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A handy guide to understanding Spain’s regional accents

How can you tell Spain's regional accents apart? Where do they drop the ‘s’? And is there a 'best' and 'worst' accent? This detailed guide tells you all you need to know about the accents which people have across Spain’s regions. 

A handy guide to understanding Spain's regional accents
Andalusian is the most recognisable regional accent in Spain, but there are many linguistic varieties within the region. Photo: Cristina Quicler/AFP

If you’ve travelled or lived in different parts of Spain, you will have noticed that the way people speak Spanish can vary enormously, and the more fine-tuned your ear is, the easier it is to pick up on each accent’s idiosyncrasies. 

For example, the way a person from Madrid speaks compared to someone from Andalusia is chalk and cheese. 

In general terms, Spanish accents (those from the Spanish territory, not Latin America) can be divided into two categories: northern (septentrional) and southern (meridional). 

There’s a similar north-south accent divide in the United Kingdom, France and Italy for example, as well as supposed ‘better’ and ‘worse’ ones. 

In Spain’s case, northern accents are generally considered more neutral or ‘correct’, whereas southern ones are more often discriminated against (as always the wealthier half gets to proclaim their version as the best).  

It’s all about the S

Perhaps the clearest difference between Spanish spoken in the north and south is the seseo

Whereas in some areas of the southern half of mainland Spain and the Canary islands as a general rule people pronounce the ‘s’, ‘c’ and ‘z’ all with an ‘s’ sound, in the northern half they say ‘z’ and ‘c’ with a ‘th’ sound similar to that of English and the ‘s’ with an ‘s’ sound. 

So whereas someone from Zaragoza will pronounce zapato (shoe) like ‘thapato’, in Tenerife locals will say ‘sapato’.

This of course refers to the supposed lisp that foreigners claim many Spaniards have, which isn’t true as this pronunciation distinction between ‘th’ and ‘s’ is part of the language, not a speech impediment. 

There are however areas in Andalusia (Huelva, Cádiz, Granada and Almería) where locals will pronounce the ‘s’, ‘c’ and ‘z’ all as an English-style ‘th’, which is referred to as ceceo, not seseo.

Admittedly, this can come across as a lisp, but again we must stress that it’s not a speech defect (nor is the rumour true that Spaniards started using the ‘th’ sound because there was once a king with a lisp).  

Another easy way to tell northern and southern Spanish accents apart is that in places such as Murcia, the Canaries and Andalusia people tend to drop the ‘s’ off the end of words, whereas anywhere north of Ciudad Real they will clearly pronounce it. 

So in Santander they’ll say pasos (steps) but in Granada they’ll pronounce it ‘pasoh’.

The most recognisable Spanish accents

This is of course subjective as some keen listeners may be able to tell every Spanish accent apart, but generally speaking the most recognisable acentos are as follows:

Galician: The most identifiable trait of the Galician accent is its rhythm, in that it goes up and down, a bit like Italian. It’s also heavily influenced by the Galician language (which is similar to Portuguese) so you can expect them to throw plenty of Gallego words into the mix as well. 

Catalan: The Catalan accent in Spanish is again heavily influenced by the Catalan language itself, with more guttural sounds with the ‘l’  or ‘r’ sounds creeping in. 

Andalusian: Andalusia is by far the most diverse region of Spain in terms of accents, even though some common traits are often shared. For starters, they may shorten words by either dropping the consonants from the start of words (‘aro’ instead of claro, ‘of course’ in English), omit consonants from the end (‘andalú’ instead of andalúz, ‘Andalusian’ in English) and sometimes join words together (mi hija – ‘my daughter’ in English – becomes ‘mija’ in Andalusian). Again, the way someone from Cádiz speaks is very different to how a Sevillano talks (remember the ceceo and seseo mentioned earlier) but the arte (flair) and shortening of words which all Andalusians have makes it the easiest accent to recognise. 

Murcian: The Murciano accent gets a bad rap in Spain for being the hardest to understand for all other Spaniards. It’s not too dissimilar to Andalusian in that it shortens words by eating up consonants, sometimes whole chunks of words (‘acho’, the most identifiable Murcian word, is actually muchacho, lad in English). Lots of slang, local expressions and slurring make it harder still for foreign Spanish speakers to understand.

Madrid: The accent of the Spanish capital is seen as rather harsh and arrogant by other Spaniards, especially those from the south, due to its strong pronunciation of consonants and the tendency to replace the ‘s’ in the middle of words with a ‘j’ (English h sound), such as ‘ej que’ rather than es que (‘it’s just that’’ in English) as well the replacement of ‘d’ with a ‘z ‘(th) sound, such as saying ‘Madriz’ rather than Madrid. Then again, it’s a very clear accent to understand for all Spaniards.

