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EXPLAINED: The German expressions you need to talk about sleep

Sleep is a hugely important part of our daily lives, so if you struggle to sort your 'ausschlafen' from your 'einschlafen', this guide to German sleep vocabulary could come in handy.

A cat sleeps.
Get the words and phrases you need to talk about sleep like an Austrian. Photo: Kavowo/Pixabay

Unless you’re someone who stays out dancing the whole weekend, sleep is an activity that most of us do every day.

It helps us prepare for the day ahead and sift through events in our lives, or alert us to something we’re worried about with a dreaded anxiety dream. When we’re deprived of it, it’s absolute hell, but nothing is more heavenly than a blissful lie-in. 

Unsurprisingly, sleep is a topic that comes up regularly in conversation in Austria, so it’s essential that these words are part of your German Wortschatz (vocabulary). 

Here’s our guide to some of the key terms that may crop up, whether you’re coaxing a child to finally go to sleep or enjoying some kip yourself. 

The basics 

As you probably know, the German word for sleep is der Schlaf, which can be turned into the verb schlafen, meaning to sleep. 

If you want to announce to whoever will listen that it’s bedtime for you, you can use the phrase: “Ich gehe ins Bett” (I’m going to bed), “Ich muss schlafen.” (I need to sleep) or “Es ist Schlafenzeit” (It’s bedtime) to make it clear that you’re ready to sleep.

For a slightly less direct way of indicating how tired you are, you can also reach for sich hinlegen, which means to lie down. As an example, you might say, “Jetzt ist wohl Schlafenzeit – ich glaube, ich lege mich hin.”  (It’s probably bedtime, I think I’ll lie down.) 

If you’re dealing with a child who’s determined to stay up past their bedtime, you’ll probably require the following phrases (and you may need to use them a number of times):

“Es wird langsam Schlafenzeit” – It’s slowly getting to your bedtime. 

“Du müsstest schon lange im Bett sein!” – It’s way past your bedtime. 

Your sleep habits 

When it comes to talking about your sleep habits, a lot can be done by simply adding prefixes to the word schlafen

For example, if you want to talk about falling asleep, you can use the word einschlafen. For example, you can say: “Ich bin um 22 Uhr ins Bett gegangen, aber um 23 Uhr eingeschlafen.” (I went to bed at 10pm but fell asleep at 11pm.) 

This might be a little confusing for English speakers, because einschlafen instinctively sounds like “sleeping in” – so try not to confuse the two.

If you do want to talk about having a lie-in and getting your fill of sleep, the word you need instead is ausschlafen. Generally, when “aus” is at the start of the word – i.e. ausreden (to finish talking) or auslesen (to finish a book) – it means you’ve done an activity to completion, and the same is true of sleeping.

READ ALSO: Eight of the most common (and funniest) mistakes German learners make

A child sleeps

A child sleeps. Photo: Daniela Dimitrova/Pixabay

But what about those awkward moments when you snooze through your alarm and wake up far later than you should? For those you’ll need the word verschlafen, which means to oversleep.

Of course, some of us have problems falling asleep in the first place, and that can be helpfully described by referring to die Schlaflosigkeit, which means sleeplessness or insomnia. 

Over a long period of time, this may develop into a fully blown Schlafstörung, or sleep disorder, which you may want to talk to a doctor about.

One important thing to note is that, as in English, schlafen can also have a double meaning, so if you say, “Ich habe mit jemandem geschlafen.” (I slept with someone), people will usually assume you’ve done a lot more than having a snooze.

Starting the day

The opposite of being eingeschlafen (asleep) is being wach (awake), and when you want to talk about waking up, the word you need is aufwachen.

The thing that wakes you up is called der Wecker (the alarm) and after you wake up, the next thing you may do is get out of bed, or aufstehen (stand up). Like einschlafen and aufwachen, this is a separable verb, which means you say: “Ich stehe auf” (I’m getting up) rather than “Ich aufstehe” when using it in the present tense. 

However, the two parts of the verb come back together when you use it in the past tense. 

An an example, you might tell a friend: “Ich bin um 8 Uhr heute wegen meinem Wecker aufgewacht, und um 8:30 bin ich aufgestanden.” (I woke up at 8am today because of my alarm clock and got up at 8:30.)

READ ALSO: The local dialect you need to know in Vienna

Dreams and feelings 

Sometimes we may not be so keen on describing our sleep regimen, but we do want to communicate with colleagues and friends that we’re desperately in need of it.

For these situations, you may find the following adjectives useful:

Müde: Tired
Erschöpft: Exhausted
Kaputt: Broken / Exhausted (colloquial)

And what if you want to talk about your dreams? Well, luckily, the word for this isn’t too different from the English: der Traum (the dream) or die Träume (the dreams). 

