Paris police open up new taxi licences for 2024 Games

The city of Paris is loosening its famously tight control on taxi licences and offering more licences for vehicles that can carry wheelchair users and people with reduced mobility - part of a scheme to improve accessibility in time for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Taxis in Paris
Taxis in Paris. (Photo by Philippe LOPEZ / AFP)

Much has been made of the flying taxis that are set to take to the skies in Paris around the time of the 2024 Olympic Games – but a more important and meaningful addition to the public transport fleet in the capital is set to occur at street level.

In April, the French Parliament adopted a bill allowing the Paris Préfecture de Police to issue a total of 1,000 extra taxi licences for vehicles adapted for the use of people with reduced mobility in time for the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2024.

Now, the préfecture has put out a call on social networks for applications for 652 of the – very particular – licences that are usually available only to holders of a professional taxi driver card issued by the police prefect. 

Under this scheme, legal entities with suitable vehicles can apply for a taxi licence in the capital.

Historically, taxi licences in Paris – known as an Autorisation De Stationnement (ADS) de taxi Parisien – have been worth their weight in gold. 

READ ALSO What you need to know about taking a taxi in Paris

Only a limited number are available, and they are very tightly controlled – to the extent that retiring taxi drivers have in the past been able to boost their pension pot significantly by selling-on their licences to the highest bidder.

Since October 2014, however, this practice has been outlawed. Today, an ADS is non-transferable, and has to be renewed every five years.

To register on the waiting list for a standard licence, use this form.

The strict controls on taxi licences historically meant that Paris taxis were hard to find, and the drivers notoriously unhelpful. This model was broken by the arrival of Uber in 2016 broke this monopoly and were followed by French TVC companies such as Heetch. 

For the new licences, the driver must undertake on their honour to follow training according to standards set out by the Ministry of Transport. In addition, the ADS holder will keep a register making it possible to quantify journeys carrying wheelchair users – known as personnes à mobilité réduite (PMR).

This register will be made available to the services and subject to a reporting obligation. But the ADS will be valid for five years and renewable at the request of the beneficiary.

The scheme is a further attempt to improve accessibility for wheelchair users and people with specific needs in a city that does not have a great record on the topic.

In April 2023 the Council of Europe ruled that France had violated the rights of people with disabilities, namely with regard to housing, transport and healthcare. The country was strongly criticised for failing to ensure equal access to key services, including public transport. 

READ ALSO ANALYSIS: How accessible is Paris for people with disabilities?

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Eurostar says may scrap links to Amsterdam from 2025

Eurostar's chief has threatened to scrap the rail route to the Netherlands from 2025 because of doubts over when Amsterdam's international terminal will reopen.

Eurostar says may scrap links to Amsterdam from 2025

“Could the Netherlands be temporarily cut off from one of the most essential rail links in Europe?” Gwendoline Cazenave asked in an editorial for Dutch business daily Het Financieele Dagblad on Wednesday.

The Dutch network was suffering “reliability problems, capacity restrictions and delays that are particularly inconvenient for passengers”, she argued.

The company could cut both its Amsterdam-Rotterdam-London and Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Paris routes in 2025, Cazanave’s editorial said.

“In the absence of clarity from the Dutch rail network (…), Eurostar will be forced to suspend connections between Amsterdam-Rotterdam and London and Paris during 2025”, warns Gwendoline Cazenave.

With Amsterdam’s main station undergoing extensive work since June the direct London route has temporarily closed.

Cazenave said that on various sections of track Eurostar trains had been forced to halve their speed to 80 kph since November.

Since the direct route to London was halted for a scheduled six months through to year’s end, passengers have had to disembark in Brussels for passport control before completing their journey.

The Amsterdam upgrade was meant to take six months, but Eurostar has deplored what it says is the lack of guarantees on a resumption date.

“Eurostar is fully prepared to reopen direct connections at the beginning of 2025, as planned,” said Cazenave.

But other work has also been announced from early 2025 in the station, which would limit the availability of platforms, she added. The London connection requires the station to also provide border control services, as since Brexit the lines crosses an EU external border. 

In 2023, Eurostar said it had carried a total 4.2 million passengers between the Netherlands and France, Britain and Belgium.

French national railway operator SNCF Voyageurs holds a majority stake in Eurostar.