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Buongiorno, buonasera, buonanotte: How to greet people like a local in Italian

Many Italian greetings are popular even outside of Italy. But do you know the unwritten social rules on when and how to use them?

Rooftop aperitivo
Figuring out when and how to use an Italian greeting can be quite challenging for learners. Photo by Filippo MONTEFORTE / AFP

Each language has its own unique set of greetings and Italian is no exception.

From the popular buongiorno and buonasera to salve and a presto, Italian has plenty of salutation forms, which span virtually all types of social context and occasion, both formal and informal. 

Rather confusingly though, their use is for the most part regulated by unwritten rules and custom, which can make it hard for foreign speakers to master even some of the most basic forms, sometimes leading to embarrassing faux pas and slightly perplexed looks from locals.


Unlike English speakers, Italians don’t greet one another with ‘good morning’ but with ‘good day’. 

The Italian buongiorno is suitable for nearly any social occasion where you meet someone, whether that be your new boss at work or your Italian aunties.

The time window in which the greeting is generally used goes from early morning to noon, though some speakers choose to extend it well into the afternoon (see later).

People chatting in countryside

Rules regulating the use of Italian greetings are largely unwritten and may vary from region to region. Photo by MARCO BERTORELLO / AFP

If you’re looking to add a native-like twist to the greeting, you can omit buon and just say giorno.

READ ALSO: Eight Italian exclamations that will make you sound like a local

Remember: buongiorno shouldn’t be confused with buona giornata, which is the equivalent of the English ‘have a good day’ and is used when ending a conversation.

Buon pomeriggio

While ‘good afternoon’ is a popular greeting in the English-speaking world, the Italian buon pomeriggio, which would generally apply from noon to 5pm, is often avoided by native speakers. 

In fact, for reasons that remain unclear (some point to it being too lengthy or too formal), most prefer buongiorno to buon pomeriggio when greeting someone in the afternoon. 

All in all, you can freely choose and use whichever form you’re most comfortable with.


There is no precise rule for when you can switch from buongiorno (or buon pomeriggio) to buonasera (‘good evening’), with local habits often varying greatly from region to region.

Many native speakers in the north start using buonasera when daylight starts to wane. This means that the buonasera time window shifts forward and backwards depending on the time of the season.

But people in some parts of the south may use buonasera as early as 3pm or 4pm, something that would certainly raise a few eyebrows elsewhere in the peninsula.

Aperitivo in Rome

‘Buonasera’ is arguably one of the most confusing Italian greetings as people around the country often use it at different times. Photo by Filippo MONTEFORTE / AFP

In most cases then, the best way to get the buonasera greeting right is to pay attention to local customs and stick with those. 

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Much like buongiorno, you can use it with people you know and people you don’t know. And again, in some parts of the country, many drop buona and just say sera.

Buonasera is not the same as buona serata, as the latter translates to ‘have a good evening’.


Unlike all of the above forms, buonanotte (‘good night’) shouldn’t be used when meeting someone, but rather when you’re about to end a conversation or leave a place.

As a rule of thumb, you can safely use it after dinnertime and when you’re sure you won’t be seeing or hearing from someone until the following morning.

For instance, you could use it when leaving a friend’s place after you had an evening spaghettata with them or to wrap up a message conversation before you go to bed.

Other common greetings


Ciao is the most informal of Italian greetings and can be used to start a conversation or end it at any time of the day. 

It’s generally advisable to avoid using ciao with people you don’t know, especially if they’re older than you, hold public roles or are your superior at work. But you can use it with the local panettiere (baker) or other shop owners. 


Salve is arguably the most formal Italian greeting and comes straight from Latin, where it means ‘be in good health’. Like ciao, it can be used both to greet someone and as a way to sign off.

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Many Italians tend to avoid it as they consider it too ceremonious.

Arrivederci / a risentirci

Arrivederci is the closest equivalent of the English ‘goodbye’, though its literal translation is ‘until we meet again’. 

It’s more formal than ciao but less pompous than salve.

