Parliamentary report highlights French far-right party’s links to Russia

Marine Le Pen's far-right Rassemblement National party has "acted as a communication channel" for Russia, concludes the draft report of a six-month enquiry into foreign interference in French politics.

Parliamentary report highlights French far-right party's links to Russia
Marine Le Pen. (Photo by Christophe ARCHAMBAULT / AFP)

A report is due to be published this week detailing the findings of a six-month Parliamentary committee inquiry into foreign interference in French politics. But what it contains is already public knowledge after a draft was leaked to the press.

What does it say?

The 218-page report says that Marine Le Pen’s far-right Rassemblement national (RN), has acted as a “communication channel” for Russia, and supported its annexation of Crimea in 2014 – the year it got a multi-million euro loan from a now-collapsed Russian bank.

Rapporteur Constance Le Grip, a member of President Emmanuel Macron’s Renaissance party, wrote that RN’s support for Russia is  “visibly appreciated in Moscow”, and noted that evidence Le Pen gave to the committee had plenty of coverage in the Russian press, which welcomed “with great satisfaction the assertion, in their view reaffirmed by Marine Le Pen, that Crimea is and always has been Russian”.   

“All [Le Pen’s] comments on Crimea, reiterated during her inquiry hearing, repeat word for word the official language of Putin’s regime,” the report said.  

Le Grip referenced a “long-standing” link between Russia and the French far-right party dating back to the period it was known as the Front Nationale and headed by Jean-Marie Le Pen. 

She also said that the “strategy of political and ideological rapprochement” with Moscow had “accelerated” since Marine Le Pen became leader in 2011 – noting, particularly, the French politician’s well-publicised Moscow trip in 2017 that included an all-smiles photo-opportunity meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

That image was intended to be used in campaign material for Le Pen’s presidential campaign in 2022, but the leaflets were quickly pulled following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Any mitigation or counter-evidence?

RN’s pro-Russian stance has “softened” in the wake of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, the report concedes. Le Pen and her party had “unambiguously condemned” the invasion it noted, though it has so far steered clear of changing its position on Crimea. 

And Le Pen herself emerged unscathed from a four-hour witness session in front of the committee last month.

A lot of questions revolved around a €9.4 million loan obtained from the First Czech-Russian Bank in 2014. Throughout, no firm evidence linking political backing in return for financial support was presented. 

“If [the loan] had bound me to anything, I would not have signed. Is that clear?” Le Pen told the hearing.

Did anyone else give evidence?

Yes. The head of France’s internal security agency, the Direction générale de la sécurité intérieure, told an earlier closed hearing that French MPs from all parties were legitimate targets for Russian spies.

Former Les Républicains Prime Minister and failed presidential candidate François Fillon, meanwhile, was questioned about his advisory work for two Russian oil companies after he left politics in 2017. He said he “never took a single cent of Russian money”.

Le Pen’s reaction

During the four hours of questioning, Le Pen branded the inquiry, “a sort of witch trial”.

And, when the report was leaked, she dismissed the whole investigation as a “dishonest” and a “political trial”.

“There is nothing, not a shred of evidence that would prove Russian influence over Rassemblement National,” she told reporters. “This report passes judgement on my political opinions, not on any foreign interference.” 

Meanwhile, RN MP Jean-Philippe Tanguy promptly dismissed the entire process a “farce”. The problem is, he set up and chaired the inquiry.

Wait, what?

The inquiry was set up and chaired by Tanguy, in an effort to shut down repeated accusations that Le Pen and her party are over-reliant on and beholden to the Kremlin – allegations that the RN brains trust believes were, in part at least, behind her failure to win the 2022 election.

Emmanuel Macron certainly used Le Pen’s links to Russia in a fiery TV debate during the 2022 Presidential elections. 

“When you speak to Russia, you are not speaking to any foreign leader, you are talking to your banker,” he said, referring to a loan RN had taken with a Russian bank. He said Le Pen was “dependent on Vladimir Putin” and incapable of “defending French interests”.  

She has repeatedly insisted that she was forced to seek financing from overseas because French banks refused to lend money to the RN.

