Covid-19 still causing 1,000 deaths a week in Europe, WHO warns

The World Health Organization's European office warned on Tuesday the risk of Covid-19 has not gone away, saying it was still responsible for nearly 1,000 deaths a week in the region. And the real figure may be much higher.

Covid-19 still causing 1,000 deaths a week in Europe, WHO warns
Covid-19 responsible for 1,000 deaths a week in Europe, WHO says.(Photo by MATTEO BAZZI / POOL / AFP)

The global health body on May 5 announced that the Covid-19 pandemic was no longer deemed a “global health emergency.”

“Whilst it may not be a global public health emergency, however, Covid-19 has not gone away,” WHO Regional Director for Europe Hans Kluge told reporters.

The WHO’s European region comprises 53 countries, including several in central Asia.

“Close to 1,000 new Covid-19 deaths continue to occur across the region every week, and this is an underestimate due to a drop in countries regularly reporting Covid-19 deaths to WHO,” Kluge added, and urged authorities to ensure vaccination coverage of at least 70 percent for vulnerable groups.

Kluge also said estimates showed that one in 30, or some 36 million people, in the region had experienced so called “long Covid” in the last three years, which “remains a complex condition we still know very little about.”

“Unless we develop comprehensive diagnostics and treatment for long Covid, we will never truly recover from the pandemic,” Kluge said, encouraging more research in the area which he called an under-recognised condition.

Most countries in Europe have dropped all Covid safety restrictions but some face mask rules remain in place in certain countries in places like hospitals.

Although Spain announced this week that face masks will no longer be required in certain healthcare settings, including hospitals and pharmacies, with a couple of exceptions.

Sweden will from July 1st remove some of its remaining Covid recommendations for the public, including advice to stay home and avoid close contact with others if you’re ill or have Covid symptoms.

The health body also urged vigilance in the face of a resurgence of mpox, having recorded 22 new cases across the region in May, and the health impact of heat waves.

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EXPLAINED: Why living in Switzerland can prolong your life

Swiss life expectancy has hit a new record, according to a study just released - and it's just one of a number that suggest residing in Switzerland makes you live longer. Why is that be the case?

EXPLAINED: Why living in Switzerland can prolong your life

All the metrics show that Switzerland is near the top of the charts in terms of life expectancy of its population.

A recent study by the University Center for General Medicine and Public Health, or Unisanté, estimates the average life expectancy is now 85.8 years for women and 82.2 years for men.

Another German study, released earlier this year, also found that nowhere else in western Europe do people live as long, as in Switzerland. 

They’re not the only studies that reveals Swiss life expectancy is better than elsewhere.

According to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), an average lifespan for a person born in Switzerland in 2022 is about 83.9 years, for both sexes combined. 

This places Switzerland in the second place worldwide, just behind Japan, and in the top spot in Europe.

How can this ‘Swiss phenomenon’ be explained?

If you are hoping that eating chocolate and cheese can boost your life expectancy, probably not so much.

But there are several other reasons why this is so.

For instance:

Good life conditions

Generally speaking, the increase in longevity can be explained by good living conditions and a generally healthy lifestyle, according an analysis by RTS public broadcaster.

And the majority of Switzerland’s residents can’t complain on that score.

The nature

The Swiss love the outdoors, which provide plenty of opportunities for a healthy lifestyle.

In their free time, they take to hiking trails, cycling, and others sports and recreational activities.

All this boosts their physical health – and mental well-being as well.


Switzerland has one the best healthcare systems, which is vital for maintaining the population’s health.

Its private (though expensive) health insurance covers all medically-necessary treatments.

In the 2024 study by the German Federal Institute for Demographic Research it was given as the main reason for Swiss longevity.

“The Swiss medical system is less overwhelmed than that of its neighbours,” said demographer Mathias Lerch.

“Family doctors have more time to devote to their patients. Also, regular check-ups, early diagnosis, and preventive measures are more common in Switzerland.

According to demographer Philippe Wanner: “Switzerland benefits from a good health structure, and its health system is efficient in international comparison.”

Additionally, in terms of wait times for doctor appointments and medical procedures Switzerland beats many other countries.

According to an OECD survey on how long patients in various countries typically wait for an appointment with a specialist, the share of people in Switzerland waiting a month or more is 23 percent, compared to 36 percent in France, 52 percent in Sweden, and 61 percent in Norway.

READ ALSO : How long is the wait for medical procedures in Switzerland?
So the high quality of — and quick access to — healthcare services goes a long way in explaining why the Swiss live so long.

High quality of life

Again according to OECD’s Better Life Index, “Switzerland outperforms in income, jobs, education, health, environmental quality, social connections, safety and life satisfaction.”

All these qualities boost mental well-being — an important factor in overall health which, in turn, contributes to longevity.

In fact, among responses to The Local’s recent survey about why foreigners want to retire in Switzerland, “the quality of medicine” and “the quality of life” were cited as two reasons. 

READ ALSO: The reasons why foreigners want to stay and retire in Switzerland

The structure of the population

Demographics also plays a role in longevity, Wanner said.

He credits Switzerland’s high level of education, with those who are educated being “more health-conscious. We know that, statistically, they live longer than people with only secondary education or without any training.”

Peaceful and prosperous life

In comparison to many other nations, neutral Switzerland has not known any armed or civil conflicts, its politics is mostly uneventful, and economy comparatively stable.

All this is more conducive to longevity  than a life full of strife, which takes an emotional toll and can hasten illnesses.