An alarm clock.

An alarm clock. Photo: Congerdesign/Pixabay

The verb form of this is träumen, which can be helpful if you want to describe your dreams or say that you don’t often have them. For example, you could say:

Ich habe gestern von dir geträumt. (I had a dream about you yesterday)


Ich schlafe sehr tief and träume sehr selten. (I sleep very deeply and dream very rarely)

As we know, not all dreams are particularly pleasant, so the word Albtraum (m.) – meaning nightmare – may come in handy. This apparently dates back to Germanic mythology, in which mythical other-wordly beings called Alben were believed to be responsible for dreams.

As in English, you can also use this word metaphorically to describe a particular unpleasant experience or situation.

For example:“Ich hoffe, ich verpasse mein Flug nicht. Das wäre ein echter Albtraum!” (I hope I don’t miss my flight. That would be a total nightmare!)

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Ten Austrian German words that English should adopt immediately

Some Austrian German words capture feelings, experiences, or people with such precision that you might wonder why English hasn’t picked them up yet.

Ten Austrian German words that English should adopt immediately

1. Feierabend: The time after work or studies when you can relax and enjoy your evening.

Example: Endlich Feierabend! Ich freue mich auf einen lustigen Abend zusammen mit Freunden. (Finally, it is after work! I am looking forward to a fun evening with friends).

During a Feierabend you can enjoy cooking some food with friends. Photo by Kelsey Chance on Unsplash

2. Heimat: A deep sense of home or homeland, involving both the physical place and the emotional connection to it.

Example: Nach Jahren im Ausland freue ich mich immer, wieder in meine Heimat zurückzukehren. (After years abroad, I always look forward to returning to my home).

Heimat can for some represent a specific place, such as a house connected with certain memories. Photo by feinschliff on Unsplash

3. Zweisamkeit: The feeling of togetherness or intimacy shared between two people.

Example: Wir genießen die Zweisamkeit am Wochenende in den Bergen. (We enjoy the togetherness on the weekends in the mountains).

Zweisamkeit refers to the feeling of intimacy between two people. Photo by Pixabay.

4. Schadenfreude: The satisfaction you get from someone else’s misfortune. The term is sometimes already used in English, but not everyone knows it.

Example: Man konnte seine Schadenfreude sehen, als sein Freund nicht befördert wurde. (You could see his schadenfreude when his friend didn’t get promoted at work).

Woman laughing in the street, maybe out of Schadenfreude. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels.

5. Gemütlichkeit: A sense of cosiness and warmth, often found in a friendly and comfortable environment.

Example: Die Gemütlichkeit in diesem Café ist einfach perfekt. (The cosiness in this café is simply just perfect).

Gemütlichkeit can be experienced by staying long in bed while looking out the window. Photo by Dương Nhân / Pexels

6. Wiener Schmäh: The characteristic Viennese charm and wit, often with a touch of sarcasm and humour.

Example: Er hat einen typischen Wiener Schmäh, den man nicht so leicht vergisst. (He has a typical Viennese charm that is hard to forget).

Going out to meet the Viennese is a good idea if you want to experience Wiener Schmäh. Photo by Dan V on Unsplash

7. Schnapsidee: An idea that seems great at the moment but is actually quite stupid or impractical.

Example: Seine Schnapsidee, eine Weltreise ohne Plan zu machen, wurde schnell zur Katastrophe. (His schnapsidee to make a world trip without a plan quickly turned into a disaster).

Not planning your world trip at all might be a complete Schnapsidee. Photo by Tim Gouw / Pexels

8. Kummerspeck: This literally translates to “grief bacon”, and the term describes the weight gained from emotional eating.

Example: Nach der Trennung habe ich wirklich viel Kummerspeck angesammelt. (After the breakup, I really accumulated a lot of grief bacon).

Eating a lot of bacon might be a good idea if you want to obtain some Kummerspeck after a breakup. Photo by Waldemar on Unsplash

9. Zuckerl: A small, sweet treat or candy. The term is used affectionately to describe something delightful or charming.

Example: Dieses Zuckerl ist einfach unwiderstehlich und bringt jeden zum Lächeln. (This little candy is simply irresistible and makes everyone smile).

Small treats have their own common name in Austria. Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

10. Lebensfreude: Joy of life, zest for life.

Example: Ihre Lebensfreude strahlt in allem, was sie tut, und inspiriert alle um sie herum. (Her zest for life shines through in everything she does and inspires everyone around her).

Visiting Zillertal in Austria might make you experience some Lebensfreude. Photo by Paul Pastourmatzis on Unsplash

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