Where does the term ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ really come from and is it even true?

On August 23rd, 1973, Jan-Erik Olsson walked into a Stockholm bank high on drugs, agitated and waving a submachine gun. So began a hostage drama that would go on to last six days, and birth the term Stockholm Syndrome.

Where does the term 'Stockholm Syndrome' really come from and is it even true?
Police on Norrmalmstorg during the Kreditbanken hostage situation in August 1973. Photo: Jan Collsiöö/TT

Stockholm Syndrome is now a concept known around the world whereby captives develop an emotional bond with their captors.

Olsson, known by his nickname “Janne”, took four employees hostage – three women and one man.

Police and media quickly swarmed the square outside Kreditbanken, with snipers perched in surrounding buildings, their weapons pointed at the bank.

Police and press monitoring the hostage situation from the roof of the building opposite. Photo: Pressens Bild/TT

Olsson used two hostages as human shields and threatened to kill them.

“Afterwards, I’ve often thought of the absurd situation we found ourselves in,” recalled hostage Kristin Enmark, then 23, in her book I Became the Stockholm Syndrome.

“Terrified and stuck between two death threats, on one side the police and on the other the robber.”

‘Feared for my life’

Olsson made several demands, asking for three million kronor (almost $700,000 at the time), and that Clark Olofsson, one of the country’s most notorious bank robbers in prison at the time, be brought to the bank.

To calm things down, the Swedish government agreed.

Olofsson arrives at the bank. Photo: SvD/TT

The entire country was mesmerised by the unfolding drama, one of the first major news events broadcast live on Swedish television.

“When Clark Olofsson arrived, he took control of the situation, he was the one who did the talking with the police,” recalled now 73-year-old Bertil Ericsson, a news photographer who covered the crisis, in an interview with AFP.

“He had a lot of charisma. He was a good speaker.”

73-year-old Bertil Ericsson, then a news photographer who covered the hostage crisis at Kreditbanken in 1973, outside the site on Norrmalmstorg where the bank previously stood. Photo: Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP

Olsson calmed down as soon as Olofsson arrived. And Kristin Enmark quickly saw in Olofsson a saviour.

“He promised that he would make sure nothing happened to me and I decided to believe him,” she wrote.

“I was 23 years old and feared for my life.”

She spoke on the phone to authorities several times during the hostage drama, shocking the world when she came out in defence of her captors.

“I’m not the least bit afraid of Clark and the other guy, I’m afraid of the police. Do you understand? I trust them completely,” she told then prime minister Olof Palme in one phone call.

“Believe it or not but we’ve had a really nice time here,” she said, adding that they were “telling stories” and “playing checkers”.

“You know what I’m afraid of? That the police will do something to us, storm the bank or something.”

The crisis ended on the sixth day when police sprayed gas into the bank, forcing Olsson and Olofsson to surrender, and freeing the hostages.

Hostage Kristin Enmark, then 23 years old, is reunited with her parents in hospital after the bank robbery. Photo: SvD/TT

‘Not a psychiatric diagnosis’

Psychiatrist Nils Bejerot was a member of the negotiating team.

His job was to analyse the robbers’ and hostages’ behaviour, and he ultimately coined the term “Stockholm Syndrome”.

At the time, the women were believed to be behaving as if under a spell, similar to being brainwashed.

Psychiatrists have since dismissed that notion.

Three of the four hostages alongside Clark Olofsson, on the right, in the bank vault shortly before the gunmen were overwhelmed by police. From left to right: Birgitta Lundblad, Elizabeth Oldgren and between them on the floor Sven Säfström. Photo: AP Photo/TT

Stockholm Syndrome is “not a psychiatric diagnosis”, says Christoffer Rahm, a psychiatrist at the Karolinska Institute and author of the scientific article Stockholm Syndrome: Psychiatric Diagnosis or Urban Myth?

Rather, the term is used to describe a “defence mechanism that helps the victim” cope with a traumatic situation, he told AFP.

Cecilia Åse, gender studies professor at Stockholm University, said the statements by Enmark and the other women during the drama were interpreted by authorities “in a very sexualised dimension, as if they had fallen under the spell of a syndrome” and had lost all agency or ability to reason for themselves.

This perception was fuelled by rumours of a relationship between Enmark and Olofsson. 

While the two did go on to have a love affair years later, there is nothing to suggest the two had a relationship in the bank vault.

“There was no love or physical attraction from my side. He was my chance for survival and he protected me from Janne,” wrote Enmark, the inspiration for the character Kicki in the Netflix series Clark.

Åse argues that Stockholm Syndrome is a “constructed concept” used to explain how hostages behave when authorities and states fail to protect them.

The Stockholm hostages in fact “acted incredibly rationally”, she told AFP.

“They called journalists, they fought (with police and politicians) to let the criminals take them out of the bank.”

Bank robber Jan-Erik Olsson is led out of the bank on Norrmalmstorg after almost six days, after police filled the bank with gas. Photo: Scanpix/TT

“We represented a real threat to the hostages,” acknowledged police superintendent Eric Rönnegård in a book published years later.

“With so many police officers surrounding the bank, there was a risk that one of the hostages could take a bullet.”

In a sign of their bitterness toward police, the hostages later refused to testify against their captors.

Most people can identify with the concept on a psychological level, Rahm said, noting that emotional bonds with someone posing a threat are also common in abusive relationships.

Understanding a victim’s psychological reaction also helps relieve them of their guilt, he said.

By AFP’s Nioucha Zakavati

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Sweden to protest Iraq death sentences for three citizens

The Swedish government said that three of its citizens had been sentenced to death in Iraq for 'involvement in a shooting', and said it would summon Baghdad's envoy over the matter.

Sweden to protest Iraq death sentences for three citizens

Sweden’s Iraq embassy, whose activities are temporarily being managed from Stockholm, “has received confirmation from local authorities that a total of three Swedish citizens have been sentenced to death in Iraq”, the foreign ministry said.

It did not provide details on the shooting incident, but said it had summoned Iraq’s ambassador to Sweden to protest the rulings and demand the sentences not be carried out.

“We are taking steps to prevent their enforcement,” the ministry said in a statement.

It added that reports said a fourth Swede had also been sentenced to death, though the person’s identity could not be confirmed.