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The best websites to look for jobs in Spain

If you’re looking for your next career challenge in Spain or indeed are new to the country and are looking for employment, here are some of the best websites to look for jobs.

The best websites to look for jobs in Spain
The best job websites in Spain. Photo: Oleksandr Pidvalnyi / Pixabay

Unless you’re retired or moving to Spain to retire, one of the most important things you’ll need to do when you first arrive, or even before you arrive, is to look for a job. It can be a little daunting knowing where to look when you’re in a new country, but we’ve got you covered with some of the best job websites in Spain.

Or perhaps you’ve lived here for several years and are looking to take on new career responsibilities and improve your prospects. If you always get stuck looking at the same job sites, you may want to take look below and broaden your options. 

READ ALSO: Not just English teaching: The jobs you can do in Spain without speaking Spanish

The Local Jobs

Did you know that at The Local we also have our own job site? You can find it under the jobs tab under the logo on the homepage and choose from careers in Spain including education & teaching, software engineering, sales and customer service. Most of the job descriptions are written in English too, so it’s one of the best places to look if your Spanish is not quite up to scratch yet.  


InfoJobs continues to be the leading job search portal in Spain, ever since it was launched in 1988. It’s the best place to start when searching for a job here, with listings of thousands of vacancies across the country and across various industries too. Large corporations such as Telefónica, Clece and Sacyr publish hundreds of job offers daily. It also allows you to set various filters when searching, including work-from-home and hybrid positions.


Infoempleo enables users to register for free and upload their CVs to the site. If you can understand Spanish, the blog section is particularly helpful with several articles with tips and news related to employment in Spain. They also have a section on courses and study centres throughout the country, in case you need to brush up on your skills first.


One of the most comprehensive jobs sites out there, LinkedIn is of course one of the best places to search for jobs worldwide, not just in Spain. You can select the search terms for the jobs you want, as well as preferred locations. As many of you are probably already aware, LinkedIn is not only great for searching for jobs, but of course for making professional connections online and putting your CV online, so that potential recruiters can search you out too.


One of the most important online employment agencies in Spain, the site allows companies to sign up and publish their first two job offers for free. It also has a geolocation service that allows candidates to know which jobs are closest to their homes.


Indeed, allows you to search through thousands of jobs online to find your next career move and has several tools to help you such as improving your CV.  One of the best aspects of it is it has thousands of opinions from users and candidates who have already had the experience of working for the same company or have already been through the interview process.


Trabajamos is a social employment site that is ideal for those who are self-employed, with more than 60,000 users and 13,000 job ads published. Under the section ‘Demands and services’ professionals from all fields have the opportunity to upload a professional description about themselves, a photo and details on what they charge per hour for certain services.

El País / Monster

The joint initiative of the newspaper El País and the American employment portal, Monster is another great option. As well as searching, the page allows you to save the jobs you’re most interested in so you can look at them any time and don’t have to search again. It also enables you to upload your CV and see which companies are interested or have been looking at it.


The Adecco website covers both employment and career guidance and is specialised in Human Resources. As well as being a job site, it also has 280 offices throughout Spain. The company focuses on certain sectors in particular and is best for jobs in hospitality, audio-visual, logistics, motoring and transport.  


Milanuncios is not solely a job website, it’s also a place to look for second-hand items for sale, search for professional services or even find apartments for rent. It does have a section on employment, however, which allows candidates and companies to get in contact with each other directly. Be aware though, that there can be some job scams posted on the site, so look out for any positions that sound too good to be true or ask you to pay any money in order to apply.  


Noticiastrabajo specialises in employment, labour rights, economy, benefits and admin. Job boards are published daily with offers from large multinationals such as Mercadona, Leroy Merlin, Bricomart, Decathlon and Primark, among many other leading companies looking to recruit. One of the best parts about it is that it clearly states accurate salaries, the number of hours and how to send your CV. It even gives you tips on how to pass the job interview.

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Why Aragón is on its way to becoming Spain’s next Silicon Valley

Tech giants Amazon and Microsoft are both investing heavily in Spain's northeastern region of Aragón, turning it into a huge hub for data centres that will create thousands of new jobs. It's an unexpected but strategic choice.

Why Aragón is on its way to becoming Spain's next Silicon Valley

In recent years, Málaga had come to be known as ‘the Silicon Valley of Europe’ after Google and hundreds more tech companies established their European headquarters in the Costa del Sol city.

This has had a huge impact on the local economy and drawn in lots of foreign talent, with some unintended consequences in the process. 

However, another region of Spain is now being favoured by some of the global tech giants: Aragón, the region which houses the city of Zaragoza.

The northeastern region is set to become a hub for international data centres, large groups of networked computer servers which are essential for big companies that depend on digital data, as they’re used for remote storage, processing, or distribution of large amounts of data.

Amazon and Microsoft have both chosen Aragón as their data centre hub for southern Europe.

Last May, Amazon’s cloud computing division AWS announced it will invest €15.7 billion in data centres in Aragón through to 2033.

The investment will reportedly create around 17,500 indirect jobs in local companies and contribute €21.6 billion to Spain’s gross domestic product during the period, Amazon said in a statement.

“This new commitment by AWS spotlights our country’s attractiveness as a strategic tech hub in southern Europe,” Spanish Digital Transformation Minister José Luis Escrivá said in a statement.

This July, Microsoft confirmed as well that it would invest heavily in Aragón, specifically €2.2 billion in a huge data centre project.

“This is great news for the Aragonese economy,” said regional leader Jorge Azcón, highlighting the economic benefits expected from this investment which he believes will have “a knock-on effect” in attracting other companies.

Microsoft had already announced in October its intention to build a data centre campus in Aragón to provide “cloud services to European companies and public bodies” without saying how much investment that would entail. Now it looks like plans definitely go ahead.

Citing figures provided by the IDC consultancy, Microsoft said the project with its 88-hectare (217-acre) campus could “contribute to the creation of more than 2,100 technology jobs in Aragón between 2026 and 2030”.

So why Aragón, a Spanish region that aside from its capital Zaragoza is vastly underpopulated and undeveloped?

One reason is that data centres require locations with a robust electrical capacity, given that data farms consume a vast amount of energy.

In that respect, Aragón is an ideal location due to its ample sunshine and strong wind exposure that have given way to both solar and wind farms.

Other factors that have worked in Aragon’s favour include its robust links to Spain’s communications networks and the region’s geostrategic location, mid-way between Madrid and Barcelona, and with other major cities such as Bilbao and Valencia within relatively close reach.

Data centres also need land. In general, data farms require a high number of hectares. The surfaces range, for example, from the 147 hectares of AWS in the Polígono Empresarium in Zaragoza to 62 hectares near the Walqa Technology Park in Huesca and an additional 44 hectares in El Burgo de Ebro.

Being a vast region (47,719 km²) , Aragón has plenty of space available, coupled with the fact that its population density of 27.8 inhabitants per square metre means that there’s lot of room to build.

Seismic activity is also a decisive factor when tech companies choose locations for data centres, with a preference for  areas in which there is less or no incidence of earthquakes to guarantee its correct functioning. Around 88 percent of the Aragonese territory has a seismic acceleration below 0.040 g, that is, an intensity threshold, which is the lowest in the whole of Spain. 

READ ALSO: What are the pros and cons of life in Spain’s Zaragoza and Aragón?