READ ALSO National Front cries foul over French banks’ refusal to loan Le Pen money

Tanguy admitted he had been naive when he set up the committee, and insisted that he had been “betrayed” by Le Grip – though did not say why or how.

The conclusions

Despite the headlines, it doesn’t seem much has been unequivocally proven – the report has uncovered more smoke, rather than any gun. But that really wasn’t the point of the committee. 

The line from Le Pen remains as it was prior to the report: No, she is not under the influence of Russia, or any other foreign power or person; Yes, she thinks that France should not alienate Russia, and the annexation of the Crimea in 2014 was legal, regardless of what everyone else in the the international community may think.

But, there’s little doubt that the exercise has backfired spectacularly. RN’s transparent attempts to further muddy unclear waters hasn’t worked. Despite repeated efforts to point a finger the other way – any other way – the focus kept returning to them. And now, they have to deal with the fallout.

“The inquiry’s immediate political consequence is to highlight, once again, Marine Le Pen’s pro-Russian stance – particularly on the annexation of Crimea,” Le Monde reported on Friday. 

And Greens’ lawmaker Julien Bayou joked: “Rassemblement national launched this inquiry to clear its name, but ended up taking a boomerang in the face.”   

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Will the far-right get a majority in the French parliament?

With the far-right in the lead after the first round of the snap French elections the big question now is whether they can win a majority in parliament - which gives them the right to nominate the prime minister.

Will the far-right get a majority in the French parliament?

Preliminary results for round one of voting on June 30th show the far-right Rassemblement National (RN) party in the lead with 34.5 percent of the vote, followed by the left alliance Nouveau Front Populaire on 28.1 percent and Emmanuel Macron’s centrist group on 20.8 percent.

Follow the latest on the results HERE.

We now move on to round two – which will give the final results in each of France’s 577 constituencies.

The big question is whether any party or group can reach the magic number of 289 seats, which would give them a majority in the Assemblée nationale (the French parliament).

A party or group that gets 289 seats not only gets to exercise control over votes on legislation, but can also nominate a member of the party to be prime minister.

If a party other than the president’s party has a majority then the prime minister and the president are forced to work together in an easy alliance known as a cohabitiation.

So will the far-right RN win enough seats to get a majority?

First things first – this is all guesswork, we won’t know for certain whether Le Pen and Jordan Bardella’s party will have enough seats for a majority until the results of the second round are in on the evening of Sunday, July 7th.

However the pollsters have been working their magic trying to predict the total seat share from the first round vote and it seems they RN are set to win a huge number of seats. 

Various different polling agencies have different and very wide estimates, but all are saying that the final result for the RN could be close to that key number of 289.

A projection for the Elabe institute for BFMTV, RMC and La Tribune Dimanche put RN and its allies on between 255 and 295 seats.

Early projections from Ipsos suggest that RN and its allies could win between 230 and 280 seats in parliament.

It’s worth noting that given the unpredictability around the second round of voting (see below) France’s official polling watchdog does not endorse the seat projections by the polling companies.

Polls in the run up to the first round suggested the RN would not gain an absolute majority in parliament but wouldn’t be far off.

Second round votes

A big factor in the second round will be the ‘triangulaires’ or areas where the second round has three candidates.

In areas where this happens, it’s possible that some parties will agree to withdraw candidates in order to avoid splitting the vote – negotiations are ongoing in this area but it’s most likely to happen with leftist or centrist candidates.

The intention is to present a common front against the far-right – so if this happens in a significant number of areas it could affect the far-right’s overall seat numbers.

Follow the latest on those negotiations HERE.

Prime minister

If the far-right does gain an overall majority it has the right to nominate a candidate for prime minister and that person will be 28-year-old Jordan Bardella.

He has already said that he will only accept the PM role if his party wins an overall majority.

Although Macron will remain the president, having a parliamentary majority and a prime minister means the far-right will be in a much stronger position to implement some of their flagship policies including a drastic reduction in immigration and the imposing of ‘French preference’ to give precedence to French citizens in employment and housing.

READ ALSO What would a far-right prime minister mean for foreigners in France?