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10 types of flat rental advert you’re bound to see in Germany

If you're unlucky enough to be looking to rent in Germany, you may have to wade through a lot of dispiriting offers before finding something that suits you. From tents-for-rent to shameless scams, here are 10 classic types of adverts you'll see on any German flat-rental site.

An abandoned, run-down house in Brandenburg
An abandoned, run-down house in Brandenburg. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Monika Skolimowska

Just like death and taxes, moving to a new apartment is one of the inevitabilities of life. You think you’re settled in for the long-haul, and then your landlord sends you a letter to say they’re hiking the rent, or your flatmate reveals they’re heading off on a round-the-world tour.

In Germany’s current housing crisis, a bombshell like this is more than a minor inconvenience. It means endless scrolls through ImmoScout24 and wg-gesucht, turning up to flat viewings alongside 40 other people, and sending more than a few desperate texts to friends with an obviously false air of nonchalance: “Hey, anyone know of any flats going in Munich?… Anyone?”

Having once held the grandiose title of Hauptmieter(-in), the wheels of fate have tossed you back into the depths of online property portals along with the other flat-hunters.

Now, all that’s left is to reapply for your Schufa, hope that your credit hasn’t taken too much of a hit from that huge Kaution (deposit) you paid, and get back on the hamster wheel that is flat-hunting.  

Along the way, keep an eye out for some of each of these classic genres of German rental advert. 

1. The Studio for €2,000

Having once been a speciality of sub-letters trying their luck on Facebook, this genre of housing advert has recently moved into the mainstream.

You may be reeled in by some attractive pictures of a well-presented studio, a nice location in the centre of town, and the promise of a secure, long-term rental contract. Of course, it is only 35 square metres, but who can be fussy in today’s market? And besides, the advert describes it  as “cosy”, and you’re sure to save a bit of money on heating.

But as you talk yourself round, your eye catches sight of the price hovering at the bottom of the advert: it’s €2,000 per month warm. Well, look on the bright side: at least the CEO of a Fortune 500 company will enjoy making this their forever home. 

2. The Obvious Scam

In today’s housing market, there’s a helpful rule of thumb: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

This is especially the case if the apartment photos still have a “stock image” watermark attached to them, and the advert spends most of the time explaining why the person renting the flat will be out of town on urgent business for quite some time.

In a state of desperation, you may even consider sending that scan of your passport, credit card and Aufenthaltstitel to the dodgy-looking email address – after all, they say the flat is guaranteed to the first person who does that. 

But even in these tumultuous times, engaging with scammers just isn’t worth it. We recommend you ignore the advert and simply scroll on by. 

3. The Vegan Nudists Only

When it comes to choosing flatmates, it’s important to find the right fit – which is why there’s no shortage of adverts on wg-gesucht banning cheese and clothing within a 50-metre radius of the property.

If the apartment is nice enough (and cheap enough), you might even consider committing yourself to a Döner-free existence and even joining your new housemates for their naked sun-saluations at 6am.

Or you may decide that even homelessness is more alluring than a complete personality overhaul.  

A sign for an FKK beach in Saxony-Anhalt.

A sign for an FKK beach in Saxony-Anhalt. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Matthias Bein

4. The No Anmeldung Possible

Who cares if you can’t get a visa or open a bank account without it? If it would inconvenience the sub-letter who’s kindly charging you double the rent they pay, you are strictly forbidden from heading to the Bürgeramt to register your presence in the property.

In the wild, you’ll most likely see the phrase “No Anmeldung Possible” at the bottom of a long and flowery description of a room on a Facebook flat-rentals group or wg-gesucht. It can usually be found alongside its favourite companion: the utterly absurd move-in and move-out dates, which are usually around the middle of the month. 

Is there any clearer way to say, “I just want someone to fund my travels in India for a few months”? We don’t think so. 

READ ALSO: Six confusing things about renting a flat in Germany

5. The Creepy Dude Flat

This one can sometimes fall under the “too good to be true” rule (free room anyone?) or, in the best-case scenario, it can be all-too obvious what the catch is.

When you see an advert from a “lonely” guy who is just looking for some “companionship” in his roomy flat in exchange for some rent reductions, you know to run in the opposite direction. 

Unfortunately, the housing crisis appears to have made these creepy dudes even lonelier than ever, so you’re bound to come across at least one or two of these on your search. 

6. The Kein-Zweck-WG 

This is far from the worst offender when it comes to rental adverts (we’re looking at you, creepy dudes), but if you’re the sort of person who needs plenty of alone time, the words ‘Kein Zweck WG’ should strike fear into your heart.

This innocuous-sounding phrase basically means that flatmates aren’t just there to split the costs. On the contrary: you should be prepared for regular dinner evenings, chats over coffee and ultimately the goal of long-lasting friendship. 

READ ALSO: The words you need to know before renting a flat in Germany

In general, Germans will use this in their adverts to let people know that some socialising is expected. But taken to its extremes, it can lead to horror scenarios – like the below video – in which a group of start-up bros attempt to socially engineer their dream entrepreneurial society. 

7. The Doer Upper 

Let’s face it, you can’t turn your nose up at a flat in Berlin Kreuzberg or Munich’s Isarvorstadt at those bargain prices – even if it has no floorboards or windows and the electric needs a complete rewiring.

What’s that? The landlord expects you to renovate the property yourself? Well, it is technically possible to train as a construction worker, plumber and electrician at evenings and weekends, and the location really couldn’t be better. 

The catch, of course, is that the second you finish your chic and modern redesign of this rat-infested hellhole, you’re likely to get a letter announcing that the rent has been tripled with immediate effect.

