Swedish shoppers head to Norway for cheaper groceries

Norwegians have long been crossing the border and filling their shopping baskets in Sweden. However, thanks to soaring food prices, Swedes are now heading to Norway to try and slash their grocery bills.

Groceries meats
The surge in food costs in Sweden is having a beneficial impact on commerce in Norwegian border areas. Photo by Alan Alves on Unsplash

In Norway, the “harryhandel” phenomenon – travelling across the border to shop and take advantage of lower prices in Sweden – has a long tradition.

However, the recent spike in food prices in Sweden is reversing this trend, and Swedes are heading to Norway, according to the finance section of the Swedish newspaper Expressen

In Norway, the annual price increase for food and non-alcoholic beverages fell from 12 to 8.8 percent in February. This is significantly lower than the price increase in neighbouring countries.

In Sweden, the annual price increase for food during the same period ended up at 21.6 percent, which has led to more Swedes going to Norway to buy cheaper food. 

READ MORE: Why are food prices in Sweden going up so much more than elsewhere?

Furthermore, the Norwegian krone has weakened considerably against the Swedish krona. Between now and February last year, the Norwegian krone is down seven percent against Sweden’s krona. 

Bananas, broccoli, red peppers, carrots, oranges, muesli, and diapers, are among the products that are now cheaper in Norway than they are in Sweden, according to Expressen.

A manager of a Rema 1000 supermarket close to the Swedish border told Norwegian public broadcaster NRK that dairy products and Norwegian seafood were popular with Swedish shoppers crossing the border. 

What caused the price difference?

There are several reasons why Swedish food prices have risen more than Norwegian ones.

Norwegian customs duties on agricultural products lead to Norway being more shielded from international price fluctuations on products such as cheese and milk.

Typically, this has meant that Norway has had higher prices for food due to less competition, but now this can help keep prices lower for specific products in Norway.

Furthermore, competition between grocery chains is also a potential contributor to price development.

The second largest grocery chain in Norway, Kiwi, chose not to raise prices in February. This forced both Coop Extra and Rema 1000 to follow suit. Supermarkets in Norway raise prices wholesale twice a year, once in February and once more in July. 

Meanwhile, food prices in Sweden have seen their biggest spike since the 1950s. Prices of eggs, dairy products, and fats have risen more than 30 percent. Sugar has risen by just under 50 percent, and cauliflower is around 80 percent pricier than a year ago.

A lack of competition among Swedish supermarkets and an increase in the cost of importing goods are both considered to be factors behind the price hikes. 

Shopping in Sweden is still cheaper overall

With these recent price developments, some may ask whether shopping trips from Norway to Sweden may be a thing of the past.

Overall, it is probably still cheaper for Swedes and Norwegians close to the border to shop in Sweden. 

However, shoppers need to be more attentive, as not everything is cheaper in Sweden anymore – something which used to be the case just a year ago.

“Food is probably not cheaper in Norway, but the increase in food prices has been significantly lower in Norway than in Sweden over the past year,” Bendik Solum Whist, head of the supermarket and grocery sector at Virke, a trade industry organisation, told NRK. 

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Workers in Norway to enjoy highest real wage increase for a decade

Real pay rises in Norway will be at the highest level for a decade this year, national data agency Statistics Norway said in its latest economic forecasts.

Workers in Norway to enjoy highest real wage increase for a decade

Statistics Norway said in a report released Friday that Norway’s economy is set to pick up in the coming years and that workers will benefit as a result.

“Now the arrows are pointing upwards in many areas. Activity in the Norwegian economy will probably pick up, as a result of increased real wage growth, high activity in public administration, as well as a turnaround in housing investment,” Thomas von Brasch at Statistics Norway said in the report.

The report was a forecast on the country’s economy up until 2027. The data agency said that workers in Norway would benefit from a real wage increase of 1.9 percent this year.

Forecasted real wage growth for this year would be the highest in more than ten years, as real pay in Norway has been largely stagnant since 2015. There was also more good news for consumers, as real wages are expected to grow by around 1.5 percent per year until 2027.

Further good news for those hoping for more disposal income in the future could come in the form of interest rate cuts early next year. Statistics Norway expects the central bank to cut the key policy rate in March 2025.

The reason rates likely won’t be cut before then is due to the weak Norwegian krone.

“Norges Bank will probably try to avoid the krone weakening further. The central bank will probably wait with the interest rate cuts until after other central banks have cut their interest rates a good deal. The recent weakening of the krone means that the key interest rate will only be cut from the beginning of next year,” Brasch said.

However, the report wasn’t all good news. Inflation in Norway was likely to remain above the central bank’s target of 2 percent for this year, at least.

There was also bad news for those looking to get on the property ladder as house prices were expected to rise in the coming years. Although, high interest rates would dampen prices somewhat.

READ ALSO: What first-time buyers in Norway need to know about the current property market