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Reader question: How long will it take to renew my Swiss permit?

The answer to this question, which is, naturally, of concern to foreign nationals living in Switzerland, depends on several factors.

A person works at a desk.
A person works at a desk. Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash

The first thing to consider is what kind of work/residency permit you have, as different rules apply.

Let’s look at the long-term B permits and permanent residency C permits that most foreign nationals living in Switzerland are likely to have.

Typically in both of these cases, you will receive a letter from local authorities approximately six weeks before the deadline reminding you to renew.

There will also be an application form that you will need to fill out, which must be submitted to your commune of residence no earlier than three months and no later than two weeks prior to the expiration date.

READ ALSO: When and how should you renew your Swiss residence permit?

Some cantons also impose additional rules for certain categories of foreigners. 

In Geneva, for instance, non-EU/EFTA spouses of B or C permit holders must include a French language certificate if it had not yet been done previously.

Further, for nationals of a non-EU/EFTA state who depend on social assistance for an amount equal to or greater than 50,000 francs for a single person or 80,000 francs for a household of several people, a letter indicating the reasons for the dependence on government aid and the steps taken to get out of it must be submitted.

In Vaud, “your situation and your degree of integration are examined, in particular your financial autonomy”.

Your canton may have other special rules in place as well, so it’s good to find them out beforehand, allowing you to submit all the necessary paperwork with your renewal application.

How long does the renewal process take?

The extension of your current permit may depend on various factors set by your canton which, in turn, may determine how long the renewal process will take.

In straightforward cases, you will receive the renewal within two to four weeks. However, this timeline is not set in stone.

It may happen that the new permit is not immediately issued, because the volumes of applications to be processed are very large, especially in cantons with a sizeable foreign population like Geneva, Zurich, Basel, and Vaud.

And the stricter the regulations (as mentioned above), the longer the process is likely to take.

Can authorities refuse to extend your permit?

Yes, that can happen under certain circumstances.

For instance, short-term L or B permits that are tied to a particular job, which ends within the specified time period (usually up to a year), will expire when the contract is over.

As non-EU / EFTA nationals are subject to a quota system, their work permits are not automatically renewed either.

Other reasons include lack of integration or dependence on welfare, as mentioned above. Also, if you’ve committed serious crimes or other infractions, you can kiss your permit goodbye.

And if you forgot to apply for renewal in the first place, then you forfeit your right to the permit.

The authorities could take special circumstances, such as serious illness, a debilitating accident, or another extreme situation into consideration and make an exception, but you shouldn’t count on that.

READ ALSO: Can Swiss authorities refuse to renew work permits — and for what reasons?

What if you applied on time and provided all the required documentation, but your permit expired before a new one was issued?

The good news is that, if you are a holder of either a long-term B or settlement C permit, your rights are protected while you wait for the renewal.

You can continue to work and live in Switzerland as before.

Under the Foreign Nationals and Integration Act, “when the person concerned has submitted an application to extend a permit, he or she is authorised to stay in Switzerland during the procedure, provided that no other decision has been taken”.

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What are the rules on summer jobs for international students in Denmark?

If you are in Denmark on a student visa and want to work during the summer holidays, you can now do so full-time in June, July and August under new rules.

What are the rules on summer jobs for international students in Denmark?

A change to student visa laws in Denmark means that, as of July 1st 2024, people living in Denmark on study permits are allowed to work full time during June, July and August, when universities and other higher education are closed for the summer or partially closed.

The rule change, confirmed in a statement by work permit agency SIRI, means that students are no longer limited to working a maximum of 90 hours per month during the three summer months.

For the rest of the year, the limit for part-time work is 90 hours per month.

It should be noted that these rules relate to study permits in Denmark for higher education programmes like university degrees and the equivalent. Different rules apply for PhD students – whose study is more closely regarded as employment – or for more informal education such as højskoler, “folk high schools”.

What other working rights do I have with a study visa?

When you are granted a study permit for residence in Denmark, this automatically gives you a permit to work part-time (and full-time in the summer) under the conditions outlined above.

The work permit remains valid during the additional residence period for job application– which can be six months or three years – which you are given after completing a full study programme in Denmark.

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED: How to apply for an after studies residence permit in Denmark

Work over the limit of permitted hours is considered illegal work and you can be given a warning, a fine or even have your study permit revoked.

The limit does not apply to voluntary work for a charity or other organisation with a “constructive purpose”, according to the Danish rules.

If your study programme includes a work placement, you are given a permit to work full time for the duration of the placement. If you do not have this permit when you begin your studies and decide or are required to take a placement during the course, you will need to apply for this. The placement must be approved by your educational institution and form part of the study programme.

You may not apply for social benefits or Denmark’s state student grant, SU, if you are residing and studying in the country under the terms of a study permit.

You do, however, have the right to free Danish lessons. Your local authority (kommune in Danish) is obliged to contact you within a month of your arrival to offer you a spot at a local language centre.