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Where do the majority of foreigners live in Frankfurt?

With the largest share of foreigners in the country, Frankfurt is known for being a truly 'multi-kulti' city - and five neighbourhoods in particular are the most international of all.

A sign in the popular residential district of Nordend in Frankfurt.
A sign in the popular residential district of Nordend in Frankfurt. Photo: picture alliance / dpa | Frank Rumpenhorst

If you’re moving – or have recently moved – to Frankfurt, you may still be in the process of trying to get to know the city.

Last year, the Hessian capital was named one of the most liveable cities in the world, and with a strong jobs market, lively nightlife and close proximity to stunning natural landscapes, it’s no wonder.

But while the quality of life is definitely a draw for migrants, the international feel of the city is one of its primary attractions. In fact, back in 2019, Frankfurt was named as the city with the largest foreign population compared to its size.

Of the some 780,000 residents who live in Frankfurt, almost a third (29 percent) held a foreign passport, while more than half (51 percent) had at least one foreign parent.

In such a vibrant city, you’re bound to feel this multi-cultural energy almost everywhere you go, whether you’re dining out at the best local Lebanese eatery or meeting fellow internationals at a weekly Stammtisch. But if you’re specifically looking for neighbourhoods that live up to Frankfurt’s diverse reputation, there are five that are magnets for foreigners. 

READ ALSO: Is Frankfurt a good place for foreigners to live?

Gallus (16,340)

The neighbourhood in the vicinity of Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof has been undergoing something of a transformation recently – and it’s also become a hugely popular area for foreigners to find housing.

With around 16,340 international residents, Gallus boasts the largest foreigner population in Frankfurt, which could be down to its excellent transport connections, modern housing developments and burgeoning cultural scene. New flats are springing up all the time in the Europaviertel development, which is due to be finished in stages by 2025, and plenty of businesses have their offices in the neighbourhood.

People who enjoy eating out have no shortage of options in Gallus, while the Gallus Theatre is a popular local hub with a packed schedule of shows to suit families and children. 

At around €13.50 per square metre on average, rental prices in Gallus surprisingly undercut the average in Frankfurt – especially for such a central location – though purchase prices are an eye-watering €7,600 per square metre. 

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Sachsenhausen (14,950)

The buzzing neighbourhood of Sachsenhausen is one of the most popular residential areas in Frankfurt for foreigners and locals alike – and it’s no wonder. Located just south of the river, it offers a thriving cultural and arts scene with museums and live music, as well as great local eateries, traditional apple wine pubs and cosy cafes.

In contrast to the modern developments and high-rise buildings that people associate with Frankfurt, Alt-Sachsenhausen has a much more homely and traditional feel, complete with leafy cobblestone streets and quaint timber-framed houses. The walkability of the area is a definite draw, but the neighbourhood is also immensely well connected to public transport, including the U-Bahn, tram network and Südbahnhof in the south. 

People drink outside bars and pubs in Alt-Sachsenhausen.

People drink outside bars and pubs in Alt-Sachsenhausen. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Andreas Arnold

For families, the area stands out for its numerous play parks and green spaces, as well as the presence of local international schools and plentiful options for childcare. Every two weeks, you can find a flea market along the river bank where you can pick up a bargain or two. Each year, the string of museums dotted along the waterfront also host the bustling ‘Museumsfest’ – a major event with street food, music and discounted entry to the museums.  

All of these great benefits do come at a price: rental apartments tend to cost at least €15 per square metre in Sachsenhausen, and a fair bit more if you’re close to the river.

Bockenheim (12,990)

Located on the edge of Frankfurt’s inner ring, Bockenheim can feel a bit more remote than other central neighbourhoods – but its affordable rents and bohemian flair have made it a favourite with foreigners.

A commute from the northwestern district to the city centre may take five or ten minutes longer on the train, but in exchange residents of Bockenheim enjoy a thriving arts scene and some of Frankfurt’s most beautiful parks right on their doorstep.

Much of the action in Bockenheim is centred around Leipziger Straße, a bustling shopping street that weaves through the district. Nearby, you’ll find late-night bars and cafes that are frequented by local students, but also the tranquility of the Palmengarten Botanical Gardens. 

