Tighter French coast patrols in place to stop Channel migrants

A chain of buoys blocks a river in northern France, the latest costly measure the authorities have deployed in their almost impossible mission to stop Britain-bound migrants crossing the Channel.

This photograph taken on August 28, 2023, shows a barbed wire fence displayed around the harbour of Calais, northern France.
This photo from August 28, 2023, shows a barbed wire fence around the harbour of Calais, northern France. All along the coastline, authorities are combing the land and sky to try to stop people crossing the Channel to the UK. (Photo by Sameer Al-DOUMY / AFP)

Set up on August 10 near the La Canche estuary, the floating barrier is designed to halt so-called “taxi boats” used by people smugglers in recent months.

The small vessels start their perilous journeys empty, away from the beaches, before picking up migrants from Africa, the Middle East and Asia on the coast.

This photograph shows the floating buoys in La Canche river. (Photo by Sameer Al-DOUMY / AFP)

After 27 people drowned in November 2021 — the worst accident in the Channel since the narrow strait became a key irregular migration route — patrols have been stepped up.

All along some 130 kilometres (81 miles) of coastline between the city of Dunkirk and the Somme Bay, the authorities scour the area day and night.

The silence of dawn is broken by the purring engine of a plane belonging to EU border agency Frontex, equipped with infrared and thermal cameras to rescue stricken migrants alongside drones.

A barbed wire fence around a lorry parking area in Marck, northern France, to prevent migrants from hiding in the lorries heading to Britain. (Photo by Sameer Al-DOUMY / AFP)

Advancing on foot or buggies, an average of 800 security force personnel survey the beaches and dunes every day.

Surveillance cameras have been installed in 12 communes and four ports, with the scheme set to be widened in 2024, according to the local authorities.

The cat-and-mouse game between the police and migrants has moved to the coast after security was tightened in 2018 at the port of Calais and the Channel tunnel linking France with southeast England.

The area surrounding Calais now resembles a fortress: fencing and cameras encircle the port and tunnel terminal, while an “anti-intrusion” wall has been erected beside a road to prevent migrants clambering onto lorries.

A migrant sits next to rocks by the town hall of Calais on the Quai de la Gironde, installed to prevent the settlement of migrants. Photo by Sameer Al-DOUMY / AFP)
Fencing also protects parking spots in the Transmarck logistical zone. “We manage to get in” sometimes, “but it’s difficult”, said Awham, a 23-year-old Sudanese man pushed out of the area by police.
War on ‘jungles’

As well as battling crossing attempts, the authorities are waging a war on places where migrants may gather to avoid the reappearance of camps known as “jungles”.

In central Calais, fencing blocks access to spaces under bridges, and boulders have been placed on the quay to stop any settlements.

“Can’t sleep here anymore,” regretted Amine, a 22-year-old Moroccan who has spent a month looking for a way to cross the Channel.

A few metres away, a Somalian woman watches over her three young children.

A French police aircraft patrols the beach of Sangatte, northern France to prevent migrants from crossing the English Channel to Britain. (Photo by Sameer Al-DOUMY / AFP)

The 27-year-old said she is staying with a French woman and went to the esplanade to “look for news on crossings”.

Britain’s Conservative government, which has toughened its migration policies, has funded the security clampdown to the tune of around $400 million since a 2014 deal gave France responsibility for managing this border area.

London is due to add more than $550 million to the total by 2027, but people smugglers continue to adapt.

Since January, 20,074 migrants have managed to outwit the authorities and cross the Channel on small boats, a decrease of nearly 20 percent compared with the same period last year.


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King Charles III says on D-Day ‘nations must stand together to oppose tyranny’

British King Charles III at a D-Day commemoration in France on Thursday gave a speech in French in which he called for unity as he marked 80 years since the Allied landings in Normandy that changed the outcome of World War II.

King Charles III says on D-Day 'nations must stand together to oppose tyranny'

In the French town of Ver-sur-Mer, he paid homage to fallen Allied soldiers, French civilians who lost their lives and the courage of members of the French resistance.

“It is with the most profound sense of gratitude that we remember them, and all those who served at that critical time,” he said.

“We recall the lesson that comes to us, again and again, across the decades: Free nations must stand together to oppose tyranny,” he said.

“Let us pray such sacrifice need never be made again.”

He said he had been honoured to meet so many veterans over the years and hear their testimonies while they were still alive.

“Our ability to learn from their stories at first hand diminishes,” he said.

“But our obligation to remember them, what they stood for and what they achieved for us all can never diminish.”

Turning to French, he paid homage to what he called the “greatest tragedy of the landings: the unimaginable number of civilians who died in this joint battle for freedom”.

He also saluted the “incredible courage and sacrifice of the men and women of the French resistance”.