German courts start examining claims over Covid jabs

German courts will from Monday begin examining a series of claims over adverse effects suffered after coronavirus vaccinations, more than two years after one of the world's fastest and most extensive innoculation campaigns.

Nurse prepares dose of Pfizer vaccine
A nurse prepares a dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine at a Bavarian vaccination centre. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Matthias Balk

Vaccine-maker BioNTech faced its first legal claim in its home country of Germany on Monday over adverse effects allegedly suffered by some users of its Covid vaccines, more than two years after one of the world’s fastest and most extensive inoculation campaigns.

In the face of a deadly pandemic that emerged in early 2020, which prompted border closures and lockdowns that trapped millions of people in their homes, the arrival of Covid vaccines had been widely hailed as a life-saver.

But the jabs, which had been developed at breakneck speed and granted early approval for usage, are now the focus of legal claims in several countries including France and Britain as the plaintiffs say the vaccines damaged their health.

In Germany, a court in Hamburg was prepared to hear a case from Monday against BioNTech, which, together with US giant Pfizer, produced the first mRNA vaccine Comirnaty.

The hearing was delayed however after the claimant’s lawyers put in a last-minute challenge of the judge’s impartiality, and asking instead for a panel of judges to rule on the case.

In her claim, the plaintiff reported suffering effects including “pain in the upper body, swelling of the extremities, exhaustion, fatigue and sleeping disorders” after receiving the vaccine, the court said.

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She is seeking 150,000 euros ($162,000) in damages and recognition that the “defendant is bound to provide material damages”, the court added.

Her lawyer Thomas Ulbrich, who is also representing another 250 people in similar cases, said his clients were “all healthy” before suffering from symptoms, allegedly following their jabs.

He believes that the medical files he has on hand offer a link between the vaccines and the symptoms experienced by his clients.

‘Rocky and long road’

BioNTech’s mRNA vaccine, a scientific breakthrough, had been granted conditional marketing authorisation as early as December 21, 2020, by the EU regulatory authority EMA.

Similar authorisation for Moderna, another mRNA vaccine maker, swiftly followed.

With fears of catching the disease running high, the vaccines were  pre-ordered by governments even during their development phases, and deployment swiftly followed once regulatory authorities gave their approval.

But the new generation of inoculations also sparked a wave of vaccine sceptics questioning the safety of the jabs.

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Out of 192 million jabs given in Germany, the country’s medicines regulator, the Paul Ehrlich Institute, said 338,857 suspected cases of side effects were reported, including 54,879 severe reactions.

Among the worst cases, “the symptoms are very different, they vary from stroke to thrombosis to cardiac diseases”, said another German lawyer, Joachim Caesar-Preller, who represents 140 clients making similar claims.

He is seeking up to one million euros in damages per case – plus interest – but concedes that a “rocky and long road” lies ahead in the legal battles.

‘Not an isolated case’

A key point for the courts is whether the side effects of the medication, when used correctly, surpass “a justifiable level according to the findings of medical science”.

In other words, the effects have to be sufficiently serious to be taken into account, said Anatol Dutta, a professor at Munich University.

A claimant identified only as Kathrin K., 45, believes her symptoms are severe enough.

She said she lost a lot of weight after taking the vaccine and had to undergo several intestinal operations.

“I hate it when people tell me that I’m an isolated case,” she said. “I’m not.”

To address the question of causality, the courts would likely have to obtain expert advice.

Besides the legal avenue, claimants can also turn to the state for compensation for the loss of income.

More than 8,000 such applications had been made as of April, and so far about five percent have been successful, according to German media.

In a statement to AFP, BioNTech said that the number of liability claims made to the company is very small when compared to the number of doses it has delivered worldwide, and that each claim had to be examined individually.

“Justified liability claims would of course be met by BioNTech,” it said, adding however that “no causal relationship between (the) health impairments presented and vaccination with Comirnaty has been proven” in the cases it had reviewed so far.

Another lawyer, Anja Dornhoff, advises her clients to establish a chronology and to get medical practitioners to document the development of their symptoms.

“I hope that people with post-vaccination syndromes can be taken seriously,” she said.

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Who should get a top-up Covid vaccination in Germany?

Germany, like other countries, has been seeing an increase of Covid-19 infections this summer. Many people are wondering who should get the new vaccine.

Who should get a top-up Covid vaccination in Germany?

People are not testing for Covid-19 anymore, but many have been reporting symptoms of the virus this summer such as a cough, sore throat, fever and brain fog. 

The German Health Ministry says the summer wave has reached a plateau with reported infections no longer shooting upwards. Still, looking ahead to the autumn and winter months, health experts suggest that further waves could be right around the corner.

As a new Biontech vaccine adapted to the JN.1 variant has become available in Germany, we look at who should consider getting it. 

Who should get a booster vaccination in Germany?

According to the Standing Vaccination Committee (STIKO), everyone aged 60 and above is advised to get a booster jab with the new vaccine. 

STIKO also recommends that residents in care facilities, people with underlying health conditions, healthcare workers, and relatives of high-risk patients get regular top-up vaccinations.

The booster vaccination should be repeated annually, preferably in autumn, according to health guidelines. 

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Does the new vaccine protect against the latest strains?

As the coronavirus is constantly changing, the vaccines also need to be regularly adapted.

The new vaccine from the manufacturer Biontech was developed for the currently still circulating Omicron variant JN.1, but is also intended to protect against its sub-variants that have emerged in the meantime (KP.1, KP.2 and KP.3, also known as FLIRT variants, are circulating currently).

Who does not need a booster?

According to STIKO, basic immunisation is currently sufficient for all healthy people between the ages of 18 and 59. This means that they should have undergone at least three ‘immunological events’ – i.e. vaccination or infection. At least one of these events should be a vaccination.

Further booster jabs are not required for this group. But those interested in getting a vaccine can talk to their doctor about it. Any vaccination for those in this group would likely not be covered by health insurance.

According to STIKO’s latest advice, healthy children and young people also do not require a top-up Covid vaccination. This also applies to new-borns up to six months of age.

Babies from the age of six months and children and young people under the age of 18 who belong to a risk group due to an underlying illness should be vaccinated and have a booster regularly, according to the advice. 

What about flu vaccinations?

STIKO also recommends flu vaccination for the winter in Germany. In particular, people over the age of 60 and people with underlying illnesses, as well as residents of retirement and nursing homes and medical staff, should be vaccinated.

It is also advised that pregnant women and people who work in facilities with a lot of members of the public or have contact with risk groups should get vaccinated against the flu. 

Where can you get vaccinations in Germany?

All vaccines are usually available through your general practitioner or Hausarzt. You should schedule an appointment to ask for advice if you have any queries about Covid or flu vaccines. 

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