Fugitive Catalan leader could determine who governs in Spain

Most pollsters saw Spain's far-right Vox in the role of kingmaker, but none imagined it would be exiled Catalan separatist leader Carles Puigdemont emerging as the key piece in the puzzle from Sunday's inconclusive snap election.

Fugitive Catalan leader could determine who governs in Spain
Catalan regional president Carles Puigdemont and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez (L) shake hands before a meeting in 2016. (Photo by Josep LAGO / AFP)

Although the right-wing Popular Party (PP) is demanding the right to rule after winning the vote, it seems a remote possibility given that it didn’t manage to secure an absolute majority, even with the support of Vox.

And that offers a chance for Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez to cling onto power if he wins the backing of several Basque and Catalan independence parties whose parliamentary support was key to propping up his outgoing minority government.

READ ALSO: Five key takeaways from Spain’s general election

Even so, Sánchez would still need to secure the agreement of JxCat, the hardline separatist party headed by Puigdemont, whose seven lawmakers hold the key to the Socialist leader passing any parliamentary investiture vote.

And the irony of being kingmaker was not lost on the former Catalan leader who fled to Belgium to avoid prosecution over his role in the failed 2017 independence bid that sparked Spain’s worst crisis in decades.

“One day you are decisive in order to form a Spanish government, the next day Spain orders your arrest,” tweeted Puigdemont in English after Spain issued a fresh warrant for his arrest just hours after the election results became clear.

Founded by Puigdemont, JxCat has long pursued a strategy of confrontation with Madrid in contrast to the stance of its more moderate separatist rival, ERC which has regularly offered support to Sánchez’s government.

Although JxCat had backed the no-confidence motion that propelled Sánchez into the premiership in June 2018, it voted against his investiture vote in January 2020.

‘Completely unacceptable’

On Sunday evening, as the results emerged, the JxCat leadership made clear it would not be party to Sánchez’s return to power without something in return, prompting an immediate backlash from Alberto Nunez Feijóo’s PP.

“The only alternative to Feijóo is having Puigdemont run the Spanish government,” retorted Juanma Moreno, the PP leader who heads the southern Andalusia region.

For years, JxCat has pushed for the right to stage an independence referendum and for an amnesty for the separatist leaders still wanted by the Spanish justice system, like Puigdemont.

“We won’t help Pedro Sánchez become prime minister for anything, our priority is Catalonia and not the governability of Spain. We will not budge an inch,” insisted JxCat’s Miriam Nogueras.

Although Sánchez pardoned nine Catalan separatist leaders serving long jail terms over the botched secession bid in 2021, agreeing to JxCat’s demands would be tantamount to crossing a red line for the Socialist leader.

“It would be completely unacceptable for any Spanish government to accept either of these two conditions.. and JxCat knows it,” said Ana Sofia Cardenal, a political scientist at Catalonia’s Open University.

READ ALSO: Spain’s election gridlock – What happens next?

A delicate balancing act

Everything now depends on the outcome of deliberations within the hardline separatist faction.

“If JxCat ends up being responsible for triggering a repeat election, how will that impact the party in the next vote? That’s the question they are pondering now,” said Oriol Bartomeus, a political scientist from Barcelona’s Autonomous University.

“If the answer is yes” to a new election that could allow it to “bring down” its ERC rival, which saw its number of seats falling from 13 to 7 in Sunday’s election, then JxCat won’t do anything to help Sanchez, he said.

“It’s very ironic,” admitted Cardenal.

Many Socialists, she said, had “swung to the right” over the Catalan crisis with many angered by Sanchez’s move to pardon those involved, who still harbour “a real hatred of Puigdemont”.

“And now it turns out that Puigdemont holds the key to Spain’s governability,” she said.

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Spain tries to calm spiralling row with Venezuela

Spain tried to calm the war of words with Venezuela Friday with relations between the two countries almost at breaking point after Caracas recalled its ambassador.

Spain tries to calm spiralling row with Venezuela

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yvan Gil summoned the Spanish ambassador there to a meeting Friday after ordering his country’s envoy to Spain to come home for “consultations”.

The new flare-up followed Spain’s Defence Minister Margarita Robles calling the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro a “dictatorship” Thursday, and expressing her support for “the Venezuelans who had had to leave their country” because of his regime.

Gil called the comments “rude and insolent”.

Caracas was also angered by Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’s decision to meet Venezuelan opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia earlier in the day.

He fled to Spain on Sunday and requested asylum.

The meeting came just hours after the head of Venezuela’s parliament called for ties with Madrid to be cut.

But Madrid tried to cool the rhetoric Friday by insisting that it was Venezuela’s right to exercise its “sovereign decision”.

“I have recalled ambassadors several times – a recall is the sovereign decision of each state,” insisted Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares.

“We are working to have the best relations possible with our fraternal cousins in Venezuela,” he told public radio.

Madrid has been at loggerheads with its former colony since a disputed presidential election there in July, with Spanish lawmakers voting to urge Sánchez’s government to recognise González Urrutia as the “legitimate winner” of the vote which Maduro claims he won despite international scepticism.

Spain stands with ‘democracy’

Sánchez published a video on X showing him walking in the gardens at his official residence with González Urrutia and the opposition figure’s daughter Carolina González, who lives in Spain.

“Spain continues to work in favour of democracy, dialogue and the fundamental rights of the brotherly people of Venezuela,” he posted, adding that he “warmly welcomed Edmundo González Urrutia to our country”.

The 75-year-old went into hiding after the July 28th poll that the opposition insists he won, with Maduro ordering his arrest.

The United States on Thursday announced new sanctions against 16 Venezuelan officials, including some from the electoral authority, for impeding “a transparent electoral process” and not publishing “accurate” results.

Venezuela issued a statement shortly afterwards denouncing the sanctions as a “crime of aggression”.

The US has recognised González Urrutia as the winner of the election.

So far, however, Spain and other European Union nations have limited themselves to refusing to accept Maduro as the victor and calling on the Venezuelan government to release the voting tally sheets.

“From a political point of view, the Spanish government has been clear since the elections were organised,” Sánchez had said Wednesday.

“We are doing something very important: working for unity in the European Union so that we can find a way out that reflects the democratic will expressed at the ballot box by the Venezuelan people.”