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What punishments do tourists face if they damage Italian monuments?

A video of a tourist carving his name on the Colosseum’s outer wall sparked outrage across Italy. But how severe are the punishments for those damaging or, in some cases, 'disrespecting' Italian monuments?

Colosseum, name carvings
Names are seen carved on a wall inside Rome's Colosseum. Photo by Filippo MONTEFORTE / AFP

A video of a tourist carving his name and that of his girlfriend on the outer wall of Rome’s Colosseum went viral earlier this week as people took to social media to express their outrage over the incident. 

Italy’s culture minister Gennaro Sangiuliano joined in the outpouring of indignation as he condemned the event as “serious, undignified and a sign of great incivility”.

But the Colosseum incident – currently under investigation by local police authorities – was only the latest in a long series of acts of vandalism that have involved world-famous Italian monuments and artworks over the past few years.

Just to cite a few, in 2018 an Indian tourist removed an entire brick from a Colosseum inner wall to make a “souvenir” of it, whereas two years later, in 2020, two visitors were caught carving their names on a pillar of Rome’s Trevi Fountain

The same year, an Austrian tourist snapped three toes off an Antonio Canova statue after lying on top of it, while, more recently, an American tourist smashed two 2,000-year-old statues at the Vatican museums after he was reportedly denied a hearing with the Pope.

Under Italian law, anyone found guilty of causing damage to a site of historical and artistic interest in Italy can face fines of up to €15,000 and a jail sentence of up to five years.

Trevi fountain in Rome

Rome’s Trevi Fountain has on multiple occasions been the target of vandalism acts from visitors. Photo by Filippo MONTEFORTE / AFP

And these penalties may soon become harsher, as ministers in April approved plans to increase the maximum fines for defacing cultural property to €40,000, whereas people damaging or destroying cultural items could be handed fines of up to €60,000.

Potential prison sentences would also increase to a maximum of seven years.

Besides national laws on acts of vandalism, popular tourism hotspots around the country have long had varying local rules in place aimed at curbing unruly behaviour by visitors.

For instance, tourists every year face fines of hundreds of euros after falling foul of Rome’s strict ban on taking a dip in its public fountains.

And even seemingly innocent behaviours such as sitting on the steps of a famous building or eating on the go while walking down a city centre street can land visitors with hefty fines in some parts of the country. 

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REVEALED: Where in Italy you’re most likely to be a victim of crime

From theft and home burglary to cyber fraud and extortion, the latest figures reveal where in Italy you are most likely to fall victim to crime and the most common types of offences in major cities around the country.

REVEALED: Where in Italy you're most likely to be a victim of crime

While Italy is among the safest countries in the world – it ranked 33rd out of 163 in the latest Global Peace Index report, right above the UK – crime is still a concern, especially in metropolitan cities and tourist hotspots.

According to the annual crime report from newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, which collated the most recent data from Italy’s Department of Public Security, Milan was the Italian city with the highest crime rate in 2023.

Overall, some 230,394 crimes were reported in the northern metropolis last year, which corresponded to 7,094 offences for every 100,000 residents.

Milan was followed by Italy’s capital, Rome, with 6,071 reported crimes for every 100,000 residents (up by nearly 600 compared to 2022) and Florence, with 6,053.

The top ten was completed by Rimini (6,002 reports for every 100,000 residents), Turin (5,685), Bologna (5,539), Prato (4,887), Imperia (4,838), Venice (4,825) and Livorno (4,743).

At the other end of the spectrum, Oristano, Sardinia, was the Italian city with the lowest crime rate in 2023 as it ‘only’ saw 1,511 offences for every 100,000 residents. 

Oristano was followed by Potenza, Basilicata (1,934) and Treviso, Veneto (2,258).

Single-offence rankings

While the overall crime rate ranking provides a picture of Italy’s major crime hotspots, it doesn’t allow for any insight into the types of offences committed locally, which is why it is worth looking into single-offence rankings. 

Milan, Rome and Rimini (a popular seaside resort on Emilia Romagna’s Adriatic coast) were the Italian cities with the highest theft rates in 2023, with the northern city registering nearly 3,900 reported thefts (furti) for every 100,000 residents and the capital stopping just shy of the 3,500 mark.

Milan was also Italy’s least-safe city when it came to petty theft and pickpocketing, with over 900 such offences reported for every 100,000 residents.

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Florence was the Italian city with the highest robbery rate (rapine), with 136 offences for every 100,000 residents. 

The Tuscan city was followed by Milan (128) and Prato (124).

Outside of big cities and popular tourist destinations, a number of smaller and, perhaps, slightly unassuming Italian cities had their own crime ‘specialisations’ in 2023. 

For instance, Ragusa, Sicily, ranked first in vehicle theft, while Pisa, Tuscany, came in first in reported home burglary offences.

Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia, had the highest sexual assault rate (24 reports for every 100,000 residents) in the country, whereas Crotone ranked first for attempted murder.

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Turin came in first for cyber fraud and online scams, while Isernia, Molise, was Italy’s extortion capital. 

National picture

At a national level, reported crimes were up by 3.8 percent compared to 2022, with online fraud and robbery registering 10.3- and 9.5-percent increases respectively. 

Assault offences also registered a 3.1-percent year-on-year increase, while there were 341 murders in 2023 – up by 13 against 2019. 

According to Marco Dugato, a researcher at the Crime Observatory of Milan’s Cattolica University, the latest increases “must be monitored, particularly for certain types of crime”.

In particular, “the rise of more impulsive, less planned, but more aggressive forms of criminal activity” such as assault and robbery “is of concern”.