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‘Pleasantly constant’: Why Switzerland ranks as the ‘world’s best country’ — again

For the sixth time, Switzerland wins the coveted title of the world’s top country in an international ranking. Why does the nation make it to the no.1 spot —time after time?

'Pleasantly constant': Why Switzerland ranks as the 'world’s best country' — again
Still number 1. Photo by Fabrice COFFRINI / AFP

It’s official: Switzerland has been ranked ahead of 87 other countries analysed by the US News & World Report for its 2023 ranking, which was released on Wednesday morning. 

It is the sixth time that Switzerland tops the rankings, which measure a country’s global performance based on 73 categories. They include entrepreneurship; quality of life; adaptability and progress; social purpose; and other attributes listed here

What exactly makes Switzerland the best in the world?

The country “snags the top spot for business-friendliness and education, “and ranks in the top 10 for quality of life, social purpose and cultural influence,” according to study authors. “Among attributes, it was considered No.1 for being economically stable, safe and least corrupt.”

“And while people may not see it as the sexiest place, they would like to live there.”

One of Switzerland’s top qualities, the study showed, is ‘consistency.’

Unlike the political and economic volatility of many other countries, “there is something pleasantly constant about Switzerland,” the survey found.

It is true that change of any kind is slow to come here.

Part of the reason for this sluggishness is cultural: the Swiss don’t like spontaneity (unless it’s planned) or doing anything on a whim. 

They believe that rushing things and making hasty decisions will have disastrous results, which is why they prefer to take a cautious — even if painstakingly slow — path.

As a general rule, the Swiss have a penchant not only for planning, but for pre-planning as well. They like to thoroughly examine each aspect of a proposed change and look at it from all possible angles.

Another reason (besides the cultural one mentioned above) contributes to Switzerland’s notorious slowness in decision-making — the country’s political system.

Due to Switzerland’s decentralised form of government, the Federal Council must consult with cantons before a decision can be made at the national level.

That, as you can imagine, could take a while as each of the 26 cantons may drag their individual feet, and there could be no consensus among them.

READ ALSO : Why are things so slow to change in Switzerland? 

While some may see this ‘consistency’ as a negative, the US News & World Report considers it to be a definite plus.

How did Switzerland rank in major categories?

‘Open for business’

In this category, the country is in the first place (100 points out of 100).

Simply, this means  the country  is ‘business friendly’ because the government has created a good environment for businesses to thrive. 

“Switzerland has low unemployment, a skilled labour force and one of the highest gross domestic products per capita in the world,” the report relates. 

‘Educated population’

Here, too, Switzerland excels (100 points, first place).

Switzerland not only has an excellent and accessible education system, but according to Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), well over 80 percent of the country’s population have an upper secondary education or above.

This proportion is higher than the OECD average of 75 percent.

READ ALSO: How can foreigners get into a Swiss university?

‘Quality of life’

Here, Switzerland also got a high score ( 96.7), which places it in the fourth place.

This particular category, which includes essentials such as broad access to food, housing, quality education, healthcare, and employment, also comprises “intangibles such as job security, political stability, individual freedom and environmental quality.”

This is not exactly a surprise, as Switzerland often ranks highly in this category in other international surveys as well. 

In which categories does Switzerland rate poorly?


Switzerland’s score here is 26, which lands it in the 20th place.

But this is actually good news, if you consider criteria for this category:

“The world’s most powerful countries also are the ones that consistently dominate news headlines, preoccupy policymakers and shape global economic patterns. Their foreign policies and military budgets are tracked religiously.”

Needless to say, Switzerland has no interest in wielding global power.

Besides (unintentionally) invading neighbouring Liechtenstein on three occasions, Switzerland is not at all power-hungry.

This is not only because it is neutral, but also because its politics is based on peaceful coexistence.

(The number 1 spot in this category was snagged, not surprisingly, by the United States).


This too is not a major surprise, since the sub-category here is ‘dynamic’, for which Switzerland was given a low score of 29.1.

The country did a bit better in the ‘distinctive’ and ‘unique’ sub-category, with scores of 43.5 and 42.1, respectively.

Overall, Switzerland is in the 26th place.

You can see details of each category here.

What is the Swiss reaction to the report?

Overwhelmingly positive, of course.

“What people love about us is our reliability and our predictability,” said Jacques Pitteloud, the Swiss ambassador to the U.S.

“With us, you know what you get, which is rare nowadays,” Alexandre Edelmann, head of Presence Switzerland, a government agency that promotes the country abroad, pointed out.

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‘Can’t make friends’: Why Switzerland is less popular with foreign residents?

Switzerland has fallen in popularity among international workers and students, according to survey results released this week. Do you agree with the conclusion?

'Can't make friends': Why Switzerland is less popular with foreign residents?

The country slipped to 34th place out of 53 surveyed countries in the annual Expat Insider 2024 survey conducted by Internations.

This is a drop of 11 places compared to 2023.

Why the drop in ranking?

Switzerland an expensive place to live, and it’s hard to make friends – at least, that’s the verdict of many survey respondents. (Let us know your own thoughts in the comments section below)

Some 60 percent of respondents said they were dissatisfied with the cost of living in Switzerland, compared with a global figure of 39 percent. 

Some 63 percent judged housing affordability negatively, with 22 percent giving it the worst possible rating. 

This is substantially higher than the global figures – 47 and 14 percent respectively.

Furthermore, 49 percent found it hard to find a place to live when arriving in the country. 

This is another increase, on the worldwide figure of 34 percent. 

READ MORE: How hard is it to make friends in Switzerland?

Those who responded to the survey also indicated they struggled to make connections.

The country’s lowest rankings came in local friendliness (47th) and feeling welcome (46th).

Only 46 percent of respondents felt that the Swiss are friendly to foreigners (versus 61 percent globally) and 62 percent said they found making friends locally difficult (compared to 41 percent overall).  

READ ALSO: Readers tips – How to make friends in Switzerland?

Is it all bad news?

No. Those taking the survey indicated that they enjoyed a comfortable life, pointing to several responsible factors. 

Switzerland ranked 12th in terms of quality of life, with 47 percent identifying leisure options and 33 percent choosing healthcare as the determining factor. 

Additionally, 58 percent of respondents reported an income of over 100,000 US dollars a year (compared to 20 percent globally) and 57 percent said they were happy with their financial situation (54 percent worldwide). 

READ MORE: In which jobs in Switzerland do foreign workers earn more than the Swiss?

Switzerland’s transportation networks and travel infrastructure were also a big hit with international residents. 

93 percent indicated they had the opportunity to travel, compared to a worldwide figure of 83 percent, putting the country in first place for the category. 

93 percent also rated local transportation positively, over twenty percent higher than the global figure of 72 per cent. 

The report’s Expat Essentials Index also revealed that it’s generally easy to get things done online, an area of particular interest to international residents. 

The country ranked 10th in access to high-speed internet, 15th in access to online services and 16th in online availability of administrative services. Overall, it ranked 12th in terms of digital life worldwide.