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Swiss museum probes ‘king of clowns’ Nazi links

Grock, whose real name was real name Adrien Wettach, became known as the "king of clowns" but the Swiss entertainer who made the world laugh is now in the spotlight over his connections with Adolf Hitler.

Swiss museum probes 'king of clowns' Nazi links
Neues Museum Biel's director Bernadette Walter holds a picture of the clown Grock were he appeared twice in Biel on June 12, 2023.Photo by Fabrice COFFRINI / AFP

 A Swiss museum, which has recently acquired Grock’s archive, is researching links between the performer — considered by peers to be the greatest musical clown of his time — and the dictator of Nazi Germany.

In the first half of the 20th century, Grock’s success rivalled that of Charlie Chaplin. But while Chaplin satirised Hitler, Grock seems to have
welcomed him into his dressing room.

Last month, the Neues Museum Biel took possession of around a thousand items from Grock’s collection.

Sound recordings from shows, letters, photographs and musical scores were donated by Grock’s 74-year-old great-nephew Raymond Naef.

Via Naef, Grock’s stage costumes and musical instruments were donated by Switzerland’s Knie family circus dynasty.

But the Neues Museum Biel did not want to put on a Grock exhibition without first exploring the artist’s life off-stage, where he developed a reputation as a shrewd businessman.

“It’s the museum’s responsibility. It’s absolutely necessary,” the art and history museum’s director Bernadette Walter told AFP.

 Hitler telegram 

Wettach published several autobiographies and his great-nephew Naef wrote a book and curated a 2002 exhibition about Grock’s career — but until now, no historian has investigated the nature of his Nazi connections.

“Grock says in his autobiography that Hitler came to his dressing room, and that Hitler saw his shows 13 times,” said Walter, though the museum has not yet verified the claim.

The museum did not consider turning down his archive, which entails conducting lots of research — something Walter compared to the investigations that cultural institutions carry out into artworks looted by the Nazis.

“A museum must also tell stories that are not always spotless,” the director said, arguing that the past should not simply be forgotten.

At a May 12th online auction, the museum tried to buy, for research purposes, a seasonal greetings telegram that Grock sent to Hitler in 1942.

“We know that he met Hitler and (Joseph) Goebbels,” the Nazi propaganda chief, and that he performed for wounded German soldiers, said Walter, but whether he had any political allegiances remains a mystery.

Grock performed in Germany before the Nazis came to power in 1933, and the museum wants to see whether he adapted his stage show afterwards.

Grock always said he was apolitical and his autobiography mentions his shows in Britain, France and the United States, said Walter.

“He played when he was paid. We know that Grock was opportunistic, but that cannot be used as an excuse.”

  No joke 

Laurent Diercksen, who wrote the 1999 book “Grock: An Extraordinary Destiny”, said the acrobat, juggler and multi-instrumentalist “didn’t give a
damn about politics” and focused on “success”.

“We cannot judge him on a single letter, an isolated act or one revelation taken out of context,” the journalist told AFP, finding it a shame that the
great music hall artiste might primarily be remembered for his “so-called Nazi sympathies”.

Born in 1880, Grock grew up in the Bernese Jura mountains above the city of Biel in northern Switzerland.

He chose his pseudonym in the early 1900s, when he replaced Brock in Brick and Brock, a famous duo of the time.

Grock died in 1959 aged 79, with his sketches known to audiences around the world.

“He brought laughter to an era when there wasn’t much to laugh about,” said his great-nephew, who nonetheless recalled that Grock’s connections with the Nazis had caused family disputes.

But he wanted Grock’s collection to be publicly accessible for historical research and potentially be exhibited, adding that people needed to
distinguish between the art and the artiste.

“We do not destroy the houses built by the architect Le Corbusier simply because he was also a bit of a fascist,” Naef concluded.

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Experts press Swiss foundation over Nazi-era art collection

A Swiss foundation must do more to trace the provenance of works in a vast art collection acquired in questionable circumstances during World War II, a team of experts said Friday.

Experts press Swiss foundation over Nazi-era art collection

There has long been suspicion around the Nazi-era origins of one of Europe’s most prestigious private art collections, acquired by arms dealer Emil Buhrle, who made his fortune during the war.

The German-born industrialist became a naturalised Swiss citizen in 1937. By the time he died in 1956, he had amassed around 600 artworks, including masterpieces by Cezanne, Degas, Manet, Monet, Renoir, Rembrandt, Picasso and Van Gogh.

Some had previously been looted from their Jewish owners, or sold cheaply and in haste as their owners fled the Nazis.

The Buhrle Foundation, which owns the collection, has been working to clarify the provenance of the works for years.

Its efforts came into particular focus when Kunsthaus Zurich, one of Switzerland’s most prestigious art museums, agreed to permanently house the collection. Until then, it had been displayed at a private museum on the outskirts of Zurich.

The Kunsthaus has faced especially keen scrutiny since it opened a new building to house a large part of the collection in 2021.


A team of experts mandated by the Zurich authorities and the museum to evaluate the foundation’s research on provenance on Friday concluded that it had been “insufficient”.

“Provenance research must be continued,” said the team, led by renowned Swiss historian Raphael Gross, president of the German Historical Museum Foundation.

The Buhrle Foundation has confirmed that 13 paintings bought by the German-born industrialist had been stolen by the Nazis from Jewish owners in France.

Following a series of court cases after World War II ended, in the late 1940s Buhrle returned all 13 pieces to their rightful owners then repurchased nine of them, the foundation said.

But the foundation says its research over two decades concluded there were no signs of “problematic provenance” for any of the 203 works in the current collection.

Friday’s expert review examined the foundation’s sources, methodology, accuracy, standards and historical contextualisation.

Voicing particular concern that the foundation had categorised 90 works as unproblematic despite lacking full provenance research, the experts insisted they should all be re-examined.

The research should “concentrate on clarifying the previous Jewish ownership and persecution-related confiscation of the works”, they added.

“Without the Nazi’s persecution of Jews, the Buhrle Collection would never have reached the level it did,” Gross reporters at a new conference, the Swiss news agency Keystone-ATS reported.


The experts conducted an in-depth examination of the provenance investigation conducted on five emblematic works. They research there, they said, was so “superficial that decisive indicators (were) overlooked”.

One of the works, “Madame Cezanne with a Fan” by Paul Cezanne, had belonged to the US writer, poet and art collector Gertrude Stein, who was living in Nazi-occupied France.

“Gertrude Stein sold it to an art dealer who demonstrably exploited the plight of Jewish refugees,” it said. “The provenance of this work has not yet been sufficiently researched”.

The experts urged the Kunsthaus to set up an interdisciplinary panel to create a scheme for examining all art in its own collection and on long-term loan that could potentially be linked to Nazi-related confiscations.

The report also suggested the museum conduct a further debate, if possible a public one, about the Buhrle collection and the museum’s association with his name.