the sign-up box in this article.

British bromance

There were a lot of serious topics discussed at the meeting between Emmanuel Macron and Rishi Sunak on Friday, but for much of the French media this was about a chance to go back to normal relations between neighbours and historic allies after the chaotic and tense relationship during the Boris Johnson years and the Liz Truss weeks.

I particularly enjoyed the front page of leftwing daily Libération ahead of the visit. My gran had some very similar souvenir mugs from the weddings of Prince Charles and Diana and Prince Andrew and Sarah back in the 1980s – I hope that’s not a bad omen for the Macron-Sunak relationship


I’m afraid I had to laugh this week when a Parisian told me, with a completely straight face, that: “Since Macron, no-one can protest in France any more or you will be shot in the back. It’s unfortunate but that’s the way it is.”

On Tuesday an estimated 1.2 million people protested against the pension reform, so I think that statement is not quite true (although there is certainly a serious conversation to be had about police violence in France).

The pension reform bill continues to make its way through the parliamentary process, coming back to the Assemblée nationale next week ahead of a final vote on March 26th. It’s widely expected that strikes will reach a crescendo over the next two weeks with official actions such as walk-outs on the railways and unofficial ones like the rogue Edf workers cutting off the power to towns that elected ministers who back the reforms. 

Song of the week

As the country of my birth takes on the country of my residence this weekend in the Six Nations rugby match known as Le Crunch, I’ll have the opportunity to hear La Marseillaise as it should be sung – bellowed by slightly drunk sports fans.

The French anthem is undoubtedly a cracking tune, so much so that I also heard it sung by groups of distinctly convivial farmers in the wine tent at the closing at France’s biggest farm show last weekend. Can’t quite imagine that happening with God Save the King . . .

Thread of the week

We’ve written about this before at The Local, but French versions of English-language film titles are often a bit . . . weird. Especially when it comes to sex, as the below thread demonstrates.

Although the urban myth that The Matrix films appeared in France as Les jeunes qui traversent des dimensions en portant des lunettes de soleil (young people who travel in dimensions while wearing sunglasses) is sadly not true. In France it was simply Matrix, while in Quebec it was La Matrice.

Puns, sex and urban legends: How French film titles are translated into English

Birthday cake

And the Talking France podcast is back with a special first birthday edition.

Yes, it’s one year since we said ‘Let’s launch a podcast to cover the presidential elections, we’ll probably just do it for a couple of months’. We’ve branched out since then from politics to cover all aspects of French news and life in France – this week’s episode covers; strikes (of course), drought, Olympics tickets, France’s privacy laws and 3 French islands you really should visit.

Listen here or on the link below.

And if you want to hear even more of me talking, this week I am a guest on the Navigating the French podcast, discussing perhaps the most French word of them all – la grève (strikes).

Inside France is our weekly look at some of the news, talking points and gossip in France that you might not have heard about. It’s published each Saturday and members can receive it directly to their inbox, by going to their newsletter preferences or adding their email to the sign-up box in this article.

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Inside France: Mascots, memories and minister’s love song

From politicians' love songs to the latest on the French government crisis, via the lingering memories of a golden summer of sport, our weekly newsletter Inside France looks at what we have been talking about in France this week.

Inside France: Mascots, memories and minister's love song

Inside France is our weekly look at some of the news, talking points and gossip in France that you might not have heard about. It’s published every Saturday and members can receive it directly to their inbox, by going to their newsletter preferences or adding their email to the sign-up box in this article.

99 problems

Well this is brutal – France has gone from a golden summer of sport to being plunged right back into a political crisis (and maybe a financial crisis too) and top it all off the temperature has plummeted so that it feels like late October already. 

The Paris Paralympics closed on Sunday with a beautiful ceremony at Stade de France – and the French took the opportunity to remind president Emmanuel Macron that he can’t hide from his political problems for ever by booing and whistling at him.

5 of the biggest problems that France (and Macron) face in September

By Monday, France was plunged right back into its political crisis, with newly appointed prime minister Michel Barnier beginning the long and difficult process of trying to put together a government. That will happen by next week – maybe. 

The above meme showing Barnier considering picking Darth Vader for his cabinet (or Dark Vador as he is known to the French) is a reminder that, while many leftist Brits have a lingering fondness for Barnier as the man who stood up to Boris Johnson and his Brexiteers, on domestic issues he is pretty far to the right of the political spectrum.

L’amour and Le Maire

One person we know won’t be in the new government is Bruno Le Maire – the man who has served as Macron’s finance minister ever since 2017. He announced his departure by quoting singer Michel Sardou and saying Je vous aime, mais je pars (I love you but I’m leaving).

I don’t really feel qualified to judge his economic record, but I can say that I have enjoyed his Instagram posts (almost all close-ups of himself either jogging or drinking coffee) and I’m still trying to forget the passage that I read from one of his erotic novels. As a politician who appears to have a healthy ego, I’m pretty sure we haven’t seen the last of him.

Talking France

Back after its extended summer break is the Talking France podcast where we try, with the help of John Lichfield, to make sense of all this, look ahead to the legacy of the Paris Olympics and things to do in France in September.

As this is the first podcast we have done since the Games started we couldn’t resist a little chat about our favourite memories (plus some things to moan about) and I also got the opportunity to talk about my stint as a Volunteer during the Paralympics.

This was an incredible experience – I spent three weeks working at the Athletes’ Village and can honestly say it’s one of the best things I have ever done.

Farewell to the most incredible temporary workplace – the last 3 weeks as a volunteer in the Athletes’ Village for the Paris 2024 Paralympics have been amazing, wonderful, unforgettable

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— Emma Pearson ( September 8, 2024 at 9:28 AM

You can download the episode here or listen on the link below.

Inside France is our weekly look at some of the news, talking points and gossip in France that you might not have heard about. It’s published each Saturday and members can receive it directly to their inbox, by going to their newsletter preferences or adding their email to the sign-up box in this article.