Why food price increases in Norway will become harder to spot

Experts believe that price rises in Norwegian supermarkets will happen more dynamically in the future, and consumers will need to pay better attention to changing prices.

Pictured is the fruit and vegetable section of the supermarket.
Supermarkets in Norway appear to have abandoned the old system of adjusting supermarket prices. Pictured is the fruit and vegetable section of the supermarket. Photo by Rob Maxwell on Unsplash

This year has seen supermarkets buck the trend of adjusting prices across the board twice a year. Typically, supermarkets would change the cost of their products at the beginning of February and then at the start of July following negotiations with suppliers.

After no significant change in prices on July 1st this year, it appears that Norwegian supermarkets have more or less abandoned the old system.

“Even now, we have not seen the price increase in the shops. This is partly due to the fact that it was not expected that the purchase prices would increase so much now on July 1st, but also to Rema 1000’s initiative to negotiate more continuously with suppliers. It is still uncertain how many of the contracts have been renegotiated,” Øystein Foros at the Norwegian Business School told the Norwegian newswire NTB.

Foros added that there are signs that the cost of groceries changing on certain days of the year has ended and that prices will be more fluid moving forward.

“If the chains move away from this system, shop prices will probably react more quickly when raw material prices change, and we will see a more dynamic change in prices,” he said.

The old system attracted criticism from the government and consumer watchdogs earlier this year after supermarkets publicly announced rough price increases. However, the rises never materialised in February after Kiwi chose to freeze the price of more than 100 items.

Other supermarkets followed suit, and the competition on keeping prices locked didn’t end until later in the spring when prices began slowly rising after Easter.

Odd Gisholt, an expert on groceries and professor at the Norwegian Business School, told NTB that the new system meant things were more uncertain for households.

“Times are more uncertain now, and customers must take care of themselves. Rema 1000 says they will keep their prices steady or perhaps lower them, and they are offering discounts on a number of items. Coop also says that they will lock the prices of 100 important goods,” he said.

He added that chains would only likely compete on the price of a smaller selection of goods, while other products will see a larger variation in prices.

“Consumers must be more careful, have all (the) loyalty cards, and keep up with the times,” the professor said.

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Workers in Norway to enjoy highest real wage increase for a decade

Real pay rises in Norway will be at the highest level for a decade this year, national data agency Statistics Norway said in its latest economic forecasts.

Workers in Norway to enjoy highest real wage increase for a decade

Statistics Norway said in a report released Friday that Norway’s economy is set to pick up in the coming years and that workers will benefit as a result.

“Now the arrows are pointing upwards in many areas. Activity in the Norwegian economy will probably pick up, as a result of increased real wage growth, high activity in public administration, as well as a turnaround in housing investment,” Thomas von Brasch at Statistics Norway said in the report.

The report was a forecast on the country’s economy up until 2027. The data agency said that workers in Norway would benefit from a real wage increase of 1.9 percent this year.

Forecasted real wage growth for this year would be the highest in more than ten years, as real pay in Norway has been largely stagnant since 2015. There was also more good news for consumers, as real wages are expected to grow by around 1.5 percent per year until 2027.

Further good news for those hoping for more disposal income in the future could come in the form of interest rate cuts early next year. Statistics Norway expects the central bank to cut the key policy rate in March 2025.

The reason rates likely won’t be cut before then is due to the weak Norwegian krone.

“Norges Bank will probably try to avoid the krone weakening further. The central bank will probably wait with the interest rate cuts until after other central banks have cut their interest rates a good deal. The recent weakening of the krone means that the key interest rate will only be cut from the beginning of next year,” Brasch said.

However, the report wasn’t all good news. Inflation in Norway was likely to remain above the central bank’s target of 2 percent for this year, at least.

There was also bad news for those looking to get on the property ladder as house prices were expected to rise in the coming years. Although, high interest rates would dampen prices somewhat.

READ ALSO: What first-time buyers in Norway need to know about the current property market