According to recent statistics, almost 13,000 internationals are based in Bockenheim, and it’s certainly a district with a multicultural feel. For families, Bockenheim is also home to the city’s oldest bilingual school – the Montessori school – and the Frankfurt International School.

Rentals in the neighbourhood tend to be priced at around €15 per square metre, but with everything from studios to penthouses available, there’s something for almost every budget. 

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Nordend (11,757)

The picturesque and well-heeled neighbourhood of Nordend is a magnet for foreigners who can afford the steep cost of housing there. But for those willing to shell out a bit more for rents, the area has plenty to offer internationals.

For one, the district is home to some of the prettiest streets and boulevards in the whole of Frankfurt, lending the neighbourhood a gentler and more contemplative atmosphere than elsewhere in the banking capital.

Once the home of artists and hippies back in the 70s, nowadays you’re far more likely to find chic wine bars and sunny cafe terraces frequented by young professionals and academics from the nearby Goethe University. There are also plenty of popular leisure spots in the area such as the regal Holzhausenpark, and in summer, Friedberger Platz plays host to regular markets and open-air parties. 

Friedberger Platz Frankfurt

Young people gather outside in sunny weather at Friedberger Platz in Frankfurt. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Arne Dedert

With so much on their doorstep, proud residents of Nordend will boast that they never have to leave the district, but when they do, most central districts of Frankfurt can be reached in minutes.

All of this does come at a hefty price tag, however, as rentals in the area tend to cost a minimum of €16 per square metre. 

Griesheim (9,837)

Once disparagingly described as Frankfurt’s ‘Bronx’ after the notorious district of New York, Griesheim has brushed up its reputation significantly in recent years and is now one of the go-to neighbourhoods for foreigners.

Residents are drawn to its peaceful atmosphere and the fact that it offers the best of both worlds: a less than ten minute commute into the city centre by S-Bahn and easy access to the great outdoors. 

Compared to the more central districts, the gastronomic offer may be a little more limited, but in exchange you get plenty of sports and leisure facilities and a strong local community.

READ ALSO: 9 of the best day trips from Frankfurt with the €49 ticket

Located in the west of the city on the northern banks of the Rhine, there are plenty of spots for running, cycling or enjoying a picnic on a sunny day, and the growing international community is reflected by the presence of a bilingual Kita. 

Another major plus for Griesheim is the relatively affordable rents, which can be as low as €11 per square metre, making it a perfect place to find a larger property for a flat-share or family. 

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What can get you evicted as a tenant in Germany?

Germany is known for its strong tenants' rights, helping protect renters from rip-off rents and unfair evictions. But what are the reasons tenants can legally be evicted from their homes?

What can get you evicted as a tenant in Germany?

As a nation of renters, many Germans are well clued-up on their rights. Traditionally, families can stay in the same rental property for many years and in some cases even pass old tenancies onto the next generation, enjoying a secure living situation without the huge expense of buying. 

But for foreigners in the country, things aren’t always so easy. Faced with a long rental contract in German language and riddled with bureaucratic terms, you may not entirely understand what you’re signing up for.

To make matters worse, if you don’t know your rights, you may not know if your landlord is acting in accordance with the law.

Recently, there have been a spate of reports on social media of people being harassed by their landlords to leave their properties.

In one case, a member of a Facebook group for foreigners in Berlin reported that they had been told to move out so their landlord could charge more rent for a new tenant, and was threatening legal action.

Unfortunately, situations like this appear to be all too common in Germany – especially in big cities with tense, competitive housing markets.

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The good news for tenants is that it can be difficult for a landlord to evict renters from a property. Legally, they can only do so under very specific circumstances.

When can my landlord evict me from the property?

Generally speaking, evictions can happen under four specific circumstances in Germany: breach of the contract, end of the tenancy, for business reasons or due to the landlord’s need to use the property themselves. 

It’s worth remembering that these aren’t black and white, and the landlord still faces a high burden of proof when trying to evict the tenant. 

End of tenancy

If your tenancy agreement stipulates a start an end date – if it’s a fixed-term contract – you are legally required to move out by the stated end date. 

