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What are Switzerland’s most dangerous hiking trails?

Hiking is one of favourite summer pastimes for many people in Switzerland, but the country’s hilly and often rugged terrain can be treacherous as well.

What are Switzerland’s most dangerous hiking trails?
Most Swiss hiking trails are safe. Image by Steven Weirather from Pixabay

If you are a nature lover, then Switzerland is just perfect for you,

The country has over 65,000 kilometres  of marked trails — “the longest, densest, and most varied network,” according to Switzerland’s Tourist Board. 

Most of the trails are safe, and millions of people walk their length and breadth each year, admiring the stunning scenery, without nary an accident.

But there is also danger afoot — quite literally.

That’s because some trails may seem deceptively easy but can be dangerous if you are not prepared and not aware of the risks.

The Grosser Mythen

The Swiss Alpine Club (SAC) gave the mountain, located in the canton of Schwyz, the unenviable name of “the deadliest route in all of Switzerland.” 

A very popular hiking spot, the mountain has, nevertheless, claimed 22 lives, along with numerous injuries.

Though at an altitude of 1,900 metres, the Grosse Mythen is hardly the tallest mountain in the Swiss Alps, SAC said that some exposed spots along the trail and loose stones that cover the slope can cause serious falls.

Even local tourism authorities have been warning that “the climb is relatively steep and the mountain path is demanding.” 

Is this really the ‘deadliest’ mountain in Switzerland? Photo by Pascal Debrunner on Unsplash

The Hardergrat

Of course, ‘danger’ is a subjective term, because what is dangerous for some people may be a piece of cake for others. Much depends on a hiker’s experience, physical condition, and equipment.

While many hikers say the views from the 24-kilometre-long paths located over Interlaken in canton Bern are totally worth the extra effort, others advise caution.

“It is a difficult course, with 3,000 metres of elevation, no shade and no water sources along the way,” according to a  travel magazine.  It takes a lot of effort to complete this hike and it can be dangerous with injuries and fatalities occurring every year.” 

This warning is echoed by a blogger, who wrote that “the Hardergrat trail is considered one the most dangerous trails in the world. It is a physically demanding and technically difficult trail that should only be attempted by experienced mountaineers that accept high risk.”

The Eiger

Climbing up the famous mountain, perched above Grindelwald and Lauterbrunnen in the Bernese Oberland, offers spectacular views that makes the hike up worthwhile to thousands who make the trek.

But many may not know the north face of the mountain is nicknamed  ‘Mordwand,’ which translates to ‘Murder Wall.’
The reason: the wall is known for its falling rocks.

According to one article, this situation is the result of global warming: high summer temperatures are loosening the permafrost that holds the rockface together, leaving climbers at  “severe risk of being injured or killed.” 


When the Äscher mountain restaurant was featured in the National Geographic  magazine 2015, and subsequently in other international media as well, droves of tourists have hiked to the site, located in an isolated, inaccessible location in the Alpstein region of Appenzell-Ausserrhoden.

They may not have expected the trek to the restaurant to be as difficult as it is; in fact, in 2022 alone, four people died on the trail within a few weeks.

The terrain is notoriously difficult, with narrow paths running alongside steep descents, and many places along the way where hikers can easily stumble and fall.  

The cliff-hanging Äscher mountain restaurant. Photo: The Local

The Pilatus

Overlooking Lucerne in Central Switzerland, Pilatus  very popular with hikers.

However, keep in mind that the hike up Pilatus is very steep, with a rocky and bumpy terrain.

On some sections of the trail, there are chains to which you can (precariously) hold on.


While not located in Switzerland itself, but in France, the Mont-Blanc is nevertheless close enough to Geneva to make it a popular destination for hikers from the area.

It is also dangerous — more so, in fact, that the famous Mt. Everest, which claimed 310 lives since the 1990s..

The death toll on Mont Blanc, however, is significantly higher, even though its altitude is lower than Everest’s.

Some figures cite an average of 100 deaths per year along the Mont Blanc massif, which could stand to rise as climate change increases the risk of rock falls and avalanches.

The majority of deaths on the mountain happen due to falls, people being hit by rocks, or hikers becoming lost or stranded, media have reported.

READ ALSO: Why is climbing Mont Blanc so dangerous?
 If you go hiking, be smart

It is important to heed some common-sense advice when heading to the trails:

  • Check the weather to make sure it is hiking-friendly
  • Equip yourself with proper shoes, attire, and other gear
  • Read the Swiss Alpine Club’s guide on how to hike safely.

READ ALSO: How to keep safe and avoid problems when hiking in the Swiss Alps

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Hikers in Switzerland warned as hundreds of trails close

Switzerland's mountainous terrain offers perfect hiking country for thousands of walkers each summer but this year over 600 trails have been forced to close after bad weather. And some may never reopen.

Hikers in Switzerland warned as hundreds of trails close

More than 620 trails –1,300 kilometres in total – have had to be closed to hikers due to heavy rains and flooding that hit some regions of the country at the end of June.

Hiking association Suisse Rando said the storms left many trails impassable whilst some have simply been washed away. Hundreds of others have been damaged and need repairs.

Certain cantons have been more affected than others with Valais particularly badly hit.

“During the bad weather spell in June, many transport links and hiking trails were damaged, especially in Valais and Ticino, according to Sébastien Rappaz, who is responsible for hiking trails in French-speaking Valais for the organisation Valrando.

“It’s difficult to give an exact figure for the number of kilometres of trails that have been affected, because there are still all the paths that are not accessible because of the snow in the mountains,” Rappaz said.

“All we can do is inform people to prevent them from finding themselves in situations without a path that they had planned to pass.”

Not all the affected trails will be reopened, however, because the “means of repair” of these paths are limited, Rappaz said.

It will ultimately be up to individual communities to decide whether to undertake these repairs, but he said that some trails may be lost forever. And he warned the situation will only get worse due to the impact of the human-caused climate crisis.

“We may have to think about the future of certain paths, are we going to reopen them or not, are we going to have to build a particular infrastructure or not? There are two or three questions that will come to the table in the near future,” Rappaz said.

“We have paths on moraines [landforms left behind by moving glaciers] which are sinking. We have paths in the high mountains which were protected from falling rocks by permafrost, but as it disappears, these areas become exposed.

“We have the phenomena of floods and lava torrential attacks which are not new, but which have become more important in recent years and which are not always predictable,” he said.

Walkers are advised to try to check in advance whether trails are open, by contacting walking clubs or tourist information offices. They are also advised to check with the sites Suisse Rando and SuisseMobile for the latest news on the state of the trails.