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EXPLAINED: The three ways to apply for Italian citizenship

Thinking of getting an Italian passport? Find out which of the three main routes to obtaining citizenship you could take and how to get started.

EXPLAINED: The three ways to apply for Italian citizenship
An Italian flag on display in Rome. Photo by Frederic Christian on Unsplash

There are many practical benefits to obtaining Italian citizenship – from making it easier to live in the country, either permanently or temporarily, to having the right to vote in Italian elections.

The Italian passport is also considered to be one of the world’s “most powerful”, granting visa-free entry or a visa on arrival to more countries in the world than almost any other.

And for some people, getting their Italian passport is simply a way of honouring their Italian heritage.

READ ALSO: How many people get Italian citizenship every year?

Whatever your reasons for wanting to apply for Italian citizenship, you’ll first need to know which of the three application routes you’re eligible to take.

Under Italian law, you can qualify for citizenship in one of the following ways:

  • Ancestry
  • Marriage
  • Naturalisation (residency)

Let’s look at them one by one.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page for information on how to start the application process.


Because Italy allows its nationals to pass down their citizenship, citizens of other countries who have a grandparent, great-grandparent or other ancestor born in Italy may have a claim to Italian citizenship through what’s known as iure sanguinis, or ‘right of blood’.

According to the most recent official information from the Italian interior ministry, you may qualify if:

  • You were born to an Italian parent, even outside Italy.
  • You were adopted as a minor by an Italian national.
  • An Italian parent legally recognizes you as their child (e.g., if your father’s name is absent from your birth certificate but he confirms that you’re his child).
  • You were born in Italy to stateless parents, to unknown parents, or to parents who cannot transmit their nationality to their children.

There is no limit to the number of generations back you can go, provided you can prove that the line of citizenship is uninterrupted – i.e., that none of your ancestors renounced their Italian citizenship before their descendants’ birth.

READ ALSO: An expert guide to getting Italian citizenship via ancestry

In theory at least, you could claim citizenship via the paternal line all the way back to the founding of modern Italy in 1861 (though good luck finding those documents), or via the maternal line from 1948 (the late date at which Italian women were granted the right to transmit their citizenship to their children).

Anyone applying via the maternal line will need to be aware of something called the ‘1948 rule’ and how this could affect the application process. Find out more about that here.

If your claim to Italian citizenship is through a female ancestor that was born before 1948, the consulate will automatically reject your claim and you have to appeal. While appeals seem to have a high success rate, this is a complex legal process.

This online tool can help give you a quick idea of whether you might qualify for Italian citizenship via ancestry.

Photo by alexey turenkov on Unsplash

There is no requirement to prove any level of Italian language proficiency when applying via the ancestry route.

You can apply for citizenship via ancestry at an Italian consulate in your home country, or you can apply in Italy – including through a ‘fast track’ option.


If you’re married to an Italian, you can file your application for citizenship:

  • After two years of legal residence in Italy
  • After three years if living abroad

This time is reduced by half if the couple has children (natural or adopted).

Note that you may want to begin gathering your paperwork before this point, as filing the application is a time-consuming process.

READ ALSO: Is your Italian good enough for citizenship?

Then you’ll need to wait up to three years for the application to be processed. The time limit for processing applications was increased in 2018 from two to four years and then changed again in 2020 to two years with a maximum extension of one additional year.

The 2018 law change also means that applicants must now take a B1 language test, and that applications from spouses can now be denied, and are automatically denied if they are not processed within the maximum timeframe.

If you’re a woman who married an Italian man before April 27th, 1983, congratulations: you got Italian citizenship automatically before the law was changed.

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You cannot apply for citizenship via this route if you’re divorced from your Italian spouse, if she or he has passed away, or if you’ve been convicted of certain crimes. 

You can apply for citizenship via marriage at an Italian consulate in your home country, or in Italy by submitting your application to the interior ministry online.

Naturalisation (residency)

Once you’ve been living legally and continuously in Italy for a minimum period of time (and can prove it) you can apply for naturalisation as an Italian citizen, provided you don’t have a criminal record and can also demonstrate that you have sufficient financial resources to support yourself.

As with the marriage route, applicants must prove proficiency in the Italian language at B1 level or higher.

The minimum period varies:

  • For most non-EU nationals, ten years.
  • For EU nationals, four years.
  • For refugees or stateless persons, five years.
  • For people who have an Italian parent or grandparent, three years.
  • For people born in Italy to foreign parents, either the first 18 years of their life or after three years’ legal residency as an adult.

The laws around naturalisation are complex and eligibility depends on your personal circumstances. Here’s a more detailed explanation of the rules.

This is the one route for which you must be resident in Italy in order to apply.

How to begin your citizenship application

Whichever route you are taking, you will need to speak to the Italian consulate in your country or the Questura (police headquarters) in your region of Italy in order to confirm the current application requirements and procedures, as the rules are subject to change and the exact documents requested can also vary from one office to another.

Applicants based in Italy can file their citizenship request online through the interior ministry’s online portal (available in Italian only).

READ ALSO: Eight of the most common mistakes when applying for Italian citizenship

If your application is approved, in the case of applications via marriage or naturalisation you will then need to provide the local prefecture in Italy (or the consulate if applying abroad) with the original copies of your documentsAfter that, you’ll have six months within which to take the oath of allegiance to the Italian Republic to complete your claim.

If you need assistance with the application process you may wish to seek advice from a qualified legal professional. If you’re living in Italy, you can also consult your nearest patronato office, which may also be able to provide practical help with filing your application.

