Climate crisis: ’90 percent’ of Europe’s ski resorts face critical snow shortages

Ski resorts in the Nordic countries and the French, Swiss and Austrian Alps might have a future by relying on artificial snow but even that is not sustainable, researchers say.

Climate crisis: '90 percent' of Europe's ski resorts face critical snow shortages
How long can ski resorts in Europe get away with using artificial snow? (Photo by Christof STACHE / AFP)

At current rates of greenhouse gas emissions, which would see Earth’s surface warm nearly three degrees Celsius above
pre-industrial levels, 90 percent of Europe’s ski resorts will eventually face critical shortages of natural snow, researchers have warned.

Even if the world caps global heating at the Paris climate treaty target of 1.5 degrees Celsius — a very big if — a third of the continent’s 2,234 resorts would still be highly vulnerable to snow scarcity, they reported in the journal Nature Climate Change.

At this lower temperature threshold, ski spots at higher altitudes and latitudes such as in Nordic countries and the French, Swiss and Austrian Alps can reduce climate risk through mechanical snowmaking.

But this will be of little use to resorts further south and in lower altitudes, according to the study, the first to factor in the cost and carbon footprint of consuming additional energy and water to produce manufactured snow.

“Snowmaking involves investment and operating costs that expose resorts to economic failure risk,” lead author Hughes Francois, a researcher at France’s National Institute for Agronomics Research, told AFP.

Skiers are seen on an artificial snow slope near the Bavarian village of Ruhpolding, southern Germany, on January 11, 2023. Many ski resorts across Europe suffer under the lack of snow and high temperatures as Europe has seen what experts have said is “extreme” warm winter weather. (Photo by Christof STACHE / AFP)

Even where artificial snow can be produced cheaply enough to keep a resort open and turn a profit, however, it also contributes to a vicious circle by increasing global warming due to its energy demands, the study showed.

Half of the world’s ski resorts are in Europe, where they generate about $30 billion (28 billion euros) per year and play a key role in sustaining local economies.   

Francois and colleagues identified 18 distinct zones, some within a single country’s borders and others transnational in scope.

Less snow, more rain

Using average snowfall during 1961-1990 as a reference, they combined regional climate models with data on conditions for snowmaking as well as geo-spatial data on mountain areas, resorts and individual ski pistes.

The study looked at how resorts across Europe — from the British Isles to Turkey, and from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean basin — would be affected by different levels of global heating: 1.5C, 2C, 3C and 4C.

Earth’s surface has, on average, already warmed 1.2C, amplifying extreme weather across the globe.

From the Rocky Mountains to the Alps, ski resorts — especially those at or below 1,500 metres (5,000 feet) — already experience foreshortening skiing seasons and declining ski conditions, with snow sometimes replaced by rain.

Scientists predict that the planet could see its first full year at or above 1.5C within a decade.

“In all mountain regions of Europe, future climate change will lead to degraded snow conditions in ski resorts compared to the last decades,” said senior author Samuel Morin, a scientist at Meteo-France and France’s National Centre for Scientific Research.

If the world warms 3C above mid-19th century levels and without artificial snow, 100 percent of ski resorts would face a very high risk of insufficient snow supply — every other year, on average — in the German and Austrian Alps, and in Turkey, the study found.

The corresponding figure for the Swiss Alps is 87 percent, 70 percent in the Nordic Mountains, and 91 percent in the Carpathian Mountains.

If the rise in temperatures is held to 1.5C, the rate of “very high risk” is only 4, 5 and 7 percent in the Swiss, French and Austrian Alps, respectively, rising to 20 percent in the German Alps, and 48 percent in the Nordic Mountains.

Member comments

  1. The snow conditions and depths were superb in many ski areas of Karnten last season. I find it very hard to believe all this climate change nonsense.

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‘Coolcations’: Tourists flock to Norway and Sweden to dodge summer heat

Driven away from typical summer destinations by intense heat and prolonged heatwaves, tourists are flocking to cooler climates like Norway and Sweden for their holidays.

'Coolcations': Tourists flock to Norway and Sweden to dodge summer heat

Far from her home in the tourist mecca of Tenerife, Cati Padilla is one of the growing number of travellers escaping heatwaves for cooler holidays in Nordic countries.

Countries like Norway and Sweden in northern Europe are now promoting “coolcations” to attract visitors to their temperate climates.

Why leave the Canaries in summer? “To escape the heat,” said Padilla while on holiday with her friends.

“Norway attracted our attention a long time ago because of the green landscape, the mountains and the ice,” added the civil servant in her fifties on the so-called “troll path”, a serpentine mountain route towards the fjords.

In 2023, foreign overnight stays rose by 22 percent in Norway and 11 percent in Sweden according to official statistics, mainly driven by the end of Covid-related restrictions in 2022 and a slump in Scandinavian currencies.

But a survey in Germany for tourist organisation Visit Sweden also found that two out of five people plan to change their travel habits due to the southern European heat, opting for different seasons or cooler destinations.

“Coolcation is not just about the weather,” said Susanne Andersson, head of Visit Sweden. “It’s about travelling to places where it’s a little bit cooler both in the weather but also cooler in the sense of not that many people.”

READ ALSO: Why are temperatures of 25C considered a heatwave in Sweden?

For some people, gone are the overcrowded Mediterranean beaches and heatwaves causing forest fires and the partial closure of the Acropolis in the Greek capital in June.

Nowadays, many prefer to take a dip in a lake or a fjord, or fill their lungs with fresh air on a mountain hike in relative isolation.

– Killer summer –

When British tourist Pam disembarked from a cruise ship on the majestic Geiranger Fjord, a UNESCO World Heritage site, she expected to find cool weather.

But she found herself in sandals and a t-shirt, rather than the raincoat and woollen clothes she packed.

“It’s been wonderful,” said the resident of Lichfield city in west-central England. “It’s still not that hot that you can’t walk.”

“It just does not interest me now to sit on a sunbed, read a book, get up, go and have something to eat and come back to the sunbed. I’d rather visit places, find the history and just look at beautiful places.”

READ MORE: How will Norway be affected by climate change-driven tourism?

The frequency and intensity of extreme heat events and the duration of heatwaves have “almost certainly” increased since 1950 and will continue to do so with global warming, according to UN climate experts.

By 2050, half of Europe’s population could face high or very high risk heat stress in summer, with heat-related deaths potentially doubling or tripling with temperature rises of between 1.5 degrees Celsius (34.7 degrees Fahrenheit) to 3C.

“Spain is a no. Greece is a no,” said 74-year-old French pensioner Gerard Grollier, as he disembarked from a coach in Geiranger village in western Norway.

Why Norway? “The climate is much more pleasant,” explained his daughter, Virginie, a financial adviser. “We have not protected our planet, and now that is impacting tourism.”

– Submerged villages –

The capital of Lapland in northern Finland, Rovaniemi, recorded a 29 percent jump in overnight stays last year.

“You can feel the ‘coolcation’ here, the trend started years ago but it has increased with the hot summers in southern and central Europe,” said Sanna Karkkainen, who promotes tourism in Rovaniemi.

The coolcation influx has its issues, including a surge in Airbnb properties and unruly tourists.

“Our main concern is to have too many people at the same time,” emphasised Jan Ove Tryggestad, former mayor of a Norwegian village where a cruise ship carrying 6,000 passengers and 2,000 crew members had just docked.

“It’s a small village here. In Hellesylt, there are between 280 to 300 winter inhabitants. Obviously it’s a bit of a culture shock when suddenly a small town, by European standards, turns up,” he added. “But we adapt.”