Sweden’s ‘Truth Commission’ delves into painful Sami past

After centuries of persecution, Sweden's indigenous Sami people are beginning to provide testimony about the injustices they experienced in a recently launched "Truth Commission" probing the country's discriminatory policies and their consequences.

Sweden's 'Truth Commission' delves into painful Sami past
A Sami reindeer herder overlooks the iron mine of Swedish state-owned mining company LKAB on the outskirts of Kiruna in August 2021. Photo: Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP

Experts have since February been gathering the often-painful accounts from Samis, formerly known by the pejorative term Laplanders or Lapps.

There are an estimated 100,000 Sami people across the vast Arctic wilderness of northern Finland, Norway, Sweden and Russia’s Kola peninsula.

They have lived by hunting, fishing and herding reindeer for thousands of years, and been subjected to colonisation for centuries.

Like all children of Sami reindeer herders since 1913, Nils-Henrik Sikku, a Sami writer now aged 72, was taken away from his family at the age of seven and forcibly placed in a state-run boarding school.

At these “nomad schools”, founded as part of a policy aimed officially at preserving the Sami, the education was basic and, paradoxically, taught in Swedish rather than the Sami language.

The children were punished if they spoke their mother tongue.

“If you did something wrong you were punished, you could be hit, you could be locked up, they could take your clothes and you would be sitting outside until the next morning,” Sikku recalled in an interview with AFP.

The severe conditions led him and a few friends to escape on a freezing winter night.

“We ran… I don’t know how we managed to do it,” he said. “But we were more afraid to go back than to continue.”

The last Sami boarding schools were closed in 1962, but this did not bring an end to the Sami’s long and painful history.

The persecution of the Sami, Europe’s only indigenous people, goes back to the 17th century, when the state began colonising and exploiting their resource-rich lands.

They were first brutally forced to Christianise and abandon their shamanism, before assimilation efforts intensified in the 19th and 20th centuries as the far north’s economic importance grew.

Racial biology

The policies were motivated by the emergence of theories about a “pure Swedish race”, leading to the creation in 1922 of the world’s first State Institute for Racial Biology in Uppsala.

Its director travelled regularly to Lapland to collect skulls and measure and photograph Sami – often children and the elderly, forced to strip naked – in a bid to prove they were an “inferior race”.

Sikku believes he, like his father before him, was subjected to the pseudo-scientific examinations.

“We don’t know what they did with us. But we stood naked in front of the so-called doctors,” he said.

Sami reindeer herders. File photo. Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

The Sami were treated differently if they were reindeer herders, considered “authentic” Sami.

“Because the Sami were seen as an ‘inferior race’, (the authorities) thought they were going to disappear so they wanted to preserve the reindeer herders, to salvage them,” explained Sami researcher Kaisa Huuva.

Children of reindeer herders were sent to the state boarding schools, while other Sami lost their land rights.

“A lot of these wrongdoings that were committed a long time ago are still reflected in the families, their living conditions or how they perceive their relations with Swedish society,” Kerstin Calissendorff, head of the Truth Commission, told AFP.

‘Stealing land’

While neighbouring Norway and Finland are scheduled to present the conclusions of their own truth commissions later this year, Sweden is due to publish its report in 2025.

It is expected to pave the way for a reconciliation process.

But Sikku won’t be participating.

“I have no confidence” in the process, he said. “They have stolen our land, forbidden our religion and stolen our childhoods.”

The past, as painful as it was, must not overshadow the problems the Sami still face, Huuva warned.

Even today, “it’s all about the stealing of the land”, she said.

Today’s reindeer herders, considered the last guardians of Sami culture, now see their traditional way of life threatened by climate change and conflicts with industry.

A recent study revealed that the suicide rate among young male reindeer herders was significantly higher than in the general population.

“They want to pass on their culture… and they overstretch their capacity” carrying out the challenging work, study author Petter Stoor, a psychologist at Umeå University, told AFP.

Swedish mining giant LKAB in January announced the discovery of Europe’s biggest deposit of rare earth minerals, much needed for the green transition.

The deposit is located near Kiruna, on Sami land belonging to Huuva’s family.

She’s worried.

“If our land is gone, we are gone with it. We will melt like snow in the sun.”

By AFP’s Maëlle Lions-Geollot

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Sweden splashes out to save its unluckiest warship

Sweden is embarking on a colossal four-year project to safeguard a nearly 400-year-old warship that is the centrepiece of its famous Vasa Museum.

Sweden splashes out to save its unluckiest warship

The ship, one of Stockholm’s main tourist attractions, sank on its maiden voyage in 1628 and remained at the bottom of the sea until it was salvaged in 1961.

“We want Vasa to be preserved for the future,” project manager Peter Rydebjörk told AFP.

Despite the long delicate recovery operation, the ship “started to deteriorate faster” once it emerged from the sea after three centuries, he said.

In one of the most embarrassing naval calamities ever, the Vasa capsized only 15 minutes into its maiden voyage because of a design flaw, costing the lives of several dozen crew members.

Stopping the movement

After being protected by mud and the brackish waters of the Baltic Sea for three centuries, preserving it while on display at one of Stockholm’s most popular museums has proved more complicated.

The wood has contracted over the years, and the ship is being compressed due to gravity. It is also tilting slightly to port.

“We have to stop the movement,” Rydebjörk said.

Work on building a new support structure began in April to replace the fragile current one.

The first phase of the project, dubbed “Stötta Vasa” (Support Vasa), is to stabilise the wreck.

Then comes the creation of a structure to support its weight and finally the ship will be righted.

Steel skeleton

By 2028 — if all goes well — the hull will be supported both externally and internally and the current 17 external struts will be replaced by 27 steel cradles with fixings under the keel.

Because the Vasa currently has difficulty supporting its own weight, a type of steel skeleton will be installed inside the ship.

Rydebjörk said it has taken more than a decade of research to prepare for the ambitious project — which is expected to cost upwards of 200 million kronor ($19 million).

“It’s a really interesting job,” Rydebjörk added.

Despite its age, the ill-fated vessel is still well-preserved, with 98 percent of the original parts intact.

Polish tourist Lukasz Szyszka told AFP that the ship was in great condition and worth seeing, despite it being “freezing inside” the museum.

Its main hall is kept at a temperature of between 18 and 20 degrees Celsius (between 64 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit) with a humidity level of 55 percent to slow the deterioration.

The 43-year-old shopkeeper said work on the wreck was needed, saying it was also part of Polish history.

Swedish king Gustav II Adolf (1611-1632), who commissioned the Vasa, wanted to use it so he could to control Poland’s ports on the Baltic.