Please note The Local cannot advise on individual cases. See more information in our Italian citizenship section.

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Quick guide: Who is eligible for Italian citizenship?

There are many practical benefits to being an Italian citizen, not least the right to freely move and reside within the EU. But exactly who's eligible and what are the requirements?

Quick guide: Who is eligible for Italian citizenship?

Italian citizenship applications can be drawn-out and expensive affairs, often requiring months of appointments and piles of paperwork.

But being an Italian cittadino comes with a number of practical benefits, including freedom of movement across the EU, the right to vote in Italian elections and free access to Italy’s healthcare system if you live in the country.

Further, the Italian passport is considered to be one of the world’s “most powerful” as it grants visa-free entry to more countries than almost any other passport.

But who is eligible for Italian citizenship?

There are several different routes to Italian nationality, which are generally grouped into two major categories: automatic citizenship (acquisto automatico or cittadinanza automatica), which, as suggested by the name, is granted automatically to those eligible, and citizenship ‘by concession’ (cittadinanza per concessione), which must applied for and is only granted if all the relevant requirements and eligibility criteria are met.

Cittadinanza per concessione

Citizenship by descent 

Italy is fairly lenient when it comes to jus sanguinis, or ancestry-based, citizenship applications.

Anyone who can prove that they had an Italian ancestor who was alive after March 17th, 1861 (when the Kingdom of Italy was officially born) and that no one in their line of descent renounced Italian citizenship before the birth of their descendant is eligible to apply.

However, proving you’re a direct descendent of someone who’s often long dead and you may only know through grainy black and white photographs can be a long and convoluted process.

READ ALSO: An expert guide to getting Italian citizenship via ancestry

Further, anyone applying via their maternal line of descent needs to be aware of the ‘1948 rule’ and how this could affect their application process. Find out more about that here.

Unlike citizenship through residency or marriage (see below), your ancestry-based application isn’t subject to language requirements or other administrative hurdles as you’re essentially applying to have an existing right recognised.

You can apply for citizenship via ancestry at the nearest Italian consulate in your home country or at your local town hall if you live in Italy. 1948 rule applicants must directly petition Italian courts to have their citizenship case heard.

Citizenship by marriage

If you’re married to an Italian, you can file your application for citizenship after two years of legal residence in Italy, or after three years if living abroad.

This time is reduced by half if you have children (natural or adopted).

Under a 2018 law change, applicants must take a B1 language test. For info on what the test involves and where you can take it, see our guide.

You cannot apply for citizenship via this route if you’re divorced from your Italian spouse, or if she or he has passed away.

READ ALSO: What I learned from applying for Italian citizenship by marriage

You can apply for citizenship via marriage at an Italian consulate in your home country, or in Italy by submitting your application to the interior ministry online.

Citizenship by residency

Though it is often considered the most complex way to gain Italian citizenship, this is a popular route among aspiring citizens: of the 121,457 people that were granted citizenship in 2021, nearly 51,000 people qualified via residency.

As suggested by the name, you need to prove that you’ve legally lived in Italy for a minimum period of time in order to apply. This is 10 years for non-EU nationals and four years for EU citizens, but certain categories benefit from lower thresholds.

READ ALSO: Who is entitled to Italian citizenship by residency and how do you apply? 

As with the marriage route, most applicants must prove proficiency in the Italian language at B1 level (lower-intermediate level) or higher by taking a test. For further info, see our guide.

Applicants are also subject to income requirements.

Children born in Italy to foreign parents

Unlike in other countries around the world, including the US, merely being born in Italy doesn’t grant a child Italian citizenship.

Italy-born children of foreign nationals must reside in Italy ‘without interruption’ until the age of 18 and submit a statement of intent within one year of their 18th birthday in order to apply for citizenship.

READ ALSO: Reader question: Will my children get an Italian passport if born in Italy?

If that time window is missed, or they fail to provide proof of continuous residency, then the only option left is to apply for citizenship by residency (naturalisation) after three continuous years of legal residency in the country. 

This, however, is still lower than the normal residency threshold for EU nationals (four years) and non-EU nationals (ten years).  

Cittadinanza automatica

Children of an Italian national at birth

If at least one parent is an Italian citizen, the child will automatically be granted Italian citizenship at birth by virtue of the so-called jus sanguinis (‘blood right’).

This applies to children born abroad as much as it does to those born in Italy.

Children adopted by an Italian national

A foreign minor who’s adopted by an Italian citizen is automatically granted Italian citizenship. 

A foreign national aged 18 or over who’s adopted by an Italian citizen can apply for naturalisation following five years of continuous residency in the country.

Children of stateless or unknown parents

A child born in Italy to stateless (meaning they have no legal nationality) or unknown parents automatically acquires Italian citizenship.

Children whose parents become Italian citizens

A person who acquires Italian citizenship (or reacquires after losing it) passes it to any child under the age of 18 provided that they live with them “in a stable and concrete manner”. 

Things are different for children whose parents become Italian citizens after they turn 18 as they’ll have to file their own application. 

For instance, over-18s whose parents become Italian citizens via the residency route (or naturalisation) need to file their own naturalisation application following five years of legal residency in the country starting from their parents’ naturalisation date (generally coinciding with completion of the oath ceremony).

Special merits or services

Following a joint proposal from the Interior Minister and Foreign Minister, Italy’s head of state can grant citizenship to foreign nationals who’ve “rendered eminent services to Italy, or when there is an exceptional interest of the State”.

This is a very rare case.

For more information about applying for Italian citizenship see the Italian foreign ministry’s website or contact the nearest Italian consulate in your country.