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Ragusa: How a hazelnut chocolate bar won over the Swiss

Nothing screams Switzerland more than Swiss chocolate, especially world-renowned Toblerone and Lindt. But local favourite Ragusa is a well-kept secret. Here's how the popular hazelnut bar came to be and why it's worth a bite.

Swiss chocolate
Ragusa has been a domestic favourite since 1942. Image by Image by Annette from Pixabay.

Swiss people living abroad often ask for souvenirs from visitors that remind them of their homeland – and if you’re a veteran Swiss, this will almost always include a few bars of Ragusa.

Today, Chocolats Camille Bloch – which produces Ragusa – is one of the largest chocolate manufacturers in Switzerland and produces some 3,700 tons of chocolate goodness annually, of which roughly 20 percent is exported.

How it began

Ragusa was first created in 1942, during the war years when raw materials – like cocoa – were in short supply.

But this didn’t stop chocolatier French citizen Camille Bloch who emigrated to Switzerland from France with his family in circa 1850. The Blochs – who had Jewish ancestry – settled in Bern where Jews had the right to remain, and Bloch went on to do an apprenticeship at Chocolat Tobler in the city.

After he became naturalised and completed his military service in Switzerland, Bloch founded his own chocolate factory, the Chocolats et Bonbons Fins Camille Bloch, later known simply as Chocolats Camille Bloch SA, in 1929.

Though cocoa was scarce during the 1940s, Bloch was determined to create his very own chocolate. In order to succeed in making his creation a commercial success, he used a mass of ground hazelnuts mixed with whole hazelnuts between two thin layers of dark chocolate to create Ragusa in 1942.

The chocolate and the mixed mass of hazelnut goodness were then poured in consecutive layers into flat moulds before being cut into rectangular bars of 50 grams, as was the initial shape of the Ragusa chocolate.

The recipe also included cocoa fat, cocoa butter, unhardened vegetable fats (no trans fats), powdered milk and sugar (both from Switzerland) and natural vanilla (from Madagascar).

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Commercial success

Now Bloch just needed to find a name that would transcend Switzerland’s four language regions, and this was no easy feat. Luckily, he had recalled his visit to the Croatian town of Ragusa – now Dubrovnik – and found the ring of the name to be a good fit.

Next came the packaging in 1945, which initially featured the brand name – Ragusa – alongside the company name Camille Bloch and two hazelnuts. The packaging was slightly updated but remained largely the same in 1960 and received its first televised commercial – in black and white – in 1965.

Two years after the first colour television was introduced, Ragusa premiered its first colour television commercial in 1975. Five years later, in 1980, Bloch took marketing to new heights with a Ragusa-shaped hot air balloon being sent off into the sky on national TV.

More TV advertising and packaging remakes followed, and Ragusa soon became a staple in Swiss households across the country.

The essence of Ragusa itself remains largely unchanged, from the same recipe, to the same method of manufacturing with traditional confectionery quality and the rectangular chocolate shape.

Today, the grandson of Camille Bloch, Daniel Bloch, acts as managing director of the distinguished chocolate firm and has made it his mission to elevate the brand’s success and take it across the border to Germany.

In 2008, Ragusa Noir – the dark chocolate version of the chocolate bar – came onto the scene and in 2014, Ragusa fans were delighted with yet another addition: Ragusa Blond.

The latter proved particularly popular with the younger generation as did Ragusa McFlurry, which was added to McDonald’s dessert menu after the food chain reached out to Camille Block directly to collaborate.

While the traditional size of a Ragusa bar was originally 50 grams, the chocolate is now also available in 25 and 11 grams.

READ MORE: Le Parfait: How Switzerland fell in love with a pork liver spread

Ethical production

Ragusa is for the most part ethically produced using cocoa from Peru where cocoa cultivation is a tradition and infrastructure is stable.

Camille Bloch’s supplier also ensures that the cocoa is not harvested in deforested regions and that no child labour is involved in its production.

As for the almonds, Bloch sources their almonds from ethically accredited producers in the USA and their hazelnuts from producers in Turkey, who are also ethically accredited.

In the future, the company plans to cover its hazelnut requirements itself and thus began an innovative sustainable development planting programme of its own hazelnut trees in Georgia in 2021.

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EXPLAINED: What does the ‘bio’ label on foods in Switzerland really mean?

All major Swiss supermarkets have products designated as ‘bio’, which refers to their ‘organic’ farming or manufacturing methods. But what exactly does this label represent?

EXPLAINED: What does the 'bio' label on foods in Switzerland really mean?

In its press release published in June 2024, Bio Suisse, an umbrella group for organic food producers, said that residents of Switzerland are international ‘bio’ champions. 

“With consumption of 454 francs per capita, Switzerland ranks first in international comparison,” the organisation said. “In no other European country is the organic basket of goods as large.”

In terms of preference for organic food, “Switzerland is ahead of Denmark, Austria, Luxembourg and Sweden. Germany follows in sixth place and France just behind in seventh place,” Bio-Suisse added.

This finding is not surprising because the consumption of this more expensive type of food is directly linked to income: the wealthier the country, the more its residents are willing to spend on organic products.

What does a ‘bio’ label stand for in Switzerland?

In a nutshell, organic products must meet much higher standards and comply with more requirements than the ‘conventional’ foods in the way they are grown and manufactured.

Contrary to most conventional production methods, organic farming is more sustainable — that is, it protects the environment and conserves resources instead of depleting them.

A total of 7,362 organic farmers and producers are members of Bio Suisse.

In addition, more than 2,300 operations abroad are also certified according to the Bio Suisse standards, which means their farming / production methods are equivalent to those practiced in Switzerland.

Can you trust a ‘bio’ label, or is it just a lot of hype (as some people claim?)

In Switzerland, this process is strictly controlled by various organic farming ordinances, which are enforced by the Federal Office for Agriculture (BLW). 

This means that every farm that produces, prepares, trades or imports organic products is inspected and certified at least once a year by one of the four accredited and approved certification bodies in Switzerland.

These laws also set out the principles by which agricultural products and foodstuffs labelled as organic must be made, and which non-toxic substances are authorised for use in organic farming and for preparing organic food.

Why are organic products more expensive than conventional ones?

Among the main reasons are more rigorous production and certification standards, which must meet all the requirements set out by the BLW.

Also, operational costs involved in the use of natural, pesticide-free fertilisers and high-quality animal feed, are higher in organic farming than in conventional one.

Additionally, the supply of organic food in Swiss supermarkets is more limited than that of conventional one, which pushes prices up.

And then there is this often-asked question: is organic food in Switzerland in really healthier?

Some people will swear by the better quality and higher nutritional value of organic products, while others will say the benefits are exaggerated.

There is no definite answer to this question, except this: some studies have shown possible health benefits of organic foods when compared with foods grown using conventional process.

However, there is limited information to prove how these differences can give potential overall health benefits.

But Zurich authorities believe in the ‘power’ of organic foods: in 2022, they mandated that most of the food served in the city’s hospitals, care centres, childcare facilities, and schools, be organic.