Canary: People often confuse the canario accent with that of Cuba, Puerto Rico or Venezuela, and that is no surprise as it was Canary immigrants in the 19th century that greatly influenced the Spanish spoken in that part of Latin America. The Canary accent has full seseo (‘z’, ‘c’ and ‘s’ are all pronounced like an ‘s’) and rather than dropping the ‘s’ from words like in Andalusia, they aspirate them. Other non-accent related traits of Canary speech are that they only use the past simple and not the present perfect, they say the formal ustedes (plural you in English) and not vosotros, and they use lots of shortened diminutives (pueblito instead of pueblecito, little village). 

Are there other accents in Spain? Of course! Or ‘aro’ (claro) as an Andalusian would say.

Some people can recognise a Basque accent, those from Extremadura often get confused for Andalusians, the Balearic accent is similar to the Catalan one, and people from Aragón also have their unique accent traits.

The following map of Spain groups Spanish accents, with the colour scheme helping to explain which ones are similar and which are unique. 

Map of dialects and accents across Spain. Map: Fobos92/Wikipedia

If you would like to listen carefully to the differences in accents in Spain’s 50 provinces, the video below has what you need. 

Which is really the ‘best’ and the ‘worst’ Spanish accent?

This is a very divisive question as you can probably imagine. 

The city of Valladolid in Castilla y León, roughly 200 kilometres northwest of Madrid, has long been regarded as being the place where the best Spanish is spoken.

As we mentioned earlier, Murcia is often considered to be the region in Spain which has the hardest to understand accent. 

READ MORE: The cities in Spain where the ‘worst’ Spanish is spoken

The truth is that there is no better or worse Spanish accent, but generally speaking, the northern half of Spain can claim to have the more phonetically accurate Spanish because they don’t have the tendency to shorten words and they make a distinction between the ‘s’, the ‘c’ and the ‘z’. 

However, global Spanish speakers who use seseo (s, c and z all pronounced as s) far outnumber those who don’t, as 500 million people across Latin America can assert.

Linguistic or accent discrimination, officially known as glottophobia, does exist in Spain, unfortunately. Hard-left party Unidas Podemos even tried to pass a bylaw in early 2023 which would raise awareness over accent xenophobia in society and the workplace.

You’ll struggle to find a newsreader on national TV that has an Andalusian accent for example, or a voice over artist that dubs Hollywood movies from English into Canary Spanish. 

Regarding work matters, if you hold an important position and you’re from the south, you may feel you have to adopt a more standard ‘BBC’ Spanish. 

Southern accents are considered low-class, uneducated and unprofessional, although in some cases this can apply to all marked regional accents.

On the flipside, a 2012 survey found that Spaniards’ favourite accents were first the Canary accent followed by the Andalusian. 

People like how they sound and find them entertaining, but they won’t necessarily take them seriously. 

Spain’s accent diversity is a vivid example of the cultural richness of the country and its people, and embracing and even picking up a regional accent as a foreigner should be celebrated, regardless of which accent it is.

READ ALSO: The good, the bad and the ugly – What are Spain’s regional stereotypes?

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Do people in Spain actually use the formal ‘usted’ form anymore?

It was once common in Spain, but nowadays the formal 'usted' (you) form is rarely used besides in some pretty specific situations. So why is the more informal 'tú' form becoming ever more dominant among Spaniards?

Do people in Spain actually use the formal 'usted' form anymore?

If you live in Spain or spend time here, you’ve probably heard the word (you) a fair bit. It’s one of the very first words you learn when learning Spanish, and pretty crucial (obviously).

But you may have also occasionally heard Spanish speakers using the word usted (also meaning you) from time to time too.

It’s far more likely that you hear in Spain, but perhaps if you’ve heard a respectful younger Spaniard talking to an elderly neighbour, or their boss on the phone, or even watched something like a political debate or interview on TV, you probably heard usted used.

Similarly, if you have noticed usted being used while out and about in Spain, it could well have been from the large Latino population in Spain, and it’s likely that you heard Colombians, Venezuelans or other Latinos saying it.

READ ALSO: Why Spain has allowed regional languages to be spoken in Congress

Though they do sometimes use it, the use of usted among Spaniards is slightly different, much rarer, and saved for select circumstances.

In fact, it’s becoming so rare in Spain that some feel its usage is dying out completely, if it hasn’t already.

So, what’s going on here?

Usted vs tú

Firstly, let’s start with a definition. According to the Real Academia Española (RAE) usted is a:

Form which, in the nominative, in the vocative or preceded by a preposition, designates the person addressed by the speaker or writer… [used] generally as a polite, respectful or distancing address.”