8. The Party WG

We don’t want to stereotype, but if you happen to be commencing your house-hunt in Berlin, you’re likely to encounter quite a few of these (as well as plenty of adverts insisting that they are most definitely not one of these.)

In terms of expectations, they can be a lot like a Kein Zweck WG, with the difference that instead of bonding over coffee, you may be expected to share your innermost thoughts over beer and even a hefty dose of narcotics.

If you opt to become a new member of a Party WG, expect at least one of your seven housemates to bring their new “friends” from the club back to the flat at 7am on a regular basis – and to cement the party atmosphere, it will probably be on a Tuesday morning. 

Alcohol bottles and ash tray

Empty beer bottles and an ash tray on a living room table: common sights in any Party WG. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Fabian Sommer

9. The Tent for Rent 

Living space is scarce during a housing crisis, which is why we need innovative solutions. Luckily, ordinary people are taking matters into their own hands with a ingenious scheme known as the tent-for-rent.

Whether it’s on the balcony in sub-zero temperatures, shoved into a tiny crevice between the bath and the toilet, or set up in the kitchen after dinner for a good night’s kip (until breakfast), this budget housing concept means camping can be enjoyed all year round.

Even better, the altruistic souls who allow you to turn part of their home into a pop-up campsite each evening will usually charge you less than the usual market rent for it. What’s not to love?

READ ALSO: Rent a tent: shared flat in central Berlin posts advert for balcony

10. The Rare Gem

Arguably the most disheartening of all the rental advert categories, the rare gem is that perfect find that crops up once in a blue moon on your travels. 

The rent is reasonable, the area isn’t terrible, it’s a long-term contract and the flat seems to be in a good condition. What’s more, you may even get a nice renovated bathroom or a pretty balcony thrown in as well.

If you blink, you may miss it – and if you refresh the page with trembling fingers, it may well be gone. Going after this one is not for the faint-hearted, but in some cases, you could strike lucky and get invited to a viewing.

Then all that’s left is to bludgeon your way through the crowds like you’re at a Black Friday sale, thrust your paperwork into the hands of the letting agents and let the gods decide whether the wheel of fortune, once more, will turn in your favour. 

We wish you luck. 

Member comments

  1. I’ve come to learn that the best strategy Germans came up with to make friends is the selection process for WG flat mates. Hand picking candidates that will make them feel less lonely.

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Do rising rents make buying a home in Germany a better option?

Across Germany, rents have shot up in the last two years while property prices have fallen. Experts say this is making buying more attractive than renting at the moment.

Do rising rents make buying a home in Germany a better option?

For several years, property prices in Germany rose at a much faster pace than rents. Between 2016 and 2022, the average price for apartments climbed by a dramatic 76.5 percent, according to an analysis by real estate company ImmoScout 24. During the same period, rents for flats rose by 26.8 percent.

Experts said this was due to comparatively low interest rates and high buyer demand along with limited supply – all of which caused the property market to explode. 

However, this trend has reversed over the past two years, with rental prices rising significantly more than purchase prices.

According to ImmoScout, falling property prices is a big factor. The price index for apartments fell by 9.4 percent between 2022 and 2024, while rents rose on average by 11.7 percent, reducing the difference in price development from a peak of 39.2 percent in 2022 to 12.9 percent this year.

At the same time, the strong pressure on the rental market has resulted in a considerable financial burden for tenants. An earlier ImmoScout analysis from March showed that rental flats in Germany’s 40 largest cities received 21 times more enquiries than owner-occupied flats.

In another study released in summer, real estate experts Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) found that asking rents for flats in the eight major cities of Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart and Leipzig climbed by an average of 6.3 percent in the first half of 2024 compared to the same period last year.

READ ALSO: Rents still rising fast in major German cities

Real estate experts say it means buying a property in Germany has become more attractive.

“The sharp rise in rents in particular is making buying a property as an investment or home more and more attractive,” said Dr Gesa Crockford from ImmoScout. 

The index values for renting and buying have converged even more in Germany’s five largest cities – Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne and Munich. 

Berlin prenzlauer Berg

Flats in the Berlin district of Prenzlauer Berg. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Monika Skolimowska

The purchase price of existing flats rose by 65.5 percent between 2016 and 2021, while the rental price only increased by 21.6 percent. From the peak in 2021, prices for apartments have fallen by 2.1 percent, while rents have continued to rise by 28.9 percent. As a result, the gap in price development since 2016 has shrunk from 36.1 percent (2021) to 3.4 percent (2024).

People looking to rent in major cities are not only facing rising rents, but also fierce competition to snag an affordable place to live. 

“In the metropolises, buying has become increasingly worthwhile over the past two years,” said Crockford. “There, the difference between purchase and rental prices has levelled off from 30 percent and more to a low single-digit percentage range.”

Is it better to buy a home than rent?

Choosing to buy instead of renting is of course a personal decision and you have to consider several factors – including whether you can afford the mortgage and extra fees associated with house buying.

That said, property prices are expected to increase again slightly after the dip over the last two years.

READ ALSO: Is autumn 2024 the right time to buy a property in Germany?

However, it should also be noted that tenants rights are strong in Germany so renting can be a worthwhile and savvy way to go, if you can find a home that is affordable to you. 

That goes some way to explain why Germany has one of the lowest level of property ownership in the EU, with just over half of the population owning their own home.

Meanwhile, one study released in 2023 by credit insurer Allianz Trade found that buying property in Germany is “significantly more expensive than renting in Germany”.

Even if rents were raised by the legal maximum of 20 percent next year compared to 2023, the difference between average mortgage repayments and average rents would still come in at €381 per month, said the insurer. 

However, some buyers may consider a home an investment in the long term and rely on the value going up over time – though this, of course, is not guaranteed. 

READ ALSO: How the cost of renting in Germany compares to home ownership