However, this isn’t always clear cut, and some legal experts say that if you continue to live in the property and pay rent after the end date, a new term of tenancy may be implied. This certainly isn’t something to count on, though, and if you’re unsure you should seek legal advice.

Breaching the tenancy agreement

The main legal mechanism landlords have for trying to evict their tenants is a breach of the tenancy agreement, which can be anything from refusing to pay rent to subletting without the owner’s consent.

Your obligations as a tenant – for example, the amount of rent, treatment of the property and respect for your neighbours – will all be set out in the tenancy agreement. This should be the first document you consult if you want to avoid any disagreements with the letting agent or landlord. 

READ ALSO: How to sublet your apartment in Germany

In most cases, though, the most common breaches of tenancy rules are as follows:

  • Late or missed rent payments
  • Unauthorised sublets 
  • Carrying out renovations without permission 
  • Living with a pet without permission
  • Over-occupation of the flat 
  • Repeated breaches of house rules (i.e. quiet periods)

In each of the above cases, the landlord has to inform the tenant of the issue within a matter of weeks if they want to take action. Writing to the tenant with an eviction notice due to a party they had six months ago would not be admissible under German law. 

In the case of missed rent payments, tenancies can be terminated without notice after two consecutive months of unpaid rent. 

Subletting in Germany

A new tenant signs a rental contract in Germany. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-tmn | Christin Klose

Economic considerations

While a landlord simply saying, “I want to hike the rent” wouldn’t usually be enough to evict a tenant, there are some situations in which economic considerations play a role.

Specifically, the law states that if the landlord is suffering “considerable disadvantages” from not being able to use the property in another way, this could be a legitimate ground for terminating a contract. 

Landlords’ personal use

If the landlord needs to use the property for themselves or one of their close relatives, such as a partner, siblings, children or parents, they can apply for what’s known as an Eigensbedarfkündigung: a termination due to personal use. 

It’s important to note here that there are quite strict rules around this concerning the definition of close relatives, the reasons for needing the property and the type of intended use.

For example, a landlord wouldn’t be able to stay that they need the property for storage purposes: they should intend to live in the property themselves, or have a member of their close family live in it, for the termination to be valid.

The reason for the sudden change of use should also be a compelling one, and not simply, “Because I want to.”

Some examples include:

  • To significantly improve their living standards 
  • Starting or extending the family, i.e. by moving in with a partner
  • Moving much closer to work 
  • Improving accessibility in the case of illness 
  • Using the flat as a retirement home 

Once again, the burden of proof is on the landlord here, and every situation in unique. 

How much notice does my landlord have to give?

This is a complicated question to answer as there are several different factors that all play a role. 

One factor is the amount of time a tenant has spent in the property, particularly if the landlord needs the property for their own use. In most cases, three months will be an ordinary termination period, but this has to be extended to six months if the tenant has lived in a property for 5-8 years, and up to nine months if they’ve been there for longer.

A tenant paints a property

A tenant paints a rental property in Germany. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-tmn | Markus Scholz

As a general rule of thumb, three months is a minimum requirement, though some landlords set out shorter notice periods in the rental contract. 

If you’re subject to what’s known as a fristlose Kündigung – or termination without notice – your landlord has to stipulate the length of time you have to leave the property in the letter of termination. In these urgent cases, two weeks tends to be the bare minimum. 

READ ALSO: Six confusing things about renting a flat in Germany

What should I do if I’m being threatened with eviction?

Though suddenly receiving a notice of eviction in your letterbox is about as scary as it gets, it’s important to stay calm and consider your options.

Firstly, you may want to consider if the landlord has a valid reason for trying to evict you. Even if something seems legitimate, legal experts and advisors at your local tenants’ association will be able to check more thoroughly.

If you’re aware that you are in the wrong – for example due to damaging the flat or missing a rental payment – it may be worth getting in touch with your landlord and offering to rectify this as soon as possible. Proving yourself to be a responsible tenant may encourage them to think again about tossing you out onto the streets.

In any case, the important thing is to act quickly to try and resolve the issue to avoid any further escalations. 

That said, it’s important to know that the landlord has no automatic right to force an eviction, and would need to obtain a court order before doing so. 

READ ALSO: Your best hacks for finding a rental home in Germany