When ending a conversation over the phone, it can be replaced by a risentirci (‘until we speak again’).

Member comments

  1. Interesting that you list “salve” as the most formal greeting and say many Italians tend to avoid it. My wife is from Genova and she uses “salve” most of the time if it’s not with friends or family where you would say ciao. From the way she uses it, I always assumed it was somewhere in the middle between ciao and buongiorno in terms of formality. Maybe another regional variation?

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10 ‘new’ Italian words to expect in 2025

Popular Italian dictionary Zingarelli has unveiled 10 neologisms that will be included in its 2025 edition, with six borrowed directly from English.

10 'new' Italian words to expect in 2025

As languages evolve, experts regularly evaluate the newest additions, with those judged to be durable words or phrases being included in dictionaries’ latest editions.

Italian is no exception.

The compilers of Italy’s 107-year-old Zingarelli dictionary have recently revealed 10 ‘new’ Italian words that will be included in the 2025 edition.

Here’s a look at the new additions.


Among the new words, overtourism is a noun that has been used frequently by Italian media in recent years to refer to overcrowding issues in popular tourist destinations around the country, including Rome, Florence and Venice

Zingarelli defines it as “overcrowding caused by an excessive influx of tourists in a location”.

Italian has a name for this – sovraffollamento – but media outlets have been known to prefer the English version.

Bubble tea

A beverage of Taiwanese origin, bubble tea contains milk, tea, and tapioca pearls: translucent edible spheres produced from tapioca, a starch made from the cassava root, which are chewed while sipping. 

Zingarelli describes it as a “trendy drink to enjoy in your free time,” but warns drinkers “not to overindulge” in it as it’s a highly processed type of beverage.


Shrinkflation refers to a common commercial tactic consisting of reducing the amount or volume of a certain product in a package, while keeping the same package and price as before. 

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Reports of shrinkflation are far from rare in reports from Italian consumer associations.


Catfishing refers to the practice of pretending to be someone else online or on social media accounts in order to trick another person, usually to commit fraud or mislead a victim into an online romantic relationship.

In English, a person engaging in the practice would be referred to as a catfish. However, the term does not translate in Italian – pesce gatto is only used to refer to the relevant fish species. 

A catfish would more than likely be called a truffatore (scammer) in Italy.

Escape room

An escape room is a game in which a team of players are required to discover clues, solve puzzles, and accomplish tasks in order to escape a room they’ve been shut in.

The popularity of the game has increased significantly around Italy in recent years.

There are many escape room facilities in major Italian cities. Some of the more popular ones include The Impossible Society Escape Room in Milan and Game Over in Florence.


Similarly to the English term, hype refers to an aggressive marketing strategy generally carried out through advertising aimed at raising interest around a certain product or piece of entertainment such as a TV show or film.

READ ALSO: 11 Italian words that are originally Arabic

An Italian synonym is clamore but many media outlets and speakers prefer the English term over it nowadays. 


Maranza (hear its Italian pronunciation here) was used frequently in Italy back in the 1980s to describe young men coming from run-down suburban areas and engaging in vulgar and/or rude behaviour. 

According to Zingarelli, the term has seen something of a resurgence in recent years and is mainly used by speakers to indicate young street gang members or, in a wider sense, youths characterised by coarse and brash manners.


The word gieffino refers to a competitor on TV show Il Grande Fratello (the Italian version of Big Brother), who goes on to become a media personality. 

Gieffini is the plural form. 

Like maranza, this word is not completely new. It was included in the Treccani dictionary in 2012. 

Andrea Cocco, winner of the Italian show’s 11th edition, could be described as a gieffino


The noun fattanza is the equivalent of the English noun ‘high’ – specifically a high given by drugs.


Like the English word ‘neurodivergence’, neurodivergenza describes a divergence in mental or neurological function from what is considered typical or normal.

The word was included in the 2025 dictionary edition to highlight “a greater attention to inclusive terminology” according to the Zanichelli publishing company, which publishes the Zingarelli dictionary.