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Danish word of the day: Trivsel

A word that expresses a feeling of well-being.

What is trivsel? 

Trivsel is a noun which is difficult to pin to a direct English translation. It comes from the verb at trives, which is a little easier, meaning “to thrive”.

At trives is used in a broader range of situations than “thrive”, however. You can say han trives til fodbold (“he’s thriving at football practice”), but also han trives i sin nye skole.

This latter sentence literally means “he’s thriving at his new school” but doesn’t exactly mean “thriving” in the way you’d understand the word in English. As well as growing physically or mentally, trives can also mean to find yourself in a generally good situation, to feel at home in your surroundings or to be comfortable and able to develop in the work or school situation you are in.

So han trives i skolen doesn’t necessarily mean “he’s getting good marks and learning a lot at school”, although this may also be the case. Instead, it can mean something closer to “he likes his school and is happy to go there”.

Why do I need to know trivsel?

As the noun form of at trives, trivsel is normally used to describe the level of well-being of someone in a particular context. It’s common to hear it used about children and young people, but it’s not limited to that particular topic.

You might have read a sentence such as det er afgørende for børns trivsel, at man kan komme i skole og være sammen med klassekammerater (”it’s crucial for the well-being of children that they can come into school and see their classmates”) during the Covid-19 pandemic, when there was discussion about the impact of lockdowns on young people’s development and mental health.

The opposite of trivsel is mistrivsel. This is even harder to translate unless you just think of it as being an opposite. “Lack of well-being” or a “well-being deficit” loosely convey its meaning, and it can also just mean “feeling bad”.

Man risikerer mistrivsel blandt børn og unge, hvis skolerne bliver ved med at lukket på længere sigt is a negated way of saying the previous example sentence: ”You are at risk of damaging the well-being and development of children and young people if schools remain closed in the longer term”.

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Danish word of the day: Nyttig

This word of the day can be surprisingly useful.

Danish word of the day: Nyttig

Today’s word of the day is nyttigNyttig has existed in Danish for centuries, and originally comes from the Old Norse word nyttogher. It also exists in Norwegian and Swedish.

It has a few different meanings, but is most often used to mean “useful”, for example jeg vil gerne gøre mig nyttig (I’d like to make myself useful), or træning er nyttig for kroppen (working out is good for the body).

Sometimes, the “useful” translation can have a negative meaning. That’s because nyttig is linked to the verb at nytte (to make use of), which you’ll see in the related words at benytte (to use, to deploy) and at udnytte (to exploit or take advantage of).

You could, for example, say that a certain skill, experience or piece of information is nyttig (useful), and the English phrase “useful idiot”, describing someone who can easily be manipulated, translates into Danish as a nyttig idiot.

If you want a synonym for nyttig which is less ambiguous, brugbar or anvendelig (both “usable”) can be a good substitute.

The opposite of nyttig is unyttig, which can be used to describe something useless. Likewise ubrugelig from the verb at bruge (to use) also means “useless”.