‘Francocide’: new French far-right term enters language battle

When an Algerian woman with mental health problems killed a 12-year-old child in Paris last year, far-right idealogue Eric Zemmour wasted no time in labelling the crime a "francocide".

'Francocide': new French far-right term enters language battle
France's far-right party "Reconquete!" leader Eric Zemmour in December 2022 (Photo by Alain JOCARD / AFP)

After a Syrian refugee stabbed four children and two adults at a lake-side park in the Alps last week, he repeated the term — which he coined himself in a speech last September that referred to the “violent colonisation” of France by foreigners.

Other supposed victims of “francocide” — all white French people — include a secondary school teacher whose beheading by a radicalised Chechen refugee shook France in 2020.

Having contributed to making the “great replacement theory” mainstream in France, the 64-year-old best-selling author has introduced a new racially charged term to the political lexicon.

It prompted the head of the UN High Commission for Refugees to condemn it on Wednesday for demonising migrants or refugees as French-hating murderers.

“I have read the word ‘Francocide’, so killers of French. This is hate speech and I hope nobody will use it,” Filippo Grandi told  reporters in Geneva.

The remark sparked fresh media attention in France and may have helped inadvertently to spread the word further — just as Zemmour hopes.

An analysis of public Facebook posts shows references to the neologism have been liked or shared 266,000 times since September while the #francocide hashtag was retweeted 60,000 times on a single day in October after the killing of 12-year-old Lola.

READ MORE: ‘We cannot continue to label France’s far-right fascists – we must debate them instead’

Analysts say past decades have demonstrated how once marginal far-right words and themes have slowly entered the mainstream in France where politics has turned rightwards amid concern about migration.


Philippe Corcuff, a left-leaning political scientist at Sciences Po university in Lyon, cites the example of the “great replacement theory”, which posits that white Christian French people are being deliberately replaced by mostly Muslim immigrants from Africa and the Middle East.

Once a fringe idea in radical far-right circles, Zemmour put it at the heart of his campaign for the presidency last year which saw him win 2.5 million votes or seven percent of the electorate in the first round.

The conspiracy theory ended up being endorsed by the now-head of the mainstream centre-right Republicans party, Eric Ciotti, and referenced by the party’s candidate, Valerie Pecresse.

“The term ‘francocide’ is directly linked to the theory of the ‘great replacement’, that the French population is being replaced by another of African origin, often Muslim,” Corcuff said.

It deliberately echoes the word “genocide” to evoke “the possible disappearance of the French people,” he said, as well as mimicking the word “femicide” to denote murders of women or “ecocide” to describe crimes against the environment.

“In the same way that ‘femicide’ has contributed to politicising violence against women, Zemmour is aiming to politicise everyday crimes involving immigrants,” wrote commentator Pascal Riche in the leftwing L’Obs magazine.

Zemmour’s far-right rival, the figurehead of the National Rally (RN) party Marine Le Pen and her party colleagues have however steered clear of using the term.

Macron’s mimicry?

President Emmanuel Macron and some of his ministers have also been accused by opponents of borrowing words commonly associated with the anti-immigration far-right, which has been dominated by Jean-Marie Le Pen and then his daughter Marine since the 1970s.

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin spoke in 2020 about France “turning savage” (“ensauvagement” in French), while Macron was accused of borrowing from the far-right lexicon at a cabinet meeting in May when he said there was a “process of de-civilisation” underway in the country.

“De-civilisation means barbarism. Emmanuel Macron has once again .. approved of our assessment of things,” Marine Le Pen told the Cnews channel in response.

Corcuff says the term is racially loaded and implies “a sense of barbarism threatening France that comes from Islam and Africa”.

Zemmour, a best-selling author and amateur historian, is well aware of the importance of words in politics, as he stated during his speech introducing the concept of “francocide”.

“Lenin got it right when he used to say: make them use the word and they will swallow the idea,” Zemmour said.

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French PM says new government names will be revealed ‘before Sunday’

France's long-running political deadlock finally reached a conclusion on Thursday night as newly-appointed prime minister Michel Barnier travelled to the Presidential palace to present his new government.

French PM says new government names will be revealed 'before Sunday'

Prime Minister Michel Barnier’s office said on Thursday that he would “go to the Elysée to propose to the president a government that is ready to serve France”.

After a meeting earlier on Thursday afternoon with the heads of political parties, Barner then travelled to the Elysée Palace on Thursday evening to meet president Emmanuel Macron.

Their meeting lasted for just under an hour and at the end journalists saw Macron showing Barnier out saying Merci beaucoup, à demain (thanks very much, see you tomorrow).

After the meeting, Barnier’s office said he had had a “constructive exchange” with the president and that the full list of names of the new ministers will be made public “before Sunday, after the usual checks have been made”.

French media reported that the full list of 38 names, of which 16 will be full minsters, includes seven ministers from Macron’s centrist group, two from fellow centrists MoDem and three from Barnier’s own party, the right-wing Les Républicains.

Listen to John Lichfield discussing the challenges that Barnier faces in the latest episode of the Talking France podcast – download here or listen on the link below

Barnier’s statement said that “after two weeks of intensive consultations with the different political groups” he has found the architecture of his new government, adding that his priorities would be to;

  • Improve the standard of living for the French and the workings of public services, especially schools and healthcare
  • Guarantee security, control immigration and improve integration
  • Encourage businesses and agriculture and build upon the economic attractiveness of France
  • Get public finances under control and reduce debt

France has been in a state of limbo ever since parliamentary elections in July produced a deadlock with no group coming close to winning enough seats for a majority.

A caretaker government remained in place over the summer while president Emmanuel Macron declared an ‘Olympics truce’.

He finally appointed the right-wing former minister and ex-Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier on September 5th.

Barnier has spent the last two weeks in intense negotiations in his attempt to form a government that won’t immediately be brought down through a motion of no-confidence in parliament.

Numerous left-wing politicians are reported to have refused to serve in his government while several high-profile Macronists have also ruled themselves out, including long-serving finance minister Bruno Le Maire who last week announced that he was quitting politics.

The reported make up of the new government does not reflect the election result – in which the leftist Nouveau Front Populaire coalition came first, followed by Macron’s centrists with the far-right Rassemblement National in third – but Barnier’s hope is that enough MPs will support it to avoid an immediate motion de censure (vote of no confidence).

The government’s first task will be to prepare the 2025 budget, which is already a week late. France’s soaring budget deficit and threat of a downgrade from ratings agencies mean that it will be a tricky task with Barnier, who has prepared the ground for tax hikes by warning that the situation is ‘very serious’.