House prices in Sweden retain rebound in August

The price of detached houses in Sweden stayed stable in August, keeping the gains made since the market bottomed out in March.

House prices in Sweden retain rebound in August
A street of new terraced houses in the Järva Korg area of Stockholm. Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

According to August figures from Svensk Mäklarstatistik, which collates data from the country’s estate agents, the price of detached houses was flat in the country compared to July, after rising 1 percent in Greater Stockholm, falling 1 percent in Greater Malmö and staying the same in Greater Gothenburg. 

“We are seeing a recovery in the market, with a few movements from side to side,” said Hans Flink, the head of business development at the statistics company. “When you take the country as a whole, we haven’t had negative figures so far this year. We’ve had rising prices since March.”

The picture was less rosy for cooperative apartments or bostadsrätter, where prices fell one percent in the country as a whole, despite rising one percent in Central Gothenburg. In Greater Gothenburg and Greater Stockholm prices fell one percent and they were flat in Central Stockholm, Central Malmö and Greater Malmö. 

“We have had a negative recoil for cooperative apartments for the second month in a row,” Flink said. “It’s normal that the more expensive cooperative apartments don’t sell in the summer months. You’ve got to remember that in Sweden you mainly move when you really need to, because you’re overcrowded in your house, change jobs or get divorced.” 

“In other countries a lot of people buy apartments to rent them out. You only buy a cooperative apartment because you want to live in it and those needs are there whatever the stage in the business cycle.” 

He predicted that the housing market would remain broadly flat in the coming months with the odd movement from side to side. 

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Swedish property prices fall, new figures reveal

The price of Swedish properties, which has been going up in recent months, dipped in August. Prices on apartments and detached houses also fell, according to new figures.

Swedish property prices fall, new figures reveal

The price of apartments dropped by 0.6 percent in August, while detached houses saw a drop of 0.2 percent, according to figures from the property statistics provider Svensk Mäklarstatistik.

At the same time, the number of homes on offer was high, with 11 percent more properties selling in August than during the same time last year.

“That’s also a factor affecting prices,” Fredrik Kullman, CEO of estate agency Bjurfors Sverige, wrote in a press statement. “Usually we see prices rise in August, but we’re seeing now that the market hasn’t really gotten itself out of its hammock. The reason for this is obviously the high number of properties on offer,” he continued.

According to Kullman, many properties were taken off the market in the spring due to interest rates being at such a high level, which were then put back on the market in August instead.

The central bank is also expected to cut interest rates again in a few weeks, which would mean a key interest rate of 3.25 percent, if it makes a 25 percentage point cut as expected.

Experts are divided on how prices are likely to change during the autumn. 

“We think prices are going to remain relatively still, considering the number of properties on offer and the state of the economy,” CEO of Svensk Fastighetsförmedling, Erik Wikander, wrote in a press statement.

Marcus Svenberg, CEO of Länsförsäkringar Fastighetsförmedling, expects instead to see prices rise by a few percent during the autumn.

“At the same time, there are some risk factors, like geopolitical unrest, developments in American and European interest rates, and the record-high number of properties on offer,” he said.