Norway’s three biggest cities back hike in property tax

The Labour-run cities of Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim have called for municipalities to be allowed to levy higher property taxes, putting pressure on the government ahead of next month's municipal elections.

Pictured is a view on Trondheim from above.
Labour led cities want to increase the property tax. Pictured is a view on Trondheim from above. Photo by Joshua Kettle on Unsplash

The three cities have each called for the lowered cap on municipal property taxes brought in under the previous right-wing coalition to be relaxed, increasing municipalities’ freedom to raise revenues from property. 

“Oslo municipality supports the committee’s assessment that the municipal freedom of action to set the tax rate should be restored,” Oslo wrote in response to consultation on reforms to the way municipalities can raise revenues

“Property tax is one of the few opportunities municipalities have to influence their own income,” the city added. “Consideration of local democracy dictates that the municipalities should have greater room for action in setting the property tax.”

“Property tax is an important opportunity the municipality has to influence its own income,” echoed the Bergen municipality. “Bergen believes that increased freedom of taxation within property tax is therefore necessary.”

Trondheim wrote in its response that it was “a tax with good local roots”.

In one of the biggest victories achieved by the Progress Party on taxation, the previous Conservative-run government cut the top rate of property tax municipalities could levy from 0.7 percent of a property’s value after deductions to 0.4 percent. 

The government’s inquiry, led by the economist Marianne Haraldsvik, recommended at the end of last year that the threshold should be returned to 0.7 percent.

The Labour-led government, in the Hurdal Platform under which it agreed a coalition deal with the Centre Party, committed to “keeping the maximum rate for housing, leisure property and commercial property in the property tax at the current level”.

Henrik Asheim, deputy leader of the Conservative Party, said that after the answers from the three municipalities, the Labour Party needed to clarify where it stood on municipal property taxation ahead of the coming municipal elections on September 11th. 

“Now the Labour Party must answer locally how much more they want people to pay,” he told the Aftenposten newspaper, warning the party’s potential municipal coalition partners on the left could potentially push for increased tax. 

Will the Socialist Left Party and the Red Party also press for a further increase in property tax, if it becomes possible?”. 

Andreas Halse, Labour’s group leader in Oslo, told Aftenposten in an email that while his party supported increasing municipalities’ freedom to levy higher property taxes, the party’s own policy was to charge only 0.3 percent, lower than the current 0.4 percent threshold. 

“We work for greater local freedom of action and self-governance in many issues. Oslo people should have more of a say in the development of the city. We are not among the parties that go to the polls for the property tax on housing to increase, but we are in favour of being allowed to think so.”

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How Norway’s 2025 budget will impact foreign residents

Norway’s government won’t unveil its budget for another few weeks, but several proposals, such as income tax cuts, have already been made public. Here's how foreign residents in Norway will be affected.

How Norway's 2025 budget will impact foreign residents

Norway’s budget for 2025 will be unveiled on October 7th. It is the last budget the current government will present before the general election next year.

Tax cuts

Finance minister Trygve Slagsvold Vedum said this summer that those on ordinary incomes would pay less income tax in 2025. How much income tax will be cut is currently unknown.

Tax residents of Norway currently pay a flat tax rate of 22 percent, and then a further “bracket tax” based on how much they earn. For example, those who earn up to 670,000 kroner per year pay a four percent bracket tax, while those making between 670,001 and 937,900 kroner pay a 13.6 percent bracket tax.

READ ALSO: How does Norway’s bracket tax for income work?

Norway’s tax card system would also be tweaked to benefit those with part-time jobs. Next year, you can earn up to 100,000 before paying tax. This could benefit foreign students in Norway.


The government will continue its electric subsidy for households next year. The government announced its intention to continue the policy this spring.

Currently, the state covers 90 percent of the electricity price above 73 øre per kWh – or 91.25 øre including VAT.

Residents of Norway’s 212 least central municipalities will have 25,000 kroner of their student loans written off per year from 2026.

Those in Finnmark and Nord-Troms will have their loans written off at a rate of 60,000 kroner a year.

READ MORE: The incentives to attract people to northern Norway


The government will spend an extra 2.8 billion kroner on fighting crime. Of this, 2.4 billion kroner will go directly to beefing up the number of police officers in Norway. Some 90 million kroner would be put towards cracking down on financial crime.

Furthermore, 405 million kroner would also be spent on fighting youth crime, by creating a fast track court for young offenders and creating more juvenile detention places.

Travel changes

Up to 2.9 billion kroner extra spending will go into maintaining Norway’s rail infrastructure. Signal and track failures have been a constant source of delays in east Norway, where services regularly struggle with punctuality.

Over 12 billion kroner will be spent on Norway’s rail system.

Norway could finally reveal more details on its proposed tourist tax. The country’s industry minister, Cecilie Myrseth, has previously said that a proposal would be tabled this autumn.

The minister didn’t say whether this would be related to the raft of proposals included in the budget.

A potential tourist tax has long been promised by the current government as part of the Hurdal Agreement it was formed on in 2021.

As part of its budget cooperation with the Socialist Left Party, the government will be required to assess whether a subsidy scheme should be introduced for long-distance bus travel in Norway.

Bus routes without an alternative, such as train, could be subsidised under the scheme.