French actor Adele Haenel quits cinema over sexual abuse ‘complacency’

French actor Adele Haenel, who has for years spoken out against sexual abuse in the film industry, announced she was giving up movie acting over the industry's "complacency".

French actor Adele Haenel quits cinema over sexual abuse 'complacency'
French actress Adele Haenel. Photo by BERTRAND GUAY / AFP

Haenel, whose role in Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019) brought her international recognition, also hit out at “the way that cinema cooperates with capitalism”.

The 34-year-old, who has won France’s highest César film award twice, in 2019 went public with a description of sexual assault she suffered at the hands of a film director with whom she worked as a teenager, and who she said had “a hold” over her.

In 2020 she made a noisy exit at the César ceremony in protest against an award for director Roman Polanski who is wanted by the US over statutory rape allegations.

In a letter to culture weekly Télérama first published on Tuesday, Haenel said she wanted to “denounce the general complacency in our industry towards sexual abusers”.

She also said she rejected “how this business collaborates with the global, deadly, ecocidal and racist world order”, capitalism.

In a reference to anti-pension reform protests in France, she said that “we’re waiting to see whether the bigwigs in cinema are counting on the police, just like luxury industry sponsors, to make sure that everything goes well at the Cannes Festival”, the annual film festival that opens next week.

Haenel said “to make this system look desirable is a criminal act”.

In her letter she also mentioned French A-list actor Gerard Depardieu, charged with rape, and Dominique Boutonnat, boss of the national film centre (CNC) who is being investigated for sexual assault, and said the industry had “joined hands to help them save face”.

Haenel said she would now focus on stage acting.

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Spain and France bust million-euro-a-day money laundering network

Spanish and French police said Friday they had smashed an international money-laundering network capable of handling a million euros per day, arresting five people in Spain, including its leader.

Spain and France bust million-euro-a-day money laundering network

Jointly run by France’s anti-fraud squad and the Spanish police with Europol’s support, the investigation began in February 2021 when French customs agents found more than 500,000 euros hidden in a car in southern France.

Led by a French magistrate, investigators discovered the existence of a “criminal scheme for laundering large quantities of cash across Europe”, which had been operating since at least 2019, a joint statement said.

This network, made up of Chinese nationals living in various European countries, was able to integrate huge sums of cash — more than one million euros ($1.1 million) per day — back into the legitimate economy.

“Their modus operandi was based on the existence of many collection points for money that was mainly coming from trading in counterfeit goods, tax and customs fraud, and pimping” sex workers, it said.

The money was then transferred to the network which then organised its distribution across Europe.

Spanish police arrested five people in Madrid, Valencia, Alicante and Barcelona, including a Chinese businessman who headed the network.

Investigators also searched various premises and homes, and by using sniffer dogs were able to find “almost 160,000 euros in cash hidden behind false ceilings and in portable refrigerators” and in other well-concealed places.

“This international operation… shows the leading role of Asian criminal groups in money laundering activities in Europe,” they said.