Eg) disculpe, ¿sabe usted dónde está el hospital? (excuse me, do you know where the hospital is?)

In understanding the usted form specifically in Castilian Spanish – Spanish spoken in parts of Latin America it can be slightly or very different, depending where you are – that last part of the definition is key: “generally as a polite, respectful or distancing address.”

It’s worth noting that with usted the verbs are conjugated as if they were third-person singular (el as in he or ella as in she), so it’s usted sabe instead of tú sabes

Usted is a form used to show respect or seniority: that you understand there’s a hierarchy (in which usted is at the top, so for example when speaking to your boss or someone interviewing you for a job), but also occasionally to mark social distance between two people (because could be considered overly friendly in certain situations) and then, finally, it’s also used more generally to show respect in terms of seniority, like when speaking to an elderly person.

Tú vs usted in Spain

Respectfulness is the key word here. In short, if you hear usted used in Spain, it’s probably for a reason.

In Spain, usted is generally only ever used with authority figures, the elderly and in some formal and/or professional settings, but many Spaniards will just skip over it and use the tú form. can be used with everyone else: your friends, partners, neighbours (around your age or younger), siblings, co-workers, kids, and other people you don’t know but are roughly your age or younger.

In fact, in some cases people might actually be offended if you use the usted form because you could be implying that they’re old, a mistake or social faux pas that is somewhat similar to calling a woman señora and then being quickly corrected (usually with a scornful look) that is should be señorita.

In such cases, they may say trátame de tú (treat me as ‘less formal’ you) or me puedes tutear

The verb tutear actually means to speak to someone using the more informal form. 

The only part of Spain where the plural form of ustedustedes – is used all the time is the Canary Islands and some parts of southern Andalusia, where locals prefer this form instead of the standard Castillian vosotros (you in plural). That doesn’t mean that they say usted instead of in the singular form, this exception only applies to the plural.

Do people actually use the formal usted form anymore in Spain?

Less and less. It’s dying out in Spain, has been for a while, and is now reserved for those rare occasions outlined above. It’s thought by linguistic experts that it began dying out in the 1970s and 1980s.

The use of usted in Castillian Spanish is now very rarely used in casual conversation. In many cases can only be heard in very formal or ceremonial settings, such as in judiciary, the army, or in certain academic culture contexts or events.

In day to day life, usted only really shows up (besides the examples given above) in advertising, something that generally needs to reflect cultural attitudes and keep up with modern day parlance, so now only really uses the usted form in some specific campaigns for financial services or medical products. As such, depending on the context and age of the people involved, you could also hear usted in spoken Spanish in banks and doctors or hospitals.

An article in Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia entitled ‘Usted is dying’ published back in 2012 looked into the disappearance of the formal form in detail. The fact it was published over a decade ago means that, if anything, the trends it discusses have deepened since then and usted is even lesser used than it was then.

“The use of usted has been reserved for very formal campaigns where a kind of protocol respect for the interlocutor is maintained,” Josep Maria Ferrara, founder and creative director of the Paulov advertising agency, told La Vanguardia.

But this was not the case twenty or thirty years ago. A study on the use of and usted in advertising at the end of the 1980s showed that the usted form was used for the most part and that only 11 percent of the advertisements analysed used the form.

Changing world, changing language?

So, what changed? Secundino Valladares, professor of Anthropology at the Madrid’s Complutense University, says that Spaniards have embraced  to such an extent “that the phenomenon is now unstoppable; young people, educated in ‘tuteo’ [the use of the tú form] are sweeping to victory with the , and as society is dominated by the value of youth… many older people feel flattered if you them,” he said.

In Spain in the 1940s and 1950s the usted form was still well established in many parent-child relationships, and in teacher-student relationships until well into the 1970s. But a changing world and progressive, more egalitarian political ideas seems to be partly responsible for the change. Of course, in Spain, this linguistic shift may have something to do with the changing power and interpersonal dynamics of Spanish society as it transitioned from dictatorship to democracy around this time.

Headline by Spanish radio station Cope reads “Speaking to the teacher at school with the usted form must be brought back”.

Sociologist Antonio López pointed to this trend: “The tendency towards a more egalitarian society, towards the loss of hierarchical distances in social relations, means that it does not seem right to establish prior distances and that is why is used instead of usted, which for many denotes distance.”

In that sense, the decline in the formal usted form can be understood both in terms of the laid back nature of Castilian Spanish compared with countries in Latin America, but also in terms of language reflecting social change, similarly to how today, in modern day Spain, there is debate over the use of inclusive language and the dominance of the masculine form in Spanish grammar.

READ ALSO: What is Spain’s inclusive language debate and